Fandom and Religion: A 'Forbidden' Topic

Jan 19, 2010 18:02

-Rubs hands together gleefully- I am about to step into rougher waters of debate!

Religion in fanfiction. It's something rarely ever seen, and generally avoided. My guess is that some people are uncomfortable with reading/writing it? Personally, I rarely ever think to mention it, because it's not something that comes up with most of the plots I write.

That doesn't really mean I've *never* written it of course, or that I never will. Mike Corbett for instance, is firmly Wiccan in my mind as a result of the background I came up with for him. Leo Corbett is Wiccan when he thinks about it long enough, but generally he just doesn't care. For some reason I think Rocky is Catholic (I have no basis for this other than him being so in Ellen Brand's Personality Conflicts and Jeremy Ray Logsdon's Earth Crystals Saga, which introduced me into fandom), and Adam's Zeo quest episode makes me believe he's either Buddhist or Hindu. And now that I'm thinking about it, I think I actually had a Festival of Light to some sort of goddess planned for KO-35. Although I'm fairly certain Andros is probably an atheist after all the crap he's been through.

So, my question(s) dear Friends List, is this:

What do you think of religion in fandom? Do you purposely avoid it for any particular reason, or just have better things to focus on? Would you rather not see it at all, or is it something you think would bring more realism to a story? Is there any specific faith you can see a certain character following? Why? How serious about their faith do you think they would be? (i.e. Do they pray every night, attend church every Sunday barring monster attacks, only attend holiday services, believe but don't attend a particular church ... )

Semi-Standard Debate Disclaimer:
(Because religion tends to be a touchy subject, and I don't want people getting the wrong idea here)

I am not Christian. I am, for the curious, somewhere between Wiccan, Pagan, and Buddhist. I was, however, originally raised Christian and have friends of several different religions. I have the utmost respect for all faiths, provided they respect my own personal beliefs, and I ask that anyone who joins in this debate do the same.

Debate is fun; religion-bashing is *not*.

power rangers, sunshine thoughts, fandom

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