it was also a star wars original trilogy weekend

Sep 26, 2016 01:23

today i was going to look for bookshelves and maybe check out some shoes while i was out there, but it was such a nice day that i couldn't bring myself to spend a chunk of it either in the car or getting lost in furniture stores. not that i did a lot otherwise, but at least i got outside.

yesterday was the fluff festival, which celebrates the ( Read more... )

fluff, historical record, engineering is so cool, london, china, outer space, fun with friends, historical nifty, archaeological nifty, weekend wrapup, jewstuff

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Comments 8

donutsweeper September 26 2016, 15:22:21 UTC
Wow, the archaeological evidence article was fascinating- Africans and Asians in the London area during the Roman empire? That's fascinating ( ... )


tsuki_no_bara September 28 2016, 02:26:47 UTC
archaeology is so freakin' cool. i mean, chinese folks in roman london! who could've guessed? i'm dying to know how they got there, and why, and how long they were in london before they croaked.

i love fluff and fluffernutters, but it's entirely possible i'm really seven. :D

imagine the local cops getting another "there's a strange man walking down the sidewalk!" call and just rolling their eyes, and then cruising up to ray bradbury and saying hi.

my best guess about the london jews is that they want to stay in the eu - there's a lot of benefits! - and if you were stripped of german citizenship during ww2, you and your descendants can have it back now. i find it deeply weird that british jews would actively seek german citizenship but at the same time i can almost understand. almost.

the existence of chinese jews is also deeply weird! but mostly SUPER COOL. i wonder how they celebrate passover - what do they stop eating? i mean, do they not eat rice? do they keep it at all? and yeah, it really is a religion of endurance.


donutsweeper September 28 2016, 02:37:10 UTC
Although Ashkenazi Jews do not eat rice, Sephardic Jews do so it's quite possible they might eat rice? And just not eat rice flour products? Or something? Wow, now I'm super curious about that.


dear_tiger September 27 2016, 01:31:09 UTC
The Pantless Bradbury story is awesome :D I can just imagine the cops getting the call about an elderly man wandering about pantless, and going, Oh, Bradbury again. *eyeroll* He was the LAPD frequent flyer :D (The studio where my sister studies martial arts used to be in a different neighborhood, with actual neighbors within hearing range. They kept getting the cops called on them for "children screaming inside". It boggles my mind that presumably the same people would keep calling the cops.)

The Japanese war brides article was interesting! I didn't know that was a thing, but I can definitely see why the women would take that jump to improve their circumstances.


tsuki_no_bara September 28 2016, 02:31:26 UTC
i think he wore pants in public, just not around the house. i mean, he wasn't totally crazy, and i think he had at least some social graces. but yeah, i bet the cops just rolled their eyes after a while and cruised on over to set the neighbors at ease and say hi to mr bradbury.

did the cops never tell the martial arts studio's neighbors that it was a martial arts studio and no one was being murdered?

i knew japanese war brides were a thing, but all i knew was that they existed. i didn't know anything about why they existed. it's a random little bit of american history that you don't generally learn.


dear_tiger September 28 2016, 04:41:46 UTC
We probably think that all pantless old people are crazy. Most of them likely are, but I bet there's a good percentage that just ran out of fucks to give. Like, eh, every day is Pantless Day, let them think I'm demented.

The 911 dispatcher did know and tell people after X number of calls! They apparently still called. You cannot stand in the way of a busybody.


ephemera October 9 2016, 12:57:11 UTC
Mary Beard has some good caveats to the Roman Chinese remains story -


tsuki_no_bara October 9 2016, 20:08:54 UTC
that's so cool. it still leaves a bunch of questions, tho. i mean, if her suggestion that the skeletons are descendants of someone from china, or someone who married someone from china, that still begs the question of how those two people met. even if the skeletons were, like, one-eighth chinese, and not chinese-born-in-china, they were still found in london and that's still pretty fantastic.


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