weekend was fun, weather was crappy

May 17, 2016 23:07

i'm back from the wars, if by "wars" you mean "new york" and if by "new york" you mean, uh, "midtown". chaneen and i saw a streetcar named desire on saturday and even tho we were at the theater right on time (the play started at two), they wouldn't let us in. we had to wait in the lobby with a bunch of other latecomers until about half an hour into the play, where we finally got to go inside the theater and sit in the back. >.< fortunately it was a small theater, and it was theater-in-the-round with a rotating stage, so we still had pretty good seats. but still! who effectively locks theatergoers out of the theater if they're not early? hmph.

the play was really good, tho. i'm not a tennessee williams fan but it had gillian anderson and crazy ben foster and vanessa kirby, who looked really familiar but who's only been in one thing i've seen (jupiter ascending, and i'd never recognize her), and the set was minimalist and really neat, and i genuinely enjoyed it. the theater was near the brooklyn end of the brooklyn bridge, so of course we had to take some pictures of it.

i took this one with my phone, which is why it's wide.

bonus world trade center in the background.

and the manhattan bridge too.

with bonus empire state building.

nicely framed. :D

after that was pizza (mine had SO MUCH SPINACH ON IT, i was so happy) and a star wars costume exhibit, which was completely fascinating. i didn't realize i could take pictures, so i checked my camera (i had a backpack), and then my phone died! i may or may not have whined. chaneen took a bunch of pics, at least. there were a lot of padme's outfits from the prequels, and they're just as gorgeous up close as you might imagine. also, there were the droids we were looking for. :D r2-d2 looks much bigger in real life! it's weird. bb8 is just as adorable. they had a few things from the force awakens (i looked at finn's boots and thought "those look like shoes you could get at aldo or somewhere", but i was amused as hell that the sleeves on the jacket were slightly too long for the mannequin, because of course it's poe's jacket) and a bunch of weapons from all the movies (one of the blasters had what looked suspiciously like a ski boot buckle as a trigger, and one of them looked equally suspiciously like an imperial sex toy) and chewie's, uh, costume. it was made out of mohair and... yak hair. :D chaneen and i read the little plaque and cracked up at the same time. somehow we always end up here. hee. at least it wasn't moose.

she went home and i went to an airbnb in brooklyn, and the bed was sooooo soft. i love a soft mattress. on sunday i found a building near bryant park with a nifty midcentury mosaic on the front:

which i followed up with bryant park itself:

a patriotic horse on the carousel.

child-sized tables and chairs! there's a guy just out of frame on the right - he saw me with my camera and stepped back so he wouldn't be in the picture, which i thought was really considerate, even tho he wasn't in the way.


some neat buildings:

gratuitous empire state building.

gratuitous chrysler building. :D

and the library:

and for halfshellvenus, original penguin:

i am such a tourist that i took a picture of one of the subway alerts, because it was in russian.

i wanted to but didn't get to see no-detective (the timing was bad), and every time i go to new york i likewise fail to acquire some bialys, but otherwise it was pretty much the weekend i wanted. well, aside from not getting to sit in the actual seats we paid for for streetcar.... but the costume exhibit was so cool, and because we went late there were almost no other people there, so we could read all the explanatory plaques and laugh at the yak hair without disturbing anyone.

in totally unrelated news, today is the anniversary of the first legal same-sex marriage (as opposed to civil union) in the us. it happened in massachusetts. :D

check out this tiny paris apartment. too small for me to live in for long, but i love how everything is folded into the space.

this candy store in florida has a victorian candy maker for the making of hard candy. hard candy used to be a big thing, but apparently a lot of the equipment was melted down during ww2, so now the molds are really rare.

the candy store also makes babel fish for towel day, and round tardis candy. how cool is that? i love nerdy food.

candy, star wars, new york, gay marriage, nerdery, fun with fangirls, architectural nifty

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