Title: Kneeling by the Roadside
Genre/Pairing: J2 RPS AU
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 23k
Warnings: A lot of inner monologue. Misha the asshole. Off-screen Chad.
Disclaimer: None of this actually happened. Promise.
Jared lives in Austin and plays bass in a band called Potatoes of Defiance. His life makes sense until it doesn't, and because he can't deal with the sudden changes he drives off to see his ex-boyfriend Jensen, who moved to Seattle after they broke up. It's 2100 miles from Austin to Seattle, which gives a man a lot of time to think. And think Jared does - about his past and his future, the band he plays in, the musicians he knows, the gigs he's done, and the ex he's going to see. Once he gets there, Jensen listens to him, talks to him, shows him the sights. They won't - can't - get back together, but it turns out that's okay. Jared just needed to get out of Austin and into other parts of the country, where he can think things through surrounded by different landscapes and the fun parts of a different city, in the company of someone he still kind of loves.
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part FourAO3 Author's Note |
Fabulous Art Thanks:
dear-tiger, for beta duties (always), encouragement, and help with the Seattle scenes
aggiedoll, for her perfect, perfect art.
Go see it and tell her how good it is
crotalus-atrox, for The Delta Blues
Tess from the not-the-end-of-the-world Discord, for help with Austin non-profits
the Nanowrimo forums, for stories about road trips
wendy, for modding (always)
24 Hour Party People, for the seed of the idea
and Tom Petty and Robert Plant, for the soundtrack