Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #99: Recovered, T)

Oct 02, 2008 14:16

And the Reflections Part 2 Rewrite continues ...

... And will continue into another chapter. -Bangs her head against the keyboard- Wes and Sky refuse to shut up on this subject!

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Cestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #99: Recovered
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: I tried to attempt an actual battle scene. -Crossing her fingers- Thoughts and feedback on how effectively it comes across will be *much* appreciated, as I normally suck at these. I’m mostly satisfied with it, but I’m sure there’s room for improvement. c.c

He lifted his head slowly, the Power already soothing the incredible migraine hammering at his skull. There was pain, but it didn't matter. Because he was *back*.

"Sergeant ... Collins?" Omega sounded stunned.

"Well, isn't this a surprise?" Mirloc mused. "But you can't honestly expect that a single, old, has-been Ranger will make a difference."

"I'm not just an old has-been Ranger," he murmured, more to himself than the creature across from him. And then he froze.

Mirloc was standing casually, head tilted in a mocking manner. And on the glass windows building behind him, faint images of the five B Squad Rangers. Obviously in pain, but whole. And in color. Natural, non-blurred or neon, *color*.

There were tears in his eyes, he realized suddenly.

"Sergeant Collins? Are you all right?"

He glanced down at the hand on his arm, smiling at the bright white against red. It hurt to look at, because the pain in his head was still fading.

"Never better," he said fiercely.

He broke away to move in front of the younger man, pointing at Mirloc. "You're looking to finish what you started with the Newtech Rangers, right Mirloc?" He spread his hands wide in a 'come and get me gesture. "Well, here I am."

"Sir - "

"Stay out of this, Sam. This is *my* fight."

Mirloc laughed heartily. "One moment of courage, and you're so eager to fight me? You *are* a treasure. Which would you prefer: to join your son, or follow your friends?"

"How 'bout we lock you in a three by five card for the rest of your pathetic existence?" he shot back. "Chrono Sabers!"

His hands clenched around the twin swords, and he smiled beneath the helmet.

Mirloc charged, and he slid to one side while slashing at his back almost absently. Mirloc spun around, and their swords caught as he blocked. His feet slid back, and he dug in, leaning forward.

"Not exactly still in your prime, are you Ranger?"

He laughed, suddenly feeling better than he had in years. "Are you kidding me? I'm in my *best* shape *ever*!" He punctuated his words by letting his sword slide free as he swiftly ducked, and slamming a fist into Mirloc's stomach.

Mirloc grunted, and he laughed again. "What's the matter, Mirloc? A little out of shape after nine years in prison?"

His answer was an inarticulate snarl.

Mirloc, he swiftly began to realize, was a swordsman. With a sword in his hands, he was deadly. But in hand to hand combat ...

Hey, if you see a weakness in your enemy, exploit it for all it's worth, Tori's voice reminded him.

He tossed first one sword into the air, then another, swiftly catching them again as he rotated his grip to aim the blades backwards. Because sword fighting, while something he'd learned while being a Ranger, was *not* his normal fighting style. And thanks to R.J., he knew just how to turn that to his advantage.

He ducked another slash, moving under and up with a cut to Mirloc's chin. He added a swift knee to the stomach, backhanding the villain across the face with the flat of one of his swords.

Mirloc's scream was music to his ears.

"Ooh, you got him!" Bridge cried.

"What's the matter, Mirloc? Getting slow in your old age?" he taunted.

He wasn't expecting the sudden shot that caught him in the stomach, sending him flying into a cement overhang. He groaned as he struggled to push himself up, one hand going to his ribs. Oh, Aisha was not going to like this ...

"Come on, Dad! You can do it!"

He forced his head up at the sound of approaching footsteps. His gaze met the business end of Mirloc's blaster.

"Any last words, Ranger?" Mirloc sneered.

His eyes flickered to something in the distance, and he smiled. "Watch your back."

An explosion of blue fire nailed Mirloc from behind, sending him crashing to the ground amid cheers from the faint reflections of B Squad.

Blue Turbo kept his Hand Blasters trained on Mirloc as he struggled to get up. "You all right, Time?"

"Oh, yeah." He forced a grin to his voice as he stood up, ignoring the protest his ribs made.

"Hitting someone in the back ... Not very Rangerly of you," Mirloc managed as he finally climbed to his feet, clutching a shoulder.

Blue Turbo snorted. "Honor is for people who've never fought to survive. I'm a Newtech Ranger - and you're the guy who destroyed my family and kidnapped my daughter."

"A Newtech Ranger, eh?" Mirloc chuckled breathlessly. "You must be the one who left his friends to die without him. Tell me, is that hard to live with?"

"It won't be once you're back in prison," the Ranger returned calmly, but Red Time Force could see his hands trembling slightly.

"Your mind games won't work anymore, Mirloc," he spoke up, confidence surging again. "You can talk all you want, but it won't get you anywhere."

"Well, if you're prefer not to talk ... "

He was expecting the blaster shot, throwing himself to one side in a round-off that landed him back on his feet, fists raised. "Turbo! Trade off!" he called.

Absently he noted the brief salute with a Hand Blaster out of the corner of his eye as he charged in again. Mirloc slashed at him, and he leaned backwards to avoid it, abandoning his original attack to drop down for a sweep kick. He was on his feet and moving back the next moment as Blue Turbo went in with a cry of "Turbo Sword!"

He took a moment to catch his breath, studying Mirloc for signs of weakness as he and Blue Turbo exchanged a flurry of strikes that sent showers of sparks across the ground. Mirloc was tiring, but it wasn't enough. They needed a way to defeat him completely, as well as a way to force him to release Sky and the others.

Turbo stepped back, and he moved in again.

Mirloc was ready for him, and once again a swift blast to the stomach caught him before he had a chance to react. He dropped to his knees with a grunt as pain radiated through his chest, clutching at his sides.

"Time! Argh!"

"Dad!" he heard Z scream.

"Leave them alone!" Omega shouted. "Omega Morpher! Electro Mode!"

He looked up as Omega's fist began to glow in a way that struck him as disturbingly familiar, moments before the white Ranger slammed his fist into the ground. Golden light streaked across the pavement toward Mirloc, flaring brilliantly.

When it faded, Mirloc was gone.

"No!" Omega cried in dismay. He looked around frantically.

Red Time Force pushed himself to his feet using one of his Chrono Sabers as a brace. "He has to be here somewhere," he growled.

"Mirloc?" Omega called. The young Ranger's fists clenched. "You're a Coward! Show yourself!"

Red Time Force moved in a slow circle, raising his sabers cautiously. "I know you're hiding somewhere, Mirloc. Afraid to admit you can't hack it against an old, has-been Ranger?" he taunted.

He turned a moment too late. "Sam! Your visor!"

There was a flash of light as Mirloc emerged from the reflection, and Omega Ranger cried out in pain as his arm was twisted and yanked behind him roughly. "The future doesn't look good for you," Mirloc sneered.

"Shows ... what you know ... about the future!" Omega gasped out.

"Come on!" he heard Jack call in frustration.

"Time for you to join your friends," Mirloc chuckled.

A shower of sparks at the white Ranger’s back followed by another pained grunt, and Omega crumpled.


"Hold on!"

A hearty laugh echoed threw the air as Mirloc looked down smugly at the fallen Ranger. Omega's fist clenched as he struggled to move. "Sorry, Rangers. He put up a decent fight, but now he'll be joining you ... "

A moment of clarity settled over Red Time Force.

"Chrono Sabers," he whispered, trying not to call attention to himself as he moved into position. Please, he prayed again. I can't afford to mess this up. Please let this work!

"Now to complete my collection to present to the Emperor," Mirloc laughed, reaching up for his chest. His movements were painfully slow, as he relished in Omega's desperate attempts to get up. Slowly ... slowly ....


"Hey, Mirloc!"

The villain's head shot up. "What?"

"Reflect on *this*!"

"No!" someone yelled in panic.

The Power surged behind him, filling him with energy. He leapt into the air, focusing everything he had. "Time Strike!"

Mirloc was laughing again. "Foolish Ranger!" he shouted.

Everything around him was growing brighter, the images warping. But he kept his gaze focused on his target, refusing to lose sight of the goal.

And at the last possible moment, he dropped his second saber, thrusting the hour saber forward - straight into Mirloc's chest.

He barely managed to land on his feet, clutching at the remaining saber as the sound of shattering glass echoed through the air. Mirloc howled in wordless agony. Chest heaving, he closed his eyes for the briefest of moment, hoping, praying frantically that he had not just killed his son as well as his enemy.

And then the sound that he'd most wanted to hear.

"Guys! Are you all right?"



He forced his eyes open, looking up to see Z swooped off her feet in a bear hug from Blue Turbo as she threw her arms around his neck. Behind them, Omega looked over the rest of B Squad anxiously. They were obviously a little worse for wear, but alive. Alive, and *free*.

"Dad ... ?"

He stood up carefully, wincing as his ribs protested the movement. "Sky ... " he breathed in relief.

His son had blond hair, whether from his mother or father, it was hard to say. His face was oval shaped, with those damn Collins lips. And his eyes were the same bright blue as his mother's.

He was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Everyone okay?" he managed at last. He reached out to grasp Sky's shoulders, making it obvious what he was really asking.

"We'll be fine," Sky affirmed quietly. He hesitated for a moment. "You?"

"I'll live," he returned wryly. His hands squeezed briefly before releasing the teen, turning to look over the rest of the group. "Everybody else? Turbo?"

"Aisha's going to kill me," his teammate grumbled in response.

"Yeah. Yeah, we're all right," Jack answered, giving Blue Turbo an odd look. He shook his head before giving his team a fierce nod. "Let's capture this clown once and for all."

"Foolish Rangers," Mirloc wheezed. He was still standing, but a fist remained clenched over his chest. "Don't you realize, if you catch me, I'll only escape again. Ask him. He's worthless. Just like his father."

Red Time Force snarled under his breath, fists clenching in fury, but Syd beat him to a response.

"That's just the lowest. Uncle Wes is an amazing Ranger."

"Yeah, and so is Sky!" Bridge said fiercely. "He's the best!"

"Right!" Z declared, glaring and pointing at Mirloc. It was hard to say whether Blue Turbo hovering just behind her shoulder ruined or completed the look. "We're *all* proud to fight by his side."

Sky shifted slightly, his eyes flickering over the group, and some of the tension faded from Red Time Force's shoulders. Whether they realized it or not, Sky's friends had just told Mirloc *exactly* what Sky needed to hear. And while Sky would never admit it, that made all the difference in the world.

"How touching. But he still doesn't have what it takes to defeat me. None of you do," Mirloc taunted again.

"Sounds like you forgot about Newtech Silver real quick," Blue Turbo commented pointedly.

Mirloc flinched faintly before forcing another smirk to his face. "And what good will *he* do? He isn't even here. None of *you* are strong enough to defeat me."

"We'll see about that," Jack retorted. He turned abruptly to look at Sky, reaching behind his back to retrieve his morpher. "Here. Take it."

Sky stared at him blankly, and he wasn't the only one. "What?"

"It only seems right that you bring him in," Jack insisted. Their gazes lingered for a moment, and something seemed to pass between the two silently. His voice lowered, and he said something that no one else could hear.

Sky hesitated. "You sure?" he asked at last.

Jack smiled at him. "Go for it."

Sky nodded once, taking the morpher from the other teen's hand and stepping forward. His gaze flickered to Red Time Force, and he smiled hesitantly. "This one's for you, Dad." His voice was so soft it was hard to tell if he meant to be heard. "SPD, Emergency!"

Red light flared, nearly blinding everyone in the plaza. When it finally faded, a slightly taller S.P.D. Red Ranger stood proudly before them. His gaze remained on Mirloc, and he shifted into a ready stance.

Mirloc looked less than impressed with this development. "I don't care *what* color you are, you're going down!"

"I don't think so!" the newest Red snapped back. "S.P.D., Battlizer! Cyber Mode, Activate!"

"Give it your best shot," Mirloc humphed.

There was something strangely different about listening to reports through a comm, and actually standing back and watching it happen. Now he was watching his son, his baby boy, going head to head against his greatest enemy. Sky was holding his own well enough, and he bit back a cheer as Mirloc cried out in pain, but there was still some part of him that wanted ...

S.P.D. Red took a few steps back as Mirloc struggled to recover himself. "Battlizer, Sonic Mode!" The sound of R.I.C. barking could be heard somewhere in the flashes of red and blue. "Battlizer Mode Two, Complete!"

Something in Red Time Force ached as he watched S.P.D. Red raise his new sword.

"I missed it again, didn't I?"

"It's a chick thing."

"Joel Rawlings: Sky Cowboy, at your service."

"Crazy is my middle name."

"Was I supposed to say something funny?"

"I knew you were a lost cause the moment you mentioned Computer Club."

"Why does everyone have to label everything? Why can't Conner and I just be friends?"

"So, Dr. O. This is what the quiet life looks like, huh?"

It was a vague chance, and he knew it. But he couldn't help himself. "You want a hand, Sky?"

The younger Ranger started, his helmet turning just slightly to look back at him. "I'd be honored," he said at last.

He nodded, closing his eyes and reaching for the sensation he hadn't felt since Ransik's defeat. There was a moment of silence, and suddenly a flare of response from somewhere he couldn't identify. He thrust his hand into the air, feeling the flames erupt from it as he was bathed in cleansing fire. "Red Battle Warrior, hyah!"

Mirloc flinched as he came forward to stand beside S.P.D. Red. "What?!"

"Battle Fire Saber!" He smirked beneath his helmet, glancing at his son. "You ready?"

"Oh, yeah!"

Both Rangers swung their swords wide, powering up.



The burst of fiery explosions was heaven, filled with Mirloc's bellow of agony. Somewhere through the noise he could hear a howl of "I will escape again!"

Yeah, he thought viciously. Not frickin' likely.

"Power Down!" S.P.D. Red called.

He should have done the same, but instead he lowered his sword, walking slowly to look down at Mirloc's containment card. He could see the villain beating at it, shouting in rage to be released. All it would take is one downward blow ... Now matter what Kat said, the card couldn't be *completely* indestructible ...

A hand settled on his arm. "Dad?"

He let out a slow breath, forcing himself to crouch down and pick up the card. He held it out to Sky. "You take it," he told him quietly. "I don't trust myself."

"Okay," Sky agreed softly. He continued to stared at him, and after a moment he realized he was being studied. "How?" the teen asked finally. "I mean ... I thought ... "

"So did I." He glanced over at Bridge. "But apparently I was wrong."

But Bridge just smiled.

"Wes?" It was Justin at his side now, opposite Sky, and he reflected absently how strange it was to have a blue on either side of him again. But Justin's eyes were staring at him, and there was more than a hint of concern there. "The battle's over. We got him," he reminded him pointedly.

He let out a long, slow sigh. "Yeah. Yeah, we did," he murmured. He looked up for a moment, his eyes searching the bright blue sky. And then he turned to give one last look at his son. "You have your mom's eyes," he told him finally, trying not to sound as pained as he felt.

At last he let out another sigh, bracing himself mentally, and quietly declared "Power Down."

The next moment he was hunched over, clutching his ribs with grunt of pain. "Aisha's never going to let me leave the Medical Wing," he groaned.

"Join the club, Time," Justin retorted. "Besides, you're forgetting who *else* isn't going to let you out of their sight."

He sighed, wincing as he did so. "I'm gonna have to face Eric sometime, aren't I?"

"Either you face him, or he'll find you," Sky pointed out wryly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going," he grumbled, opening his eyes at last. He winced again immediately, a hand going to his head. "Ow!"

"Dad?!" Sky demanded anxiously. "What is it? What's wrong?"

He paused. It couldn't be. Could it? Aisha said ...

But Aisha probably didn't expect *this*, he reminded himself. This time the mental voice sounded strangely like Katie.

He realized his hand was shaking when he reached up and carefully removed his SightMap, but he couldn't help it. He didn't even bother to try.


"Uncle Wes?"

"Time, what are you ... ?"

Slowly, he reopened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was Sky staring at him anxiously, a worry line creasing his forehead.

When the tears welled up and spilled over, he didn't bother to wipe them away. He just reached out to cup his son's cheek before pulling him into a tight hug.

And then he laughed.

bright skies

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