Oh, the possibilities ...

Oct 17, 2011 12:46

-Sighs contentedly-

I have officially posted the last of Fade to Darkness: Darkness Calling on Fanfiction.net. After three years of working on it *very slowly*, it's a wonderful feeling. I don't even care that it's not actually finished; it's just being rewritten. It's DONE. It's going to stay done, and I can now work on the *completely* different new version of it.

I'm sort of torn now. NaNo's going to be starting shortly, which means I should probably try to prep for that. Or I could work on editing A Darker Shade of Red, so I can finally complete *that*, and separate it into two stories as I've been planning to do. *Or* I could spend some time staring at Cataclysm or the last couple chapters of Bright Skies that refuse to be written. Bastards.

I'm also wondering if I should consider this fulfilling my self-made promise not to watch RPM until I'd finished one of my epic stories. If I do, I could finally watch it now. Which ... will lead to more plotbunnies.Which will mean Not Writing any other epics. -_-;;

Or I could get off my lazy as and go play World of Warcraft for awhile like I'm *supposed* to be doing ...

writing, fanfiction, ftd

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