More Akume Babbles!

Nov 01, 2011 09:46

Halloween rocked.

Shi-chan came home with a pizza, bottles of Code Red Mountain Dew and Pepsi, a bag of Halloween candy (even though we never get trick-or-treaters, and if we do there's like, two), and CAKE. She set out a pumpkin and her gothic faerie fountain on the table in front of the door with lit candles on either side, the cake next to that, and off to the side she had a candle holder with rainbow color-changing tea lights. The Christmas icicle lights around the patio were on, and we turned on these really cool flame/fan lights she has on either side of the video game consoles. We left the rest of the lights off and the door wide open for any visitors. It looked *awesome*, especially after Shi-chan decided to put her fog machine out on the patio. I took pictures, but they didn't come out very well. -Sulks-

We ended up getting a lot of trick-or-treaters, which surprised us both, but we didn't mind. Highlights included:
  • A fairy princess/Tinkerbell that made me think of megthelegend's fairy princess Samurai Ranger. Shi-chan was highly amused when I explained why I kept giggling.
  • The sweet little girl who very carefully took only one candy when I offered her the bowl, despite the fact that everyone else was grabbing handfuls. One boy in her group actually took two at once. After I assured her she could have some more, she carefully selected one more piece and shyly said thank you. I was thoroughly charmed. ♥
  • The group of four boys, one of which asked me - twice, to make sure I heard - if his mother could have some, too. I said of course! (Any parent taking a crowd around in this neighborhood at night deserves it.) His very embarrassed but grateful mother held out a tiny bright green bucket for me to drop a handful into.
  • The three(?) families that showed up all at the same time, to the point that I couldn't even tell how many kids were there or who they were with. The mother pushing a double stroller accidentally smashed my finger when I went to open the gate for her. x.x I didn't mention it since it was an accident, but we left the gate open after that. c.c;; But every single kid in the entire crowd said 'thank you' when they got their candy. (I have a thing about politeness and manners, so this pleased me highly.)
  • The roughly twelve-year-old girl who started talking on her cell phone when she came up for her candy. No thank you, no 'Happy Halloween', or anything else. She pretty much ignored me to grab her candy and demanded to know why her friend wasn't there. Shi-chan and I were both highly annoyed >.<++
  • A pair of teenage boys who appeared to be escorting their little sisters around. Shi-chan offered them candy too even though they hadn't asked for any, just because they were there. Pretty much for the same reason I gave some to the mom.
  • The last two groups who came after the fog machine. One boy loudly exclaimed "Cool!" when he saw the cloud of fog, then promptly cheered "Eyeballs!" when he saw the bowl.
I was highly amused when the radio's traffic and weather report announced that it was foggy this morning. I told Shi-chan it's because she used the machine last night.

But the best part of last night was GETTING MY LAPTOP FIXED.

When I moved here, my computer couldn't connect to the internet at all, so I've been borrowing Shi-chan's desktop when she's not at home. It's annoying at times, but what can you do? We thought it was because the person who set up the network hadn't told anyone what the password was, because he 'wrote it down somewhere', then forgot where it was.

Shi-chan decided to ask one of the tech guys at her work about it. She's awesome with computers and knows a lot of tech, but there's always someone who knows more. So she decided to try his suggestion when she got home last night.


It turns out my copy of Norton Anti-Virus, despite the fact that it expired almost a year ago, had assumed my computer attempting to log on to a new network in a different state meant I was being hacked. So she uninstalled it, and ta da! Internets for Adam! -Dances-

(OMG, the UPDATES ... @_@ My poor baby ... )

In other news, I have an update on the haircutting incident. Apparently this trick should NOT be attempted with thick hair. Or possibly only after putting it in a ponytail holder first. I tried to cut Shi-chan's hair for her last night the same way she did mine, but the hair kept escaping as I tried to cut it. And then it was horribly uneven, and I had to try to fix it. (For the record, this was the very first time I had ever cut anyone's hair. c.c;;) She ended up losing *way* more hair than she'd wanted; it's about shoulder-length now. It *was* about mid-back. x.x

She really hates it; she's always kept her hair long. I apologized repeatedly, and she promised she's not mad at me, but she said she's never letting me cut her hair again. I feel so bad, 'cause I love the way mine came out. ;_;

As for NaNoWriMo, I haven't actually written anything yet. I have lots of notes and I'm sorting music for a playlist. On the other hand, I had dreams about King Arthur -Giggles at NaNo muse-, woke up early feeling awake and perky enough that I've already made coffee and orange rolls, washed a load of dishes, and taken my shower. (Usually it takes me two hours to work through my coffee enough to even talk to people. c.c;;) My orange rolls are sadly burnt, but I'll eat them anyway. Also, Shi-chan decided to take her frustration at the horrible traffic last night by getting a cake and forcing the pissy-looking bakery worker to write Happy Birthday to one of her characters on it. Coincidentally, the character she picked is the one I'm writing about in my NaNo. ^.^ We didn't get the chance to eat any last night, so tonight I get to start NaNo with birthday cake for my muse! :D

In the meantime, I'm going to get laundry started so I can go back to staring at info files and Not Writing. Because that's NaNo rolls.

randomness, holidays, writing, nanowrimo, heart family

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