Cataclysm (Tsukino Akume, Drama/Friendship)

Jan 19, 2010 23:21

I made wallpapers to inspire me to write this chapter, but LiveJournal is being stupid and won't let me access my scrapbook so I can post them to share. -Mutters and kicks it-

Title/: Cataclysm
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Relationship/: Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, mentions of Cassie/Phantom
Rating/: K+
Warnings/: emotional trauma, mentally disturbed people, depression
Disclaimer/: If I owned the Power Rangers, this universe would exist. We would have known who the Phantom Ranger was - and it *would* have been a girl because I'm weird like that - and team snuggles would be mandatory every episode. As none of that is cannon, it's safe to assume that I don't.
Summary/: When Astronema was defeated, the Astro Rangers gave up more than their Powers. Reporters, fans, and long-lost relatives are coming out of the woodwork as the team struggles to adjust to it all. Bright Skies Universe.
Theme/: #50. Small Talk
Author's Notes/: When in doubt, ADD PUPPY. ♥

To be fair, I came up with Sammy long before I ever discovered Supernatural. It is *totally* a coincidence that I've based his looks on WeeDean from the pilot. Seriously.

Additional love to rosabelle for attempting to beta. ^_~

"Recycle the Dark Fortress?"

More than one person was staring at her blankly.

"Just hear me out," Cassie protested, leaning forward across the table. "That's a *lot* of scrap metal, isn't it? We'd have to take it out to the middle of nowhere just to blow it up like we were planning to do. And even then, we have to be careful because we don't know what the blast might do to the surrounding area. Not to mention if something someone got a hold of a part that we didn't want them to. I mean, how can we be sure we'll be taking out all the important components?"

Andros eyed her. "You don't trust D.E.C.A.'s calculations?"

She rolled her eyes. "Of course I do. That's not the point. Why are we going to waste all that material, when we could be using it for something else?"

"Like what?" Zhane asked, looking perplexed.

She hesitated and shrugged. "Well, I don't know. But there has to be something. I mean, with everything that's happened in the last few weeks, there has to be someone who could use some help with resources for rebuilding their world. What about KO-35?"

Ashley glanced around, shrugging helplessly at the others. "That's a good point," she admitted.

"I want to do it." Karone's voice was soft, but firm. "The Dark Fortress is mine, so I get to decide what to do with it." She lifted her chin stubbornly in an expression that was both Astronema and Andros at the same time. "And I want to see it used for something good."

There was a pause, and at last Andros sighed. "It is your ship, Karone," he agreed reluctantly. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

She nodded. "Cassie's right. That's a lot of material someone else could use." She paused, looking down at her lap. "The Dark Fortress was my home," she added quietly. "I don't want to see it destroyed."

"Cassie," D.E.C.A. interrupted. "You asked to be reminded when the time in Angel Grove approached 10:00am."

Cassie started slightly, glancing up at the camera. "Is it that time already?" She tried not to sound dismayed.

"It is 9:55am Earth Pacific Standard Time," D.E.C.A. returned primly.

Ashley reached over to squeeze her hands. "Are you gonna be okay?" she asked in concern.

Cassie took a deep breath, trying to smile. "I'll be fine. It's just my family. What's the big deal, right?"

Carlos snorted. "Try that line again with people who don't know you so well," he informed her dryly.

She made a face at him, then looked at T.J., pulling her right arm close. "You're not teleporting me again," she warned him. "I can go by myself. When I'm ready."

T.J. gave her a bright smile. "Sure you can," he agreed easily. "D.E.C.A., would you please teleport Cassie down to Angel Grove Lake?"

"Traitor!" she cried as everything turned pink.

The first thing that registered when the world reformed was that it was oddly quiet. Quiet made her nervous. Quiet meant ambush.

Great, I'm turning into Andros, she thought in exasperation, even as she glanced around warily.

There were people staring at her. She blinked, and realized D.E.C.A. hadn't just teleported her to Angel Grove Lake; she'd sent her straight to her family. Who had never seen her teleport before. Who were still trying to grasp the idea that she was a Power Ranger.

T.J., I'm going to *kill* you.

"Hi," she offered uncertainly, giving an awkward smile. "Sorry about that. Usually we find an open area first. I didn't mean to just - "

"It's fine, honey," her mom interrupted. Her own smile seemed a little too bright. "You just surprised us, that's all."

"What was that?" David asked, frowning.

She shrugged, feeling uncomfortable. "Teleportation. Usually I'd take my glider off the megaship, but we have to morph for that, and it's a little ... " She trailed off, reaching up to rub her forehead with a sigh. "I could explain the science behind it, but it makes my head hurt. Basically, I was in a meeting with my ... " she hesitated, "Team, on our ... " She stopped again, grimacing. "Spaceship. It took a little longer than I expected, so I came straight here."

Where's Justin and one of his technical explanations that makes everyone's eyes glaze when I need him?

"Cassandra, it's fine," her mom promised, looking amused. "Calm down. You look like you're about to have an aneurysm."

She made a face. "I'm in perfect health, and I haven't had a head injury in three weeks," she argued.

There was a long pause.

"Head injury ... ?"

Her eyes snapped to the speaker, and she froze, breath catching. "You cut your hair," she blurted out, dismayed.

Her older brother blinked at her for a moment before reaching up to slowly run a hand over his shaved head. "Yeah," Mitch muttered after a moment. "It was getting in the way." He paused, shaking his head, and repeated "Head injury?"

She flinched slightly, at last giving a slight shrug. "Yeah. We um, got tossed around a lot when we lost the MegaVs," she murmured. Her heart ached at the thought.

"But you're okay now?" Amy persisted, looking worried.

"Yeah." She forced a smile. "Accelerated healing, remember? I was fine by the next day."

"Since when do you know what an aneurysm is?" David demanded, frowning at her.

Another long silence. It was finally broken when she shrugged. "I just ... do," she said uncomfortably, looking away.

She didn't want to explain. She didn't want to them to know about fighting in the Turbo Megazord, about the fall of the Power Chamber. About the Piranhatron attacks that got out of hand. About how understanding human anatomy and knowing basic first aid was a requirement of being a Ranger. About how life with Andros had taught them beyond that, because there was only so much D.E.C.A. and Alpha could do, and you never knew when you wouldn't be able to reach them for help.

So much had happened in fourteen months, and she didn't want to know any of it.

The sound of an incoming teleportation had her reaching for her morpher, already shifting to a fighting stance. But then a sharp bark cut through the air, and she found herself nearly bowled over by sixty-three pounds of enthusiastic Yellow Labrador. "Jetson," she grunted as he yipped happily in greeting, tail wagging enthusiastically.

She made a face as he tried to lick her cheek, pushing him back. "Down, boy."

Her fingers closed on something attached to his collar, and she blinked down at it. A piece of paper had been tied to one of the holes.

Cassie -

Thought you could use some backup. At least he's good for conversation. Good luck!

She scowled, crumpling the note in her fist and stuffing it in her pocket. "Seriously, Teej. Stop helping," she muttered under her breath. She resisted the urge to glare up at where she knew the megaship was hovering, apparently still watching over her.

Jetson barked again, and she looked up at him, her expression softening. "Yes boy, I missed you, too," she assured him, scratching behind his ear as he closed his eyes in bliss. "I'm sorry I didn't take you with me when I left. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"You have a dog?"

She glanced up at Tony's frown, shrugging again. "I missed Sandy," she explained. "And I didn't like living alone, so I stopped by the shelter one day and met this guy." She grinned fondly at Jetson as she continued to scratch. "This is Jetson."

"Puppy?" Sammy spoke up. He tugged at Mitch's pant leg, looking hopeful.

Mitch frowned suspiciously, running an absent hand though his son's hair. "Does he have any issues with kids?"

She shrugged. "Not as far as I know, but the youngest I've had him around is Ashley's sister, and she's only a little younger than Paige. He's really friendly though, if that helps."

Sammy inched forward, ducking around Mitch's hand. "Hi, puppy," he greeted softly.

Jetson watched him approach, tail already wagging in anticipation of a new friend. Cassie had to grip his collar to keep him from knocking the little boy over.

She took a moment to study her nephew. He was a little taller now, with more hair. It was currently rumpled, falling around his face in tuffs of dark blond. The hazel eyes she'd secretly always adored were large and curious. His thumb was nowhere near his mouth, which was a new development that must have taken some serious effort to achieve. The last time she'd seen him, he'd been much smaller and *always* sucked his thumb unless he had something to say, which wasn't often. For being Mitch's kid, Sammy was oddly shy.

He glanced up at her as he gently stroked Jetson's head, blinking innocently. "Hi," he offered.

She smiled back, wishing she could hold him close and cuddle him the way she used to. He'd been barely three when she left, and she wasn't sure how well he remembered her. "Hi, Sammy."

His brow furrowed. "You know m'name?"

"Of course I do." It was hard to stop herself from brush the hair out of his eyes. Her smile slipped a little. "You probably don't really remember me, but I'm your Auntie Cassandra. I used to help take care of you when you were little."

Sammy blinked at her for a moment. "You left," he said finally.

She winced. "Yeah, I did."

"Ever'one was sad," he informed her.

"I was sad, too," she told him. Her heart hurt. "I didn't want to leave."


This time she managed a small, sad smile. "Because I thought I had to." And I wish I could take it all back.

... But I'd never give up being a Ranger.

Small hands closed around her neck, and she suddenly found herself with a lapful of Sammy. "Missed you, A'Sandra," he mumbled, nuzzling against her cheek.

She closed her eyes at the familiar nickname, squeezing him carefully. "I missed you too, Rugrat," she whispered, surrendering to the need to kiss his temple. He cuddled under her chin, and she fought the urge to cry.

I don't know what you ever did to deserve this kid, Mitchie, she thought distantly, running her fingers through Sammy's hair as he giggled at Jetson. But whatever it was, I'm grateful you did it.

She glanced up at the sound of her mom clearing her throat. "So," Amy began. "Who's hungry for lunch?"

Jetson sprinted across the grass, dragging a large stick that was clearly too big for him. Sammy chased after him, giggling hysterically and calling for him to stop. Cassie smiled at the sight, glad at least someone was enjoying themselves.

Someone sat down beside her, and there was a sudden warm weight pressed against her side. She swallowed hard, uncertain how she should respond now. Before, this would have been an invitation for a shove, maybe even an argument. Now ...

She didn't know what it was.

They sat in silence for several minutes. Cassie stared at the grass, absently admiring the sparkly pink nail polish on the pair of feet next to her, sticking out from under trendy sandals. "I like your nails," she said eventually, nodding at the feet in question.

There was a pause. "You hate pink," Paige said finally, sounding confused.

A wry smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "I did," she agreed. "Then I became the Pink Ranger."

Another pause. "Why Pink?"

She shrugged. "That's the one they gave me."

It was more than that. It was the color of her personality, the color of her place within the team. It was the color tradition she followed, like the Pink Rangers before her. But she wasn't sure how to explain it to a civilian, so she didn't bother to try.

I can't believe I just thought civilian, she grumbled silently. Being a Ranger is ingrained into my brain. She wondered who's fault that was, and decided it must be Andros. Just because.

Everything that goes wrong should always be Andros' fault. It just makes life easier, she confirmed. And then she sighed at herself, because Andros was already blaming himself for things he had no reason to be blamed for, and that wasn't going to help anything.

"I like your shirt," Paige said abruptly.

She glanced down. It wasn't anything special; just a pale pink tank top she'd found on sale with a darker pink butterfly embroidered along the hem. "Thanks."

There was a sudden sigh, and the pressure at her side increased as Paige leaned against her shoulder. "This is weird," the younger girl said quietly.

Cassie swallowed, nodding. "Yeah," she said softly.

"I wish it wasn't."

She closed her eyes. "I'm sorry."

Another pause, and she felt Paige shift enough to look up at her. "Sorry for this being weird, or for running away?"

She sighed softly, one finger drifting to trace over her communicator. "I'm sorry it's weird. I *want* to be sorry I left, and in some ways I am ... But in others, I'm not."

"Why aren't you sorry?"

She glanced up at both of her brothers, standing in front of them. Tony's arms were folded, his expression strangely closed-off in a way that assured her she was right on his feelings about the subject. Mitch was frowning, but he seemed curious more than angry. If anything, he seemed to want to understand.

She reached up to rub at her eyes. "I missed you," she said finally. "I thought about all of you every day. I *hate* that I've missed so much. But ... " She trailed off, letting out another sigh. "But being a Power Ranger ... it's like nothing else. The things I've seen, the people I've met ... " She shrugged helplessly. "I missed you guys," she repeated. "But I love being a Ranger."

"More than you love us?" Tony's voice was sharp, bitter. His eyes were cold in a way they'd never been when he was looking at her.

Her heart clenched. "Don't ask me that," she whispered.

Tony turned around and walked away.

She closed her eyes, dropping her head into her hands. It took effort to swallow back the lump in her throat as her eyes burned.

"He's not really mad," Mitch offered quietly. His voice was closer than it had been before, and she looked up to find him directly in front of her, looking concerned and uncertain. "He was really hurt when you left without him."

She swallowed again. "I know," she said softly.

"We missed you," Paige told her abruptly. Her brown eyes were big and wet, and she sniffled slightly. "You weren't picking on me anymore. It was weird."

Cassie managed a somewhat watery smile back. "I didn't have anyone to pick on," she countered. She paused, flicking the younger girl's shoulder with a finger. "Princess," she mocked gently.

Paige's face blossomed into a bright smile. "Baby Face," she taunted back.

Cassie grinned, throwing an arm around her sister's shoulder and dragging her down, pulling the other girl close against her side and giving her a gentle noogie. "Shut it, your highness."

Paige squirmed, trying to get free, and Mitch laughed at them both. In the background she could hear Sammy's squeals of delight and Jetson barking. Her parents were watching them with smiles, while Tony glared out across the lake and pretended he couldn't hear them.

It wasn't right, and it wasn't perfect, but it was something.

fanfiction, cataclysm

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