Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #88: Resistance is Futile, T)

Oct 26, 2008 21:45

-Throws confetti and balloons in the air- Chapter ninety of Bright Skies, everyone! This means I am *TEN* chapters from finishing the
pr_au100  challenge, as well as my longest published story yet!

-Pouts- Although I don't think it's going to be done before NaNo like I was hoping for, unfortunately.

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Cestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #88: Resistance is Futile
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: I'm not completely satisfied with this one, but it does have its moments I like. Behold: Eric's side of the episode Badge.

"I don't know but I've been told!"

"I don't know but I've been told!"

"F Squad's barracks are mighty cold!"

"F Squad's barracks are mighty cold!"

"We work all day and don't talk back!"

"We work all day and don't talk back!"

"'Cause Sergeant Myers don't take no flack!"

"'Cause Sergeant Myers don't take no flack!"

He rolled his eyes as his squad cheerfully echoed their leader, ignoring the stares they were getting from the civilians they passed.

"And des-pite everything you may have heard!"

"And des-pite everything you may have heard!"

"Calling him hard-ass is not the word!"

"Calling him - "

"All right, all right, that's enough," he cut in. "Thank you, Cadet Maxwell, for those inspiring words."

His squad leader grinned cheekily at him. "Any time, Sir!"

He smirked unpleasantly. "And why don't you think up some more while you're on kitchen clean-up detail all next week?"

Maxwell groaned and sighed, muttering "I'm sure that won't be a problem, Sir."

"How sweet," a voice sneered. "S.P.D. cadets bonding with their instructor."

He moved to stand in front of his squad, eyeing the alien across from them. Something about the way he'd practically spat the words 'S.P.D. cadets' told him this wasn't your average friendly visitor to Earth. "Can I help you with something?" he asked warily.

"You could start by handing me your S.P.D. badges," came the almost casual response. "After that, I have no use for you."

"Maxwell, get the squad back to S.P.D.," he said under his breath. "Have someone beep my morpher when you're inside, not a moment before. I'll cover you."

"Sir - "

"That's an *order*, Cadet," he hissed. "Now!"

They bolted, and he moved to block the alien from following them. "If you've got a problem with S.P.D., why don't you try taking it up with me," he suggested darkly. "I'll pass the word along."

"Sounds fine by me," the alien drawled. He lifted his sword.

In the split second his eyes settled on the sword, he forced himself to roll to one side the next, bringing his morpher around. "Quantum Power!" he bellowed.

The familiar flash of red in his vision didn't reassure him any, nor did the noise of interest the creature made. He'd only caught a glimpse of the sword, but it was enough to notice something awfully familiar. And if that was what he thought it was, he was so screwed.

"Another Power Ranger?" the alien mused. "But you don't wear an S.P.D. badge."

He snorted, moving into a defensive stance. "Not every Ranger who works for S.P.D. is actually S.P.D., you moron. Check the uniform: I'm Time Force."

Now there was something he'd never thought he'd admit to. Hopefully Wes never caught wind, or he'd never hear the end of it.

"Time Force?" the alien tilted his head. "What would I want with Time Force? If you're not S.P.D., then I have no use for you. Ocean Saber!"

As soon the sword began to power up, he was moving, because it *was* what he thought it was, and there was no way he was going to wait around to get hit. "Quantum Defender!" he shouted, shooting straight for the alien’s chest.

Almost at exact same moment, his morpher beeped.

"TF Eagle!" he called, just as he saw the wall of water headed his way.

But he was already in the flyer, soaring toward S.P.D., glancing back only to see that the ground where he'd been standing a minute ago was nothing but shredded pavement.

  "This is bad," Cruger was confirming as he entered the Command Center immediately after confirming all of F Squad was safe. "We're three Rangers down. I don't want to see anyone else get hurt."

"We're what?" he demanded sharply. "What happened?"

Kimberly looked up at him, open relief shining on her face. "Eric. Thank goodness ... " she breathed.

"What happened to Sky?" he insisted.

She hesitated, and it was Justin who came forward to meet his gaze seriously. "Sky, Bridge, and Syd are in the medical wing," he said quietly. "Sky was attacked on patrol, and Bridge and Syd were hit just as they were coming back to S.P.D. Aisha said their condition is stable, but she doesn't want them moving any time soon."

He swallowed down the fear and anxiety that surged through him. "If they got hit with what I saw, I'm not surprised," he said instead, looking at Cruger. "My squad was attacked on our patrol, too. An alien using something that looks like your Shadow Saber, only he calls his 'Ocean Saber'."

"Icthior," Cruger growled. "He was my rival at my S.P.D. academy before he was eventually expelled. He earned his sword there, much the same way I did."

A hand settled on his shoulder. "You all right?" Justin asked.

He glanced at him, wondering why he was worried. "Fine. He never got a hit in on me - I was just buying time for the cadets to get back to S.P.D. He wasn't really interested in me once he realized I wasn't wearing an S.P.D. badge after I morphed. Said he didn't have any use for Time Force."

"Sir!" interjected one of the interns from the medical wing, sliding into an anxious salute as he skidded to a stop in front of them. "Sir, Captain Campbell sent me to inform you that we have more incoming for the infirmary."

"What?" Cruger demanded. "Who? What happened?"

"G Squad was attacked, Sir. Lieutenant Clark has been injured, as well as Cadets Maevis and Call. And we're getting reports that C Squad is on their way in with injuries as well."

Cruger snarled, and Kimberly paled. "I'm on my way," she promised. She glanced at them, then back at Cruger. "You guys coming?"

Cruger hesitated, then shook his head. "No. I must find a way to track down Icthior. I cannot allow him to harm anyone else."

She put a hand on his arm, her expression softening as she nodded. "Be careful, Doggie."

"The same to all of you, as well."

The moment he saw Sky, he felt like he'd been punched in the stomach. "What - why is he ... ?"

Aisha glanced up at them from the data chart she was making notes on. "Don't worry; he doesn't have any spinal damage," she promised. "I put that on him to keep him from sitting up while his ribs heal."

He nodded numbly, his eyes still on Sky. He looked so pale and still lying on the hospital bed. "Is he asleep?"

"Sedated," she returned irritably. "He's one of the worst patients I've ever had. I keep telling him the Power won't be able to heal him if he doesn't lie still, but he insists he's fine." Her stern gaze drifted down the row of beds to Bridge, who gave her a sheepish smile. "Syd has a bad concussion and a twisted ankle, which is why she's sleeping for now. Bridge had a dislocated shoulder, but I don't want him moving it just yet."

"What about Shane and everyone else?" Justin asked behind him, watching Syd sleep.

She let out a sigh. "Shane definitely has broken ribs, no matter what he says. Maevis is another concussion but not as bad as Syd's, Laura broke her arm, Casey has a sprained knee, and Marinda strained her mind."

Eric blinked, looking up from staring Sky at last. Did he hear that right? "She what?"

"She tried to telekinetically throw too many objects at once, and her mind couldn't handle it. I've got her sleeping for now, but telling that girl not to use her telepathy is like telling Sky to stay still," she grumbled.

"Captain Campbell!" someone shouted. "They're bringing in Omega and the Commander!"

She cursed softly, and Justin winced. "I can take care of Sam," he promised her. "You worry about Cruger."

Eric glanced back down at Sky, finding himself squeezing the teen's hand as he tried not to think about what might happen if this guy wasn't stopped. "We are so screwed," he muttered.

Below, he watched Storm Blaster skid to a stop as the two Rangers bailed out. Justin had offered a ride when they agreed to follow Jack and Z, but frankly talking cars, no matter how useful, still gave him the creeps. Gathering himself, he leapt down from the TF Eagle to land in front of them. "Where are the kids?" he asked without preamble.

"There!" Blue Turbo cried, pointing.

"Hey!" Red Time Force shouted. "Someone forget to invite us?"

"Sergeant Collins! Sergeant Myers!" Jack cried in surprise.

"Dad!" Z echoed.

"Well, well, if it isn't the original S.P.D. Power Rangers," Broodwing sneered. "Getting a little old for your spandex, aren't you?"

"You're aging right along with us, you bat under glass," Blue Turbo sniped.

Broodwing tensed in anger. "I'm sure your badges will fetch a handsome price on the black market."

"Just try and take them you freak!" Red Time Force returned. "Chrono Sabers!"

"Turbo Hand Blasters!" Blue Turbo echoed.

I am *so* not a part of this, he thought irritably. "Quantum Defender!"

He fought his way through to the teens, shooting randomly before glaring at them through his helmet. "Why the heck haven't you morphed yet?!" he demanded.

"But I can't make clones when I morph!" Z protested weakly.

He tried not to growl in frustration, because teenagers always thought they knew best. "Just do it!" he ordered.

"Yes, Sir," Jack grumbled. "Ready?"


"S.P.D., Emergency!"

He turned to cover them, firing a round of shots at anything that moved and wasn't wearing a primary color. There was a shower of sparks, but more Krybots always seemed to pop up in their place. "Darn flunkies," he grumbled to himself, snapping the defender around to sword mode.

And then he was slashing his way through, aiming for anything that looked vital. Out of the corner of his eye he could see flickers of Red and Yellow move past, and he sighed in relief, because now there was no one to protect. "Time to party," he snarled.

He went to slash at something else and found himself face to face with an Orangehead. He ducked, kicked its feet out from under it, and roll back to stand, sword ready. It surged up to strike at him in a move that was more desperate than showing any actual power or grace, and he stabbed down into its shoulder, kicking it roughly away.

Something met his back, and he glanced back to find Red Time Force. "What are you doing?" he demanded.

"I don't know if you noticed Eric, but we're slightly outnumbered," came the retort, sounding slightly amused.

"They think we're an easier target if they keep herding us together," Blue Turbo agreed from somewhere he couldn't see.

Beside him, he felt S.P.D. Yellow shift awkwardly. "I think we're in trouble. This might not have been one of your better ideas, Bro," she called back.

"Ya think?!" S.P.D. Red snapped irritably.

"Hi-yah!" someone shouted, and another round of fiery explosions surrounded them.

The next moment, he could see himself being shielded by S.P.D. Green.

"Hey! You guys okay?" came an annoyingly familiar voice.

"Sky ... " he growled.

"What are you guys doing here?" S.P.D. Red demanded.

"Yeah, you're supposed to be in bed," S.P.D. Yellow added.

"And miss all of this?" S.P.D. Pink returned cheerfully.

"There's no way we'd do that," S.P.D. Blue agreed.

More explosions, and he could see several Krybots go flying before someone dropped behind him.

"Very tricky, Jack," Omega Ranger teased.

"Stubborn is more like it," put in S.P.D. Green.

"Stubborn, yes," Shadow Ranger said somewhere behind him. "But brave."

"And *oh* so grounded," Red Time Force muttered.

He snorted, unable to help himself. "Yeah, Wes. You're the real model of smart Rangering."

An elbow jabbed him sharply in the ribs. "Haven't you ever heard of do as I say, and not as I do? And who are you to talk?"

"You're both hypocrites," S.P.D. Blue interrupted. "Now can we discuss unfair punishments later?"

"Cruger!" Broodwing snarled.

"Doggie!" echoed Icthior.

"Ready, Rangers?" Cruger called.

"You know it!" S.P.D. Red answered. "S.P.D., S.W.A.T. Mode!"

"Force from the Future! Omega Ranger!"

"Huah! S.P.D., Shadow Ranger!"

The next call surprised him more than he'd admit. "S.P.D. Newtech! Red Time Force!"

"Blue Turbo!"

He sighed, because like it or not, he could use the energy boost that came with all the ridiculous posing they were doing. "Quantum Ranger!"

"You'll never dishonor S.P.D.! We'll always stand united and proud!" Cruger insisted.

And then the world became nothing but blaster fire and scrap metal.

"That, was a *long* day," Justin declared as they relaxed in the officer's common room, drinks in hand.

"But a good one," Wes reminded him, leaning forward to clink their glasses together. He eyed Eric pointedly.

Eric sighed, leaning forward to roughly shove his glass against theirs. "As long as the kids are back under Aisha's supervision where she can yell at them better than we can, I guess it was," he grumbled.

Wes chuckled. "I can't believe they actually snuck out while she was out of the room."

"You know she was expecting it," Justin pointed out. "That's what any of us would have done. Rangers are strongest as a team, and we don't leave the team when they need us - no matter what."

"True," Wes agreed, sounding oddly thoughtful.

Eric frowned at him, reaching out to kick his foot. "Hey. What are you thinking about?"

Wes blinked, then offered a smile that didn't fool him for a minute. "Just thinking about teams," he said innocently.

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Why?"

Wes and Justin exchanged glances, which didn't reassure him any.

"You know ... " Wes began, "Earlier, during the battle? You answered my team call."

He frowned again, trying to remember what he was thinking of. "When you said 'S.P.D. Newtech'? Yeah, what about it? You didn't expect me to start calling 'Time for Time Force, did you?"

"But the point is, you answered the call," Justin insisted, grinning

He started, staring at them both. "Wait, you're - "

Wes put a hand on his arm with a faint grin. "Come on, Eric. You can't tell me you didn't notice you've been inducted," he teased gently.

"Inducted into *what*?" he demanded.

Justin laughed and Wes dug something out of his pocket, placing it in his hand. "Welcome to the Newtech Rangers, Eric," he told him with a smile.

He looked down, staring at the tiny silver badge reading 'S.P.D.'. "What is this?"

"The Newtech Rangers started wearing them after we came back from Aquitar, to show we were a team," Wes explained. "Even Zhane has one."

"The Power can sense when Rangers form a team," Justin told him, "Even when they don't wear the same uniform. That's why when we morph now, we still have the badge on. Because the Power is consciously recognizing that despite what uniforms we wear, we've become a team of our own. It's a way of acknowledging that sometimes, teams have to change."

He kept staring at the badge in his hand, trying to process what they were saying. At last he sighed and looked up at them. "This is another one of those things I'll never hear the end of if I don't agree, isn't it?" he grumbled.

Justin flashed him a smirk. "We are Rangers: resistance is futile."

He muttered darkly, and Wes kissed his cheek as Justin laughed.

bright skies

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