A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 23: Proud)

Jul 05, 2009 22:38

Writing awkward, difficult chapter makes me sleepy. -Yawns-

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: Not sure how I feel about this chapter, but I never quite knew where I was going with it, either. It's a very hard reaction to interpret, and I'm hoping it comes across well. -Fidgets-

Alex stared at Wes, completely startled. "What?" He paused, shaking his head. "No. No, it's not ... I'm not - " He cut himself off with a sigh, because he was rambling. "I'm not your son," he said firmly moving to stand.

Wes frowned uncertainly as he followed. "But ... the files ... what I - I mean, you, told Ben - "

He shook his head again. "Do you know how children are born in our time?"

"Um ... Ransik told me once. Something to do with test tubes and genetic creation .... "

He nodded, slightly disturbed at Ransik being the one to explain it. "That's how Ben and I were born. It just happens that Time Force used genetic material taken from you and Eric to create us."

Wes looked at him for a moment, raising his eyebrows. "And ... how is that different from you being my son?" he asked after a long pause. An odd look flickered over his face. "You're ... *Eric's* and my son. You're our ... " He paled slightly and swallowed, muttering "Well, that explains a lot ... "

Alex sighed. "It takes a lot more than providing genetic material to become a parent," he pointed out irritably. He was starting to get *really* sick of being compared to Eric. He still didn't know what it was that everyone thought they were seeing to compare them at all.

"And you've never had one," Wes countered.

Alex scowled, because Wes wasn't exactly wrong on that. "Wes, it's genetic material. You have no obligation to - "

"Hey!" Wes interjected sharply, and now he was the one glaring. "You don't get to tell me where my obligations are, Alexander!"

Something about the tone made him instinctively flinch. "Stop that," he snapped back. "You're not - " he stopped himself again, shaking his head. "Stop it."

Wes continued to glare at him, folding his arms now. "Alex, you don't get to tell me how I feel about you or define what our relationship is."

"*What* relationship?" Alex demanded. "We hardly know each other!"

Wes shook his head. "I may be a little ... confused, about what just happened - and don't even try to tell me *you're* not - but I know ... " He hesitated suddenly, swallowing. "I know that I know more about you now than *anyone*. And I think you can say the same."

He frowned uncertainly. "Maybe," he admitted reluctantly, even as he silently acknowledged that Wes was right.

Wes looked at him for a long moment, and eventually something in his face softened slightly. Alex swallowed before Wes even moved forward, knowing somehow what that look meant.

Wes' hand moved slowly, staying in his line of sight, before coming to rest on his cheek. Alex shifted uncomfortably at how close he was, but tried to keep himself from moving away. He knew that Wes would let him, but it felt like surrendering somehow.

"I know you, Alex," Wes said again, his voice soft. "I know how you grew up, I know what you've been through, and I know how hard you've fought to get where you are now. It's all ... " He gestured towards his head with his free hand. "Jumbled up in my head, but I *know*." A smile slowly spread across his face, warm and open and ... Alex wasn't sure if he was reading it right, and he hoped he was almost as much as he hoped he wasn't.

"I love you, Alex," Wes said quietly. "And I am very, *very* proud, to call you my son."

It took several moments of blinking before Alex was sure he wouldn't cry. "That's cheating," he muttered, but he wasn't sure why.

Wes smiled a little. "It's cheating to tell you something you always wanted to hear? Especially when we *both* know I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it?"

Alex shook his head and looked away, swallowing hard. He opened his mouth to remind Wes that he wasn't his son again, not in the way Wes wanted him to be for some strange reason, but instead he heard himself say "Even with Ben?"

Wes' eyes widened, and the color drained from his face again. "Ben ... Ben was .... No. No, he ... he *can't* be - " He swayed dangerously on his feet.

"Sit down," Alex ordered, grabbing his arm before Wes fell and helping him to sit on the porch steps. "Deep breaths."

Wes put his head between his knees. "I have two boys ... and one of them's ... " he trailed off, making a strange wheezing noise.

It hurt to hear, but Alex forced himself to push his feelings aside. "Wes, *breathe*," he ordered.

"What's going on?" Eric demanded sharply from the doorway. "What happened?"

"Wes is hyperventilating," Alex informed him shortly, keeping his eyes on Wes as he monitored his breathing.

"I'll ... I'll be fine," Wes wheezed, his voice muffled. "I just ... oh, man .... " He coughed harshly.

"You puke on my porch and you're cleaning up the mess," Eric warned, even as he rested a hand lightly on Wes' back.

There was a soft, breathless chuckle. "I'll be all right," Wes muttered. "I'm just ... Something just hit me really hard all of a sudden."

Eric glanced up, eyeing Alex suspiciously.

Alex rolled his eyes. "It wasn't *me*," he snapped at him.

Wes laughed again, finally managing to lift his head. "Alex didn't do anything wrong, Eric," he assured him, although he still looked pale. "It's not his fault."

Eric looked at him for a moment. "You're calling in," he informed him abruptly. "Call me when they leave. I'll handle things for today. But you owe me one."

Wes grinned faintly, rolling his eyes. "Yes, Eric."

Eric frowned slightly, feeling Wes' forehead so quickly Alex wasn't sure if he'd even really seen him do it. "Take it easy," he warned. "I don't want to have to tell your dad I'm taking you to the hospital again."

"That was *one* time!"

"I mean it, Wes."

Wes huffed, rolling his eyes again. "Fine, Eric. I promise I'll take it easy, and I'll let you know when the guys leave. Okay?"

Eric snorted. "I'll believe it when I see it," he dismissed, already pulling his keys from his pocket.

Wes frowned slightly. "Hey, Eric - "

"Be careful today," Alex interrupted, narrowing his eyes warningly at Wes.

Eric gave him an odd look. "Yeah, sure. You two stay out of trouble."

Now Alex was rolling his eyes as Eric headed to his SUV. Why did everyone always assume he was going to get in trouble? He wasn't *that* bad!

"Why didn't you let me tell him?" Wes demanded as the car pulled away. "He has a right to know too, Alex."

Alex shook his head. "Wes, you have to promise me you won't tell *anyone* about this."

"What?" Wes stared at him. "You've got to be kidding me! Why wouldn't I want anyone to know that you're - "

"Wes," Alex cut in, raising a hand and shaking his head again. "I don't know when the genetic material to create Ben and I was taken. All I know is that it couldn't have come from my time period. Which means that Time Force most likely stole it from you. Can you honestly tell me that Eric wouldn't try to prevent that from happening?"

Wes hesitated. "Well - "

"We *have* to be born, Wes," he insisted, staring at him intently. "If Ben and I aren't created, there won't be a Red Chrono Morpher or a Quantum Morpher. Without my morpher, there wouldn't be four more modeled after it. Which means that you'd never meet the other Rangers."

Wes frowned. "You don't know that for sure."

"Yes. I do." He shook his head again. "I appreciate what you're thinking Wes, but you *have* to allow this to happen. And the more people that know the truth about me, the less likely it is going to happen. You have to promise me that you won't tell *anyone*. Not even Eric."

But Wes was still hesitating. "Alex ... "

"Please, Wes."

There was a long silence.

"All right," Wes whispered finally, looking miserable. "I don't like it. But I promise I won't tell."

"You don't have to like it," Alex returned quietly, looking away. "Just honor it."

"I said I will, all right?" Wes ran a hand over his hair in aggitation. "I just ... " He sighed, finally looking up. "I know I can't expect you to think of me as a father figure, Alex. I'm not asking you to call me 'Dad' or anything. It's just ... I can't ... ignore this. I can't pretend I don't care about who you are. Because I do."

Alex closed his eyes. "Why?" he asked finally. "You'll probably never see me again, you realize. The only reason I'm here now is ... " he trailed off, swallowing hard.

A hand settled on his arm, and he jumped. He hadn't even heard Wes move.

"I meant what I said, Alex," Wes said softly. "What happened to Ben is *not* your fault. And if anyone had a right to blame you, it'd be me ... right?"

He didn't answer.

"It's not your fault, Alex," Wes said again, and now he was actually being hugged. "Even knowing what happened, I'm still proud of you. And I still love you."

"You shouldn't," he muttered, silently cursing as he felt a tear slide down his cheek.

Wes' chin settled on his shoulder. "I already told you you don't get to tell me how I feel about you," he reminded him. "And I already know how much you blame yourself for your brother - I was there, remember?"

Alex sighed. "Have you always been this touchy?" he muttered.

Wes shrugged slightly. "Only with people I care about."

He rolled his eyes. "You can stop rubbing it in anytime."

"Nah. I don't think I will," Wes teased, and he could hear the grin in his voice. " ... Hey, Alex?" he asked after a pause.

"Yes?" he asked suspiciously.

"Would you do me one favor? I promise it's nothing big, and it won't compromise your secret. If anything, it'll help me keep it."

He turned, eyeing Wes warily. "What is it?"

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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