30 Days of PR Meme Day 7

Oct 26, 2010 13:11

I just *love* when I spend most of the night suffering from insomnia, and then somehow manage to turn off my alarm in my sleep. And there was supposed to be pretzels and coffee today, too. -Sulks-

Technically snagged from prgirlsrock, but I've been eyeing it since The2ndBatgirl started it.

1-How did you get into PR?
2-Favorite season
3-Favorite Team
4-Favorite Male Ranger
5-Favorite Female Ranger
6-Favorite sixth Ranger
7-Favorite Color Ranger
8-Favorite formerly evil Ranger
9-Favorite Villain
10-Favorite redeemed villain
11-Favorite villain henchmen
12-Favorite villain sidekick
13-Favorite Monster of the Week
14-Favorite Mentor
15-Favorite Support Staff
16-Favorite Supporting character
17-Favorite Couple (canon)
18-Favorite Couple (Fanon)
19-Favorite friendship
20-Favorite Teamup
21-Favorite HQ
22-Favorite Earth Location
23-Favorite non-Earth location
24-Favorite Zord
25-Favorite Uniforms
26-Favorite morph call/sequence
27-Favorite Morpher
28-Favorite under a spell
29-Favorite storyarc/episode
30-Favorite finale

7-Favorite Color Ranger
This is a hard question, honestly. It's another one of those things that could be interpreted in a lot of ways, too.

On the whole, I guess you could say I favor Red Rangers. Not because they're leaders, or because I like the color red. (Point of fact, Forever Red both amuses me and makes me nauseous from all the inflated egos and posturing.) It just happens that looking down the scope of Reds, I like a lot of their characters. Andros and his many, many MANY issues, Leo and his - well, he's Leo, Carter though I've no idea why, Wes because he's awesome, Eric 'cause he's a badass, Cole 'cause he's adorable, Shane and Hunter because they're dorky and emo and have alpha male issues, Conner because he's a dork who tries really hard, Jack for being his street rat anti-establishment self, Charlie who may be evil but is *still* the first female Red, Mack 'cause he's even more adorkable than Conner and *almost* more than Cole, and Casey because he's fascinating in his random abilities and his willingness to try really hard even though he doesn't believe he can. I like Sky and Bridge lots too, but I generally don't count them as Reds. (No, I'm not that big of a fan for Tommy, T.J., or Nick. Don't hate any of them; just not so big of a fan - especially of Tommy when he's wearing Red. And I still haven't seen RPM yet to know if I like Scott or not.)

In *concept*, I really like Green Rangers, though. Namely for the way they tend to bounce between tramatic pasts and techno-geeks, with a few inbetween. I also like them because of my personal philosophy about the Green Power being flawed, as mentioned in To be Green. -Frowns- Which reminds me that I need to update that someday. I still need to add Xander, Master Phant, Ziggy, and now the new Green. Whatever they're calling him now. -Rolls eyes-

* ETA: Note to self: Must edit/update To Be Green. Soon. You are a better writer than that now. Also, there's no excuse for that many typos.

power rangers, meme

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