A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 22: A Life Unknown)

Jul 05, 2009 17:26

This is quite possibly my favorite chapter so far. It was a pain, but I love it. -Hugs LittleWes and LittleAlex- My poor boys ...

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: This was one of the hardest chapters to write yet. It’s *meant* to be confusing, so don’t worry if you don’t get everything. Also, angst warning, because my Wes and Alex don’t have happy childhoods.

-- He stared down at his brother, sleeping peacefully on his medical table. The pain medication he'd stolen from the cabinet earlier seemed to be helping. At least, that's what he hoped it was. Either way, Ben hadn't stirred for hours, even though his left leg had been tweaked at an awkward angle as he moved in his sleep.

He carefully adjusted the leg before he could injure it further. Not that it really made much of a difference anymore. Ben hadn't been able to feel his legs in a month, according to the medical logs.

The logs said they were twelve years of age. Did all twelve year olds go through this? Was it normal for 'puberty' as the scientists called it, to hurt so much?

Why was he questioning what had always been?


He immediately snapped his mind back to the present, focusing his gaze on his brother. "What is it?"

Ben's solemn eyes met his. "I'm going to die, Alex."

His heart clenched, and he cried out his protest irrationally. "No, you're not! It...everything's gonna be okay. I'll take care of you." I won't let it end like this! he shouted silently.

He could see that it took effort for Ben to squeeze his hand. "Listen, Alex. You've gotta let me go. The others are gonna need you. Just...be happy, okay? Don't keep pushing them away."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trust them. You'll need each other. And let me go when it happens. I'll..." He yawned, his eyes drifting closed again. "Have faith, okay? It'll ...be...."

"Ben?!" Panic at the sudden silence had him frantically searching for a pulse. He found it at the same moment he realized Ben had merely drifted off back to sleep, and felt foolish.

"I won't give you up that easily." he hissed at his brother's unconscious form. "I won't let you leave me alone." --

-- He headed to the medical lab and dug out one of the first aid kits, listening absently to Circuit's call with half an ear. He shook his head as he heard the group he was talking to cheer loudly. He supposed he couldn't blame them for being happy to get help, but ... didn't they realize what this was costing him? Didn't they know how much danger *he'd* be in with the other Rangers gone?

He sighed as he disinfected his split skin. No, of course they wouldn't. Wes and Eric didn't know anything about Time Force in his time, let alone where their morphs came from. And whining about not wanting to be left alone was just selfish. The others *needed* to go, so they could bring in the criminals - Mutorgs, whatever - before anyone else got hurt. --

-- "Hey, Collins!"

He tensed, trying not to look. They were just trying to make him react. He *knew* that. He'd just get in more trouble if he said anything.

"Is it true your mom's a retard?"

He froze.

"I heard she lives in the place where they put crazy people."


"So his mom's crazy *and* stupid? Wow, no wonder he's so dumb. Hey, *Collins*! What's it like to be a retard, just like your mommy?"

He charged, tackling the other boy to the ground. "Shut up shut up shut up!" he screamed at him, punching, kicking, anything to hurt him. "You don't know anything! *You're* the retard!" --

-- Ben's eyes widened fearfully. "He's trying to release the prisoners!" he blurted out. "He's turned against Time Force!"

He stared at him, betrayed.

But Ben was already turning his attention to his morpher. "Quantum Power!" he shouted.

A cold feeling settled in his stomach, and he reached for his Chrono Morpher. "Time for, Time Force!"

The prison guards stayed back as the Red and Quantum Rangers circled one another warily. The Quantum Ranger chuckled darkly as he drew his Quantum Defender. "Just like old times, huh A?" he asked softly, sounding almost bitter.

"Not quite," Time Force Red returned coolly. He flicked the settings adjustment on his Chrono Blaster to the highest level, and fired. --

-- "I am *not* a Ranger," he said darkly.

Logan glared, but he wasn't back down. "The deal was that you wear it in case of emergencies. Not that you use it as an excuse to cause trouble."

"Is that what you think I was doing?" he demanded incredulously. He gestured to his nose. "Yeah, I *live* for stuff like this. I told you I don't want the stupid thing, and you *made* me take it."

"And we've been over this," Logan ground out. "You are the only one capable of using that morpher, therefore it now belongs to you. That doesn't give you the excuse to act like such a child about it!"

"Acting like a child?" He laughed, a low, bitter sound. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Trip's flinch. "I'm acting like a child." He shook his head, amused. "You know what? Fine. Punish me. Fire me. Whatever. I don't care anymore." He turned for the door.

"I'm not finished with you, Collins!"

"Well, I'm finished with you," he snapped back. He paused in the doorway to look back at them, shaking his head. "I'm finished with all of you. You want the Red Chrono Morpher? You can have it." He ripped it from his wrist without a second thought, throwing it at Kendall's head. "Go give it to the real Wesley Collins. His replacement quits." --

-- "*Again*?! Wesley, this is the third school in six months! When are you going to grow up and learn to handle your problems like an adult?!" --

-- The grown ups were talking again. "Subject A's growth rate seems to be much slower than Subject B."

"Perhaps Subject A is defective?"

"He'd better not be. The last thing we need is another setback because Subject A had to be scrapped in favor of Subject B."

"Should we try another supplemental vitamin boost?"

Someone sighed. "Why not? Anything to make that stupid child improve."

He bit his lip, creeping back around the doorway to stare down at the cut on his hand. He sniffled, blinking hard.

Another small hand closed around his wrist, and he looked up to see his brother watching him with worried eyes. "S'okay, Alex," Ben promised. "I don' mind if you take longer t' learn stuff. I think you're *real* smart. You teach me stuff all the times!"

He sniffled again and tried to smile. "Thanks, Benji." --

-- "What do you want?" he ground out.

"It's simple, Alexander." Blakemore leaned forward, steepling his fingers together as his smile vanished. "It's always been simple. You will stop fraternizing with the other Time Force Rangers. They are your subordinates, nothing more. If you do not, we'll have to get ... persuasive."

"And what makes you think I see them as more than subordinates now?" he retorted, leaning against a wall indifferently.

"You'd better." Blakemore stood, his eyes narrowing. "Time Force will have it's Rangers, Alexander. And Rangers don't. Need. 'Friends'."

"Rangers, or me?" he returned coldly.

For some reason, that made Blakemore smile. "Now you've got the picture." He came closer, and it was hard for Alex to keep himself from moving away. "I don't want you distracted from what you are," Blakemore said softly. "You are Time Force's Red Ranger. That is all you are, and all you will ever need to be."

He snorted, ignoring the cold ache in his chest. "You mean I'm your replacement for Wesley Collins. You can't have him, so you made me instead."

Blakemore laughed, reaching out to pat his head. "That's my boy," he said condescendingly. "Now you've got the picture." --

-- "You're *what*?"

He'd never heard his father sound so cold.

He swallowed hard, trying to stay firm in his decision. "I'm dropping out of college," he repeated. "I'm sorry Dad, but I'm just not cut out for medical school."

"Your grades say otherwise," his dad argued. "Sure, you have behavioral problems, but you'll grow out of that. Who instigated this? I'll give them a piece of my mind - "

"Dad!" he cut in sharply. He sighed, fighting to keep from running a hand over his hair in frustration. "Dad, this was *my* decision. Nobody talked me into it. I'm just not any *good* at this." His expression softened. "I'm sorry Dad, but I'm just not cut out to be a doctor. It's not me."

"We'll see about that." --

-- "But Daddy - "

"I said *no* Wesley! I'm too busy to play right now, can't you understand that?" Daddy snapped at him.

He bit his lip, trying not to cry. Daddy only called him Wesley when he was in *big* trouble. He was in trouble lots lately. "Sorry," he whispered, taking his baseball and glove and shuffling off to put them away. --

-- He didn't bother looking out over the audience the way the other cadets were. Trip had wanted to come, but he was still in class and couldn't get released - not even to watch the graduation. There was no one else who would have cared that he'd completed his Time Force training. That he was graduating at the top of his class, and already had three recommendations on his record: two for Squad Leader, and one for the Ranger program.

But no one cared about that. No one ever would. --

-- "I'm sorry, Alex," the other man told him sincerely, looking genuinely regretful. "I never knew ... If there was anyway I could make it better for you, I would. I know you don't have any reason to believe that - and I don't blame you, really I don't - but I would. No one has any right to make you feel like my replacement."

His eyes widened as Wes said the word he'd been avoiding. "I ... "

Wes offered a hesitant smile. "For what it's worth ... I always felt like I was trying to replace *you*." --

-- Logan looked worried for some reason, but he didn't ask why because he was supposed to be hurrying. That was his orders.

"Alex, find Jen," Logan commanded him. "She should be with the other Rangers in 2002. Go straight to her."

Find Jen? He could do that. Assuming the others had actually found her, of course.

"Yessir," he said again. He headed for the launch pad to find the time ship he was supposed to take. Should he have saluted before he left? Maybe. He couldn't remember. --

-- She managed a smile. "I'm fine, Papa. Really. I just missed you."

"Is that my little girl I'm hearing?"

Jen's smile widened as she turned. "Dad! Oomph!"

She laughed as she was squeezed so tight he lifted her off her feet, wrapping her arms tight around Peter's neck. "I missed you too Dad, but I need to breathe!" --

-- Warmth. Comfort. Love. A heartbeat under his ear, a deep voice speaking softly. He yawned, and went to sleep. --

-- She wasn't very big. Weren't Mommies supposed to be tall? Why was his so short?

Was she defective? Did they have to send her back like they did with his remote control car? His eyes widened. But - but they couldn't! He only just got to meet her! He didn't mind if his mommy was defective, honest!

"Wes." Daddy's voice was soft, but firm. "Say hello."

He hesitated, biting his lip uncertainly and scuffing his foot a little. "Hi," he whispered, waving shyly.

Mommy smiled at him, and it made her whole face light up. "Baby!" she greeted brightly, waving back enthusiastically. She hugged her elbows and rocked her arms.

He frowned. "M' not a baby," he protested. "M' *five*."

"That's her name for you, Wes," Daddy explained quietly. "You're her baby."

"Oh." He frowned more. "I *guess* that's okay ... "

"Do you remember the sign I taught you for mother?" Daddy prodded.

He thought for a moment. "Oh! Yeah!" he said brightly. He held his hand up, spreading all his fingers wide, and moved to put his thumb against on his forehead. Then he stopped, frowning. That wasn't it. It was ... He struggled for a moment to remember, and finally put his thumb against his chin, wiggling his fingers energetically. "Hi, Mommy!"

His mommy smiled bigger, holding her arms out to him.

Hugs! He loved hugs. Phillips gave them lots, but Daddy didn't always remember now that he was busy so much. He climbed into her lap, quickly throwing his arms around her neck and squeezing tightly.

She squeezed back, and hummed softly in his ear.

He blinked, confused by this. Daddy didn't hum or sing. Phillips only did when he asked him to. But she did, and he hadn't even had to ask.

He snuggled closer, listening. Maybe his mommy wasn't so defective after all. --

-- "Good catch, Master Wesley!" Phillips called. --

-- "So ... does this mean we can go back to the cookies?" Trip asked hopefully. --

-- "He was my little brother," he whispered, vision starting to blur. "And now he's gone, and I don't know what to do anymore." --

-- "So if Time Force has been hiding information about its own Rangers ... what else could it have been hiding?" he wondered aloud.

"I don't look forward to finding out," Logan sighed. --

-- He stared at the file in his hands. It had taken a lot of work to break the lock on the cabinet, but Ben had been *sure* there was something important in there. He had lots of conspiracy theory about the scientists keeping some sort of big secret from them, something *huge*. It ranged from being kidnapping victims taken from rich parents, to clones, to abused orphans taken from the child care system, to aliens, to more things than he cared to remember.

But apparently, Ben's theories weren't so crazy after all.

"Well?" Ben demanded impatiently, feet kicking back and forth under the desk he was sitting on. "What does it say?"

"We're twins," he murmured, still struggling to grasp what he was seeing. "Biologically speaking."

"We already knew that," Ben dismissed, but he still brightened at the confirmation that they really were brothers. "Isn't there anything else?"

He looked up slowly, his hands clenching around the datapad. "Yeah," he managed finally. "We have parents."

Ben's eyes went wide. "*Seriously*?" he squeaked. "Like, *real* parents? Not just test tubes like they said?" He jumped off the table, rushing to grab his brother's arm and peering over his shoulder so he could see. "Well? Who are they?"

He swallowed. "Genetically speaking, Wesley Collins and Eric Myers." --

The red light finally faded from the two Red Chrono Morphers, leaving both Alex and Wes blinking rapidly. They each jerked their hand away on reflex, taking a few steps back as they tried to understand what had just happened.

Alexander Collins, Alex reminded himself, trying to focus. My name is Alexander Alan Collins - no, I don‘t have a middle name, that‘s Wes. I was born April 20th, 1980 - no, that's not right, he rebuked himself again, feeling frustrated. I was born in *2980*. My brother's name is Benjamin Myers. I am -

"A - Alex ... " Wes murmured, shaking his head slowly. He looked up, blinking for a moment. Abruptly his eyes began to widen. "You're ... you're my *son*?"

time force, alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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