I am in love with singerstars' YouTube video,
Fabulous. And this is what happens when I watch it again.
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam,
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Comments 4
But wait, you mean, all this time I thought Carter had come back, and helped with Syd, and made it up with Ryan, and they were havin' the hot smex... they were just being stupid, manly DORKS?!
Please tell me that's going to be remedied soon? Pretty, pretty please? (I'm batting my eyelashes, not unlike Syd right now.)
...No, not excited to see them at all. :P
-Dies laughing- *That's* some reunion: hug him, then slap 'em. ^_^ I'm glad she's not mad at him at least. ^^
Ooh, Cassie almost made a slip-up, a very noticeable slip-up at that. Well, to everyone but Z...
Yay Ko-lin! Hee! I forgot how much I liked her. ^^ I miss her. -Giggles- Local law enforcement... Yes, I wanna know what happened now too. ^^
-Snickers- I wonder what Dana could have possibly said to Carter... Hee! Playing matchmaker. That is highly amusing!
Love this! And you! -Snuggles- ♥
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