Akume's Random Thoughts for the Day

Oct 31, 2011 15:31

I love All Hallow's Eve ...

Sorry the picture quality on this is so bad; I was using my camera phone and standing too far back to get a very good shot. Red is dressed up as a vampire, and Green is supposed to be a cat girl.

After writing The M&M of Doom and more specifically Chapter Four of A Valentine for Everyone, this picture makes me giggle lots. For many inappropriate reasons.

Someone Not Me should write this. -Beams innocently-

In other news, Shi-chan and I discovered last night that the hair-cutting scene in the movie Tangled is *mostly* accurate. (Although the angle it's cut at probably makes a difference.) Basically, she wanted to see if it was possible, and I've been wanting to cut my hair, so I told her to go ahead and experiment on me. It may have been the neatest and fastest haircut I've ever received.

The end result is ... hard to describe. It *is* layered, so that it curls around the back of my head. But there's an underlayer that curls outward at the bottom. It looks vaguely like Sora Takenouchi from Digimon, only blond. And no bangs.

All in all, I lost about half my hair. Shi-chan was kind of expecting me to flip, 'cause it's not what I wanted at all, but I really like it. ^_^

And on the NaNo front, I declare that rosabelle has stolen my plot and/or inspiration from me, seeing as she has an actual Plot ready for tomorrow, while I have vague ideas and lots of character notes. And loads of music to go through.

(Note to Self: Need to sort through music folders more often. And possibly make playlists for various moods to use in the future.)

And finally, because it was too awesome not to share, I give you the Arizona: East Valley Region's peptalk. Namely because like Sims: Medieval, she told me I get to be a god. :D

Have you ever heard World by Five For Fighting? Starting a story is exactly like the song. You sit down, pick up your pen, and create a whole world. It may have some of the same rules as your own, but no matter the genre - from mainstream to fantasy - you will make something out of nothing but your own imagination. You will decide if there "should be people or peoples." You will "raise your army" and "choose your steeple." And no matter what you do, "the satellites can look the other way." ;)

And it all begins with a simple idea, sparked by anything - an overheard sentence, a scene in a movie, the latest book you're reading, or simply life in general. Something sets off your imagination, and suddenly the package arrives: "A.C.M.E.'s Build-a-World-To-Be." There are "no instructions or commandments," just a whole universe of possibilities for your story to blossom from if you just "take a chance."

As a writer, you are god. You can do anything. Especially at the beginning, when only infinite possibilities are at your fingertips. You can "lose the earthquakes" and "keep the faults," maybe even "fill the oceans without the salt." Nothing is impossible to you.

So give the song a listen (you can easily find it on YouTube), be inspired and emboldened, and create. It is your world - you make it, you control it.

And in November, go forth and write it.

Any writer who knows what he’s doing isn’t doing very much.
- Nelson Algren *

*As found on NaNoWriMo Dreamwidth Writers

randomness, writing, ninja storm, heart family, nanowrimo, pictures, hunter/cam, novels

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