Title : Love Lust and Loss Pairing : YamaJima Rating : PG 13 Genre : Angst , Romance Summary : When you can’t hold your feelings anymore. Warning : BOYxBOY
yay an update~ ^o^ ryosuke should agree with yuto and run away together~
btw this is just my opinion, I think it's not necessary to lock your fics :O there are people who want to read your fic but it will be such a shame if they have to add you first; and you've put warning in your fic in the first place so people can choose to read it or not by the rating right? ^^; well it's just imo but it's up to you :) I think too bad people couldn't read your fic when you locked it, and you will gain more reader for sure XD
Comments 10
yes it have..:)
will wait for the next chap~ :D
btw this is just my opinion, I think it's not necessary to lock your fics :O there are people who want to read your fic but it will be such a shame if they have to add you first; and you've put warning in your fic in the first place so people can choose to read it or not by the rating right? ^^; well it's just imo but it's up to you :)
I think too bad people couldn't read your fic when you locked it, and you will gain more reader for sure XD
the rest part will be in post publicly :)
but~..i think i wont make the nc17 part in public..i'm still worry about it.. ;A;
and Yama-chan has feeling for yuto, love it
your fic is so dramatically but attractive
I've fall in love with dramatic and angst fic lately~
next part is up~ :D
will be waiting for the next chappie~^^
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