today was marked by a. actual work! so i wasn't bored! and b. sebastian stan's fucking face. >.< like, to the point i briefly considered trying to get into once upon a time so i could watch him mad hattering.
the feeling passed. unless someone could cut up the show for me and distill it to just his scenes....
(in august i'm going to see
wrenlet who
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Comments 16
And you know you don't have to use any of my notes. I mean, it will be a far superior story if you DO use my notes, but you don't have to. :DDD
(Also, I love Bucky's Winter Soldier hair. The fact that you hate it so much amuses me to no end.)
i asked you for help and you gave me help! i should take at least some of your suggestions. i mean, the ones i agree with, anyway. :D (and probably the spag ones. i have a, uh, idiosyncratic relationship with the comma, shall we say.)
(it looks good when it's blowing around and in his face, but when he's standing or sitting still and it's just lying there? not so much. he has a fivehead, there's too much head there.)
but there's always going to be something that tons of people love and my response is an emphatic "eh".
also work is blocking Tumblr now and i can't see the arms photo. ::CRYING FOREVER:: unless it's one i've seen already. My life is only still my own because work is blocking tumblr.
I really do think Buck would cut his own hair. possibly angrily <3 But he could also do that messy man-bun that Hemmsworth rocks irl sometimes, that would be ok.
the arms photo is on instagram! it's a shortshort video of him working out, focusing on his arm and shoulder. i'm a fan.
oddly enough i can get on tumblr at work but not lj. if i couldn't get on tumblr i would be MUCH LESS CRAZED. fucking tumblr.
the more i think about it the more i think he'd cut it himself too. and pepper would take one look at him afterwards and make him go to the barber. and i love chris built-like-a-brick-shithouse hemsworth, but the man-bun doesn't look good on anyone. ponytails are much better.
Tumblr remains a fandom hell. There is no escape. There is only--umm--reallly awkward anonymous confessions from teenage girls about how they want fictional characters to have sex with them. Tumblr so ruined Loki for me. *sadface*
>>here is only--umm--reallly awkward anonymous confessions from teenage girls about how they want fictional characters to have sex with them<<
i have totally missed that part of tumblr. i am not sorry. (FUCKING TUMBLR.)
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