Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #86: Winter, T)

Oct 01, 2008 15:56

Okay, so my version of Reflections is taking more prompts than I thought. Oops? -Tries to look innocent-

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Cestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #86: Winter
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: I have finally achieved a cliffhanger that may be almost, if not as bad as Hopelessness. And I'm kind of proud of that.

"S.P.D. Command, come in! This is Blake Bradley, do you copy?!"

"Mr. Bradley, this is Corporal Garrison, what - "

"I need Ranger clearance to S.P.D. I've got wounded. We were attacked by Mirloc - "

"Blake, for crying out loud, you're worse than - "

"God damn it, I'm fine! Why won't either of you listen to me?!"

"Someone will meet you at the garage, Sir."


He barely looked up as someone slipped through the door, shutting it silently behind them. "What's the news?"

The younger man let out a quiet sigh. "Max's condition hasn't improved much. They don't think he'll go under completely, but he hasn't woken up yet. Danny refuses to leave him and Jack and Z are out for blood. Merrick and Cole showed up with Alyssa to check on Max, saying that they'd been attacked, too. But the pack protected them - Cole just grinned and said Mirloc got off worse than they did. Aisha didn't yell at him, so apparently he wasn't kidding. Xander's about to be released; he's in good spirits, but he starts staring at a mirror and tracing the scar whenever he thinks no one's paying attention."

"And Tanya?"

He sighed again, at last shaking his head. "There's nothing they can do. Cam's already trying to design some sort of translator for her, but Aisha said the damage to her vocal cords was too great." There was a pause. "You hear about Blake and Trent?"

He nodded. "Heard it before you came in."

"What are you thinking?"

"He's going after our weaknesses," he murmured. "He's not just trying to stop anyone with the Power or the potential - he's trying to break us." He paused, glancing back at the other man. "Eric still mad?"

"Try panicked," came the retort. "He's got Nerina scanning for you constantly, and he calls Sky every hour just to keep tabs on him. He's even tried hovering over Vanessa - until she nearly tore his head off for it."

"Thanks, Justin," he said distractedly, already marking more locations and names on the map in front of him.

"Any patterns yet?"

He shook his head. "Just random choices. I think he's deliberately trying to confuse us."

"Probably." A bag of something greasy and entirely unappealing dropped on the table beside him. "Eat, Wes."

"Not hungry."

"You know the deal," Justin's voice was sharp. "I keep an eye out at S.P.D. and don't tell anyone where you're hiding as long as you're careful and you don't forget to take care of yourself."

He started to make a disinterested noise, only to jump as Justin seized his arm, forcing him to look up into angry hazel eyes. "*Now*, Wes." There was a pause, his voice lowering slightly to become even fiercer. "I'm not losing another teammate to Mirloc."

They stared at one another for several moments, before at last Wes let out a long sigh. "All right. All right," he muttered, pulling his arm free to remove a hamburger from the paper bag. He made a face at it before at last forcing himself to take a bite, chewing slowly.

"Oh, be honest, Wes. Don't force yourself to pretend to like it just for my sake," Justin said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

He paused, looking over at the other man for a moment before at last setting down the burger. "Turbo - "

But Justin waved him off, sighing. "It's fine. We're both just stressed right now. Let's just say you owe me a lunch or two after this is all over."

"Deal," he agreed softly, staring at his friend. He tried to smile, but the stress of nearly two weeks under the threat of Mirloc had frayed his nerves too badly for it to be sincere.

Two weeks of constant fear, never knowing who was going to be attacked next, or where. Hiding in an abandoned warehouse to keep from being discovered by S.P.D. and dragged back. Because he *had* to be the one to end this. He *had* to.

And only one person truly understood that.

Justin reached out to squeeze his shoulder in silent understanding, turning to find the radio after a moment and tuning it again.

"Still no news on the condition of pop star Tanya Sloan - "

"More and more people have reported seeing a strange alien figure in various reflective surfaces. If you see this character, you have been asked to call - "

"This is D Squad Leader Cadet Zimmerman, reporting in. No suspicious activity sighted. No signs of Sergeant Collins, either."

Wes could feel Justin's eyes on him, but he didn't look up from his maps.

"Commander, I've lost the signal on Carson and Delgado."

Both men whirled, staring in shock at the tiny radio.

"Something's wrong. Check with the others."

Wes looked up, his eyes meeting Justin's. There was a swift nod. "I'll be back," Justin promised, slipping out the door as swiftly as he'd come.

He leaned forward, pressing his hands against his forehead. Why wouldn't this just end? Why couldn't Mirloc just -

"Can anyone find any traces of them?"

"That's a negative, Sir. We can't even track their morphers."

"No ... Not again ... "

His heart clenched at Kimberly's fearful whisper.

"Cadets. Anything suspicious."

"No, it's all quiet on this end, Sir."

"We've lost contact with Bridge and Z. "

"Look out!"

His head snapped up in horror. No. No no no. This couldn't be happening.

"I've lost the comm signal!"

"Then get it back. Now!"

"I'm *trying*."

"Sky? Syd? What's happening? Come in!"

"Commander ... They're gone."

His arm swung wide, knocking everything but the map flying from the table. He hunched over it, shoulders shaking as he struggled to fight down the tears in his eyes.

Not Sky. Not his son.

What did Mirloc *want* from them? He'd spent over a week attacking former Rangers, former Rangers who didn't even have the Power anymore, and now he was suddenly going after B Squad ... What did he ... ?

Slowly, he paused.

Tanya. Xander. Danny and Max. Merrick and Cole. Blake, Trent, and Melody. B Squad.

He was drawing them out.

Wait. Why did Mirloc want to draw out S.P.D.? That wasn't his M.O. And Grumm hadn't known most of them still had the Power. Not to mention Mirloc hadn't even touched S.P.D. Japan. Which meant there was something, some *one*, that he wanted from Newtech City. But who? And *why*?

Unless ...

But how could Mirloc know? And why would he even care? Sure, he was a sadistic monster, but what did the one that got away matter to him?

Perfectionist, whispered a corner of his mind that sounded suspiciously like Trip. They always have to come back to finish what they start.

If Mirloc wanted him in exchange for B Squad, he'd give himself up in a heartbeat. But if Mirloc was involved with Grumm, there was no way he'd surrender the kids. He'd be walking into a trap for no reason at all.

He slammed his hands against the table abruptly. "If only I could ... " he snarled to himself, blinking back more tears of frustration. "If I wasn't so *useless*."

"The city is under attack."

"We can't send out the Megazord without the other Rangers."

"I bet Sam wouldn't mind if I borrowed his OmegaMax Cycle."

"Do it!"

"I'll bring it online."

Trap, his mind whispered again, and this time it sounded like Jen. Has to be. Silent for days, then he suddenly shows up to kidnap four members of B Squad and starts attacking the city?

He laughed bitterly. "Great. I'm going crazy," he muttered to himself. He shook his head. And what was he supposed to do, anyway? Walk straight up to Mirloc and hope to provide some sort of distraction long enough for Jack and Sam to free the others?

But for Sky ... Did he really have a choice?


He could hear the sounds of battle long before he ever reached the plaza. They were barely a block from S.P.D. It wasn't Parkington Market, but he couldn't help the shiver that ran through his shoulders, or the cold chill that settled over him. He resisted the urge to reach for the blaster he'd stashed in the back of his belt.

"It's over, Ranger!"

He looked up in alarm at the yell of pain, staring in horror as Omega Ranger came flying through the air, crashing to the ground in heap. Whatever attempt at a plan he might have had was abandoned instantly, as he raced to the young man's side. "Sam! Are you all right?!"

There was a groan, the helmeted head lifting at last to look at him. "Sergeant Collins ... ?" There was a pause, and the Ranger tensed. "Sir, what are you *doing* here?! It's not safe! Get out of here!"

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here."

He swallowed. After a moment to gather his courage, he slowly turned to face the creature across from him. "Mirloc." His voice came out surprisingly even.

"If it isn't the Ranger who wouldn't die," Mirloc sneered. "Tell me, is it difficult to live with the knowledge that you failed to protect your friends?"

"Every day," he returned calmly. "Is it difficult to live with the knowledge that if I threw away my S.P.D. badge right now, I could destroy you without a second thought?"

Mirloc laughed at him, and his fists clenched. "You wouldn't dare. That badge is your life."

"That's where you're wrong," he hissed. "My *family* is my life. And you have no idea what I'll do for family."

"You mean that worthless Ranger you call your son?" Mirloc sounded amused. "What a sorry family you must have, then."

"Don't you *ever* talk about my son!"

"He seemed to think he would avenge you, did you know that? And look where that got him."

It was the groans and pained whimpers that caught his attention. He looked around wildly, trying to see where they were coming from. "Sky? Syd? Bridge? Where are you?!"

There was a long moment of silence.

"Oh, that *is* precious." Laughter filled his ears, mocking him. "I thought perhaps Broodwing's information had been wrong, but you can't even see them crying out for you, can you Ranger? You truly are pathetic. After all, what good is a blind hero?"

His gaze snapped back to Mirloc. "I may be blind, but I am *not* pathetic," he snarled, willing himself to believe it. "Now release them before I do it for you!"

"Now why would I do something like that? After all, Emperor Grumm will pay good money for these children."

"Uncle Wes!"

He paused, the faint cry just barely reaching his ears. "Bridge," he whispered, his heart clenching.

"Uncle Wes, everything is going to be okay! It's time! Trust me!"

"Time ... ?" he echoed, frowning in confusion. "It's time, trust ... ?"

"Talking to yourself is one of the first signs of senility, you know."

"It's time, trust me," he murmured, ignoring Mirloc's taunt. "It's time. It's ... " His eyes widened.

But if there was ever someone he could trust, it was Bridge.

He swallowed hard. He wasn't exactly the praying type, but if there was ever a time to start, it was now. Please, his mind whispered. For Sky. *Please*!

And after so many years, his body still moved instinctively into the appropriate gestures. And despite his fear and nervousness, his voice rang out loud and strong. "Time for, Time Force!"

The world went Red.

bright skies

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