weekend was fun, weather was crappy

May 17, 2016 23:07

i'm back from the wars, if by "wars" you mean "new york" and if by "new york" you mean, uh, "midtown". chaneen and i saw a streetcar named desire on saturday and even tho we were at the theater right on time (the play started at two), they wouldn't let us in. we had to wait in the lobby with a bunch of other latecomers until about half an hour into the ( Read more... )

candy, star wars, new york, gay marriage, nerdery, fun with fangirls, architectural nifty

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Comments 10

dear_tiger May 18 2016, 03:29:39 UTC
:D So many pictures! Such a fabulous weekend was had. Except for the play, because WTF. I can see why they have the rule: people are ridiculous and will totally barge in continuously for the first 30 min at least, but why won't you let people in who arrived on time? That sounds SO NYC. Speaking of, I expected to barf at the sight of bridges, but I didn't. I guess I feel safe enough and far enough now :D I want to hear all about what you came up with about Danny and Lily while walking through the city.

That sign was indeed in Russian! It cracked me up. But then again, I don't get how people live in a foreign country for fuck knows how many years and don't speak the language. It's in a completely different alphabet! How do you navigate the subway when there are no helpful signs in your language?

You know I kinda love the bit of trivia about hard candy molds being melted down in WWII. It reminds me how completely nuts it was.


tsuki_no_bara May 19 2016, 03:16:15 UTC
there were even more pictures i didn't share. it's probably a good thing i couldn't take pictures at the costume exhibit - that would probably be its own post. and i think they locked us out of the theater for thirty minutes because the actors would sometimes step off the rotating stage and walk around the floor where the first row of seats is, and you wouldn't want them colliding with late-arriving audience members. but they could've said that when you bought your ticket, so you'd know that you need to be early otherwise you'll be locked out.

if you barfed, even metaphorically, at pics of the brooklyn bridge, i would have to mock you. MOCK, i say. even knowing about your new york bridge terror.

i don't mind the multi-lingual subway signs - i mean, if you're new to a country you can be forgiven for not being fluent in the language - and you can (theoretically, anyway) learn the alphabet without being able to speak it. i mean, i still know the hebrew alphabet but don't have a fucking clue how to actually say anything.


donutsweeper May 18 2016, 04:03:44 UTC
You failed to acquire some bialys?!?!?!?! I am so disappointed in you!!!

I kid. Mostly.

Bialys, along with decent deli food, are probably the things I miss most from living in NY.

Sounds like you had a great trip though! :)


tsuki_no_bara May 19 2016, 02:27:42 UTC
i totally failed to even LOOK for bialys! sigh. altho according to my sister, the bagel place near her has them, so i shouldn't have to go all the way to new york. but otherwise, yes, it was a good trip.


halfshellvenus May 18 2016, 06:27:26 UTC
I'm glad you had such a good time! Something there reminds me of Neal's apartment in White Collar, and that library is just beautiful.

Penguin! A clothing store? Swimwear store?

The babel fish candy is an excellent idea. And the paris tiny apartment! I think I would go nuts in that cramped space, but it's a much higher-end-looking space than a trailer. Vertical layers can make such a difference, too!


tsuki_no_bara May 19 2016, 02:24:21 UTC
it is kind of white collar-ish! i can't remember where neal (by which i mean june :D ) was supposed to live, but there are definitely a couple of buildings around bryant park that might do.

the penguin looked kind of like casual-sporty men's clothes, but it was a little hard to tell from across the street.

god bless high-ceilinged paris buildings, otherwise that apartment never would have worked. the couple that owned it even lived there with a baby! which i think is nuts, but at least babies don't take up a lot of space.


nomercles May 18 2016, 06:34:46 UTC
I have COMMENTS. Okay. So.

1) Kay Freeborn hand-knitted the torso of the costume used in the original 3 and the infamous holiday special. When they went to go make the next movies, they revisited the design, convinced they could make it better, cheaper, and to look "better". They spent $3M trying to re-make Chewie's fur and failed miserably and gave up. (They did eventually add a water-cooling system so it could be worn for longer, but otherwise, Kay was basically in the back going "Dudes, I did good work. At least say thanks, m'kay?" Because she got zero official credit. I have feels about Kay.)

2) I totally just bought Ben a tie from Original Penguin yesterday. I didn't know they existed before that.

3) Someone else I follow just saw that same Streetcar, and they thought the production was good but the play was execrable. I personally freaking love that play, so thank you for bringing more details for me, since I can't travel 3,000 miles to see it!


tsuki_no_bara May 19 2016, 01:21:08 UTC
the only names i remember are ralph mcquarrie and ben burtt, but i knew their names already. but kay freeborn might have actually gotten credit at the exhibit! and i am amused as hell that the first chewbacca suit was the best.

i'd never heard of original penguin either! and then suddenly there it was, all penguiny and random.

i don't actually like tennessee williams (i saw suddenly, last summer for gale harold a bunch of years ago, and i walked out of it thinking "gale was fine and i don't actually like tennessee williams"), and if blanche and stanley had been played by other people, i wouldn't have gone to see it. but the production really was good.


amnisias May 18 2016, 07:28:03 UTC
British theatres are very vigilant about late-comers as well, once the auditorium has gone quiet they won't let you in until the first intermission. The difference is that with theatre tickets the start time is the actual start time (e.g. curtain up) whereas in cinemas the start time is when the commercials start playing.

I love NY - on pictures it's a real chameleon, and they say so much about the photographer as well as the city. Some people make it look all high-rises, high-pressured, hip and hectic, others make it looks derelict and run-down, dark and scary. You make it look like a green oasis with lots of charm and individuality.


tsuki_no_bara May 19 2016, 01:01:08 UTC
i'm glad they let us in before the intermission, otherwise we would've missed half the play! in this case i think it was partly because the first row of seats was on the floor, and sometimes the actors would step off the rotating set and walk around on the floor, so the theater didn't want audience members trying to find their seats at the same time. but still! they could at least mention when you buy your ticket that you have to be early otherwise they won't let you in for half an hour, and then you won't get to sit in the seat you actually paid for.

pretty much anywhere i go, i want to take pictures of buildings and green things and weird shit. my new york is full of interesting buildings. and they're not all the chrysler building, either! just most of them. :D


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