Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #55: Pink, T)

Aug 03, 2008 14:27

I am in love with singerstars' YouTube video, Fabulous. And this is what happens when I watch it again.

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Cestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #55: Pink
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: Ko-lin, Cassie's wife, comes from my Fade to Darkness: Darkness Calling fic. For anyone who's curious, I used this website to psychoanalyze her.

Wow, do I like to give my characters issues. o.O

The scream of delight would have gotten his attention if he'd been asleep, let alone going through paperwork like he was.

"Aunt Dana!"

Dana's here? he wondered distantly, rising to his feet. His eyes widened. Weren't Carter and Ryan supposed to be coming back from patrol right about now?

"I'm so glad you're here!" He could hear Syd gushing from the common room as he headed in their direction. "I could totally use some Pink support, but Aunt Kim's been too busy complaining about what Uncle Tommy did to her, and Aunt Karone's *always* busy."

"Then it's a good thing that I'm here, isn't it?"

"You have no idea," Wes interrupted as he entered the room. "Syd's was complaining about needing some serious girl talk, and all of Newtech's girl talkers are never available."

"Wes!" The warmth in Dana's voice was reassuring, although the sudden hug surprised him. "How are you doing?" she continued.

"I'm ... all right," he told her with a somewhat forced smile, trying to push away thoughts of last night's 'phone call'. "Getting by."

"Getting by?" She stepped back to put her hands on her hips, although the tone of her voice remained playful. "Am I going to have to schedule you for another physical?"

He pretended to shudder, holding up his hands in surrender. "No! No, that's not necessary." He paused to give her another smile, a real one this time. "You sound good."

"I'm 'getting by', too." she told, a smile in her voice that had been absent for longer than he cared to remember. "In fact, I wanted to ask you how Carter and Ryan were doing."

He froze. "Doing?" he echoed uncertainly.

"Yes, doing. Has Carter finally stopped being overly gentlemanly and fessed up to Ryan? Or did Ryan finally force him into something?"

"Uh ... " He had the sudden feeling he'd missed something in the conversation. "Um, forgive me if I'm overstepping my bounds here, Dana. But ... are you actually saying you *want* Carter and Ryan together?" he asked warily.

She sighed quietly. "I've had a lot of time to put things in perspective, Wes. And a lot of time to think about ... " She swallowed. "Kelsey, and Chad and Joel." She looked up at him again, and somehow he knew that her smile was slightly watery. "I want my team to be happy. And Ryan and Carter can make each other happy."

"That's if they'd actually get their acts together," Syd sighed, sounding unusually serious. "I mean, it's so obvious that there's something going on between them, but they're worse than Jack and Sky!"

"Jack and Sky?" Wes repeated, startled.

"Um, oops. I never said that. Seriously. Sky would *destroy* me," Syd said nervously. She turned to her aunt. "So, when can we go shopping?"

Wes looked at her oddly. "Shopping?"

They both gave him an exasperated stare. "Girl talk starts with shopping," Syd informed him.

"Be glad you never had a daughter, Wes. You'd never last," Dana agreed.


He oomphed as he was nearly tackled in a hug, his eyes going wide in shock. "Cassie?! What are you doing here?"

The younger woman pulled back slightly, her enthusiasm subsiding. "We're meeting up with the Newtech Rescue Team," she explained. She forced a laugh. "And of course, we have to check up on the kids."

He gave her another hug, feeling guilty for bothering to ask. Ran Ko-Chan, A Squad's Pink, was Cassie's adopted daughter. And if Ashley had passed along the news about Jaz and Elizabeth, then of course Cassie would want to meet her friends' children for herself. "It's good to see you in person again. It's been way too long," he admitted.

"Same here," she agreed, squeezing tighter.

Cassie and Tori had, after all, been the only female members of the Drill Sergeants. And with Cassie at S.P.D. Japan, there was a certain lack of pushy feminism their department lacked now. A lack Wes found he sorely missed.

Cassie pulled away at last, turning to Syd. "And what's this I hear about shopping and girl talk?"

Syd flung herself against the two former Pinks with what sounded like a suspiciously teary sigh. "Why can't there be more Pink Rangers at Newtech?" she whined.

"Because Cam needs women willing to help him bully Hunter into things," Dana teased gently. "And Yellows are too soft for that."

"While we Pinks are bold and demanding, and proud of it," Cassie laughed.

It was true, Wes reflected quietly. And Syd fit into the 'Pink Tradition' well. She had the attitude and bold personality that many Pinks personified, as well as a certain delight in self-pampering - although some of that could be blamed on how much Ryan liked to spoil her. And as she'd proved earlier today, she had a bold, loving heart beneath it all.

"Dana ... "

Wes looked up, wincing as he saw Carter frozen in the doorway. He should have given the other man more of a warning before he walked in to find his ex-wife talking with his niece. The stiff and awkward way Carter was standing made him look like he'd been hit with the Canine Cannon.

And to his amazement, Dana walked up and hugged Carter, with a warm greeting of "Carter! I missed you."

A glance to Cassie showed she wasn't nearly as shocked by this as he was. In fact, the other woman seemed almost ... pleased.

He looked back to Carter and Dana just in time to see her pull back slightly - and gently slap him upside the head.

"W-what was that for?" Carter stammered, his hand going to his temple.

"For being stupid," she said simply. Her tone wasn't mean however, but almost ... motherly. "Give me about half an hour, Syd. Then the three of us can kidnap Kim and Karone to do some serious mall trolling."

"And Kim will *never* say no to mall trolling," Cassie agreed, wrapping an arm around the teen.

Syd waved cheerfully as Dana directed Carter out of the room. "Have fun, Carter! See you soon, Aunt Dana!"

"Why do I get the feeling I just missed something?" Z sounded amused as she came in, glancing back over shoulder at the retreating pair.

"Oh, Aunt Cassie! You have to meet Z," Syd gushed. "She's our Yellow. Z, this is Aunt Cassie - she's from S.P.D. Japan. She's the former Pink Astro Ranger."

Z looked stunned, but being Z, quickly recovered herself. "It's an honor," she said sincerely, offering a hand.

Cassie shook it, shaking her head. "Amazing," she murmured.

"What?" Z asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing," Cassie told her. "You just ... remind me a lot of someone I know."

Wes' eyes widened behind his sunglasses, looking at Cassie in alarm. She wouldn't ... would she? Ashley had said she'd make sure everyone knew not to say anything yet!

"Really? Who's that?" Z wanted to know.

"Ronny," Cassie replied, a grin to her voice. "She's S.P.D. Japan's Yellow Spot. You carry yourselves the same way - must be a Yellow Tradition."

Wes let out a slow sigh of relief as Z seemed to brighten at the thought. He cursed Cassie silently in Aquitian. Because he knew Cassie, and that near-comparison to a certain someone that Z greatly resembled *wasn't* an accident.

"You are causing trouble again," someone commented mildly.

Wes looked up and smiled at the sight of Ko-lin, Cassie's wife. She looked as stiff and formal as ever, but that was something he'd come to understand was just a part of Ko-lin being ... Ko-lin. The Phantom Ranger had always been socially awkward from what he knew of her, and T.J. liked to swear that they would never have even known who she was if Cassie hadn't hunted the mysterious Ranger down and forced her into staying on Earth.

"I am not," Cassie protested. "I was just saying that you can tell Z is a Yellow Ranger."

"I might have guessed that by the alarmingly citrine trim to her uniform," Ko-lin replied, turning to nod to him solemnly. "It is good to be in your company once again, Wes. I trust you are well?"

He grinned at Ko-lin's overly formal speech, which hadn't faded in the slightest for all the years he'd known her. "As well as can be. And you?"

"Much the same," she returned.

"You're so mean, Lin," Cassie sulked. "You know what I meant."

"Of course I do. I am also well aware that Sergeant Robinson does not appreciate being known as S.P.D. Japan's 'Yellow Spot'." Ko-lin reminded her. She inclined her head to the two teens. "Cadet Drew. Cadet Delgado. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am certain that you will both bring pride and honor to the Rangers who have served before you."

Both girls flushed, and Syd actually remembered to make herself salute, Z quickly following. "Thank you, Sergeant Specialist Ko-Chan," Syd said solemnly. "That means a lot to me, coming from the Phantom Ranger."

Z started, and Wes could see her taking stock of the older woman now.

Ko-lin nodded, hesitantly stepping forward to lay a hand on Syd's shoulder. "I say this also as an ... 'aunt', Sydney. I believe that you will make us proud."

She flinched when Syd glomped her happily, and looked more than slightly relieved when Cassie pried Syd free.

"Lin doesn't do the touching thing, remember Syd?" Cassie reminded her gently. "She thinks everyone else has cooties."

Even Wes could see the irritated look Ko-lin shot her as Syd giggled. Ko-lin didn't do 'the touching thing' because she was extremely chiraptophobic - afraid of being touched - because of the traumas in her past that led to her becoming the Phantom Ranger. She was also demophobic - afraid of crowds, soteriophibic - afraid of being dependent on others, doxophobic - afraid of expressing her opinions or receiving praise, and slightly gynephobic - afraid of women.

The psych file on the Phantom Ranger had been something of a required reading when he'd first joined S.P.D., as Ko-lin was still jumpy around them all and had a tendency to get a bit trigger happy when startled. He still didn't know how or why Cassie had chosen to marry a woman with as many issues as Ko-lin had, but ... Well, as long as they were happy.

"Daddy!" Syd squealed, startling Wes' attention back to her. She threw herself into Ryan's arms, giggling in delight when he spun her around obligingly. "Daddy, Aunt Dana and Aunt Cassie are gonna take me shopping. Can I take the gold card?" she asked in the sweetest tone she could manage, and Wes was willing to bet money she was batting her eyes at him.

Unfortunately, Ryan had frozen at the first name she' listed. "Dana's here?" he asked uncertainly.

"Daddy ... " Syd whined, tugging on his sleeve. "Didn't you even hear how I brought in Rhynx today? *And* got Bridge and Boom to upgrade R.I.C. for Uncle Dustin? He can bark again!"

"Of course I did, Princess," Ryan answered, looking down at her. He reached out to stroke her hair gently. "And I'm *very* proud of you. You deserve a chance to go have some fun." He kissed her forehead, pulling back to look at her. "Are you sure your aunt's really here?"

Syd nodded. "Mm-hmm. She already dragged Carter off when she saw him. She said she'd be ready to go in about half an hour."

"Dana and Carter are going to be alone for half an hour?" Ryan swayed like he was going to be sick.

"It's okay, Ryan," Cassie interrupted, sounding amused beneath her gentle tone. "Dana's just going to straighten a few things out with Carter, and then you can have him back." She paused, and Wes knew she was grinning. "Hey, maybe you can even get you to tell you about her big news later."

"It is *not* big news," Dana retorted from behind her brother. "It's just a date." She caught Ryan in a hug when he turned, squeezing just as tightly as she had with Carter. "I missed you, big brother," she told him quietly.

"Date?" Ryan demanded. "With who?"

Wes looked curiously at Carter, who seemed stunned. He waited for Carter to look up before tilting his head inquiringly. Was Carter okay?

Carter shrugged slowly, looking back at Dana and Ryan with a stunned expression.

"We'll have to catch up later tonight, after the meeting. In the meantime, the girls in Pink are having a day out," Dana said at last. She kissed Ryan's cheek, then turned to kiss Carter's as well. "You two have some things to talk about too, I think." She stepped back to put her hands on her hips again. "And I want results by the time I get back. Or else I'll have to get involved, and I *know* you don't want that."

Carter shuddered. "No! No, um ... we can ... we can handle it, Dana. Thanks."

Wes suddenly *really* wanted to know what she'd told him while they were alone.

Dana turned to Syd and Cassie with a smile. "Well? What are we waiting for?"

Cassie gave Ko-lin a quick kiss. "Don't wait up."

"I would not dream of it," the other woman returned dryly. "Please refrain from any action that would require me to discuss your situation with the local law enforcement."

"That was one time!" Cassie said hotly. "When are you going to let it go?"

"Enjoy your night with the girls," Ko-lin returned, kissing her lightly.

"Come on, Cassie. We can complain about our love lives while we shop," Dana reminded her. "Let's go get Karone and Kim."

Cassie eyed Syd as the three walked out of the room arm in arm. "You said something about a gold card?"

bright skies

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