Title: The Only Twenty-Four-Hour Bookstore in New York
Genre/Pairing: J2 RPS AU
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 38,500
Warnings: Random references to random books. Non-CW cameos. The occasional Easter egg. Traces of Chad.
Disclaimer: A lot of the people and places actually exist, but the relationships, not so much. And as far as I know there is no bookstore in New York that's open twenty-four hours.
Summary: Jared is the proprietor of The Moose and Mayhem, New York City's only twenty-four-hour bookstore. It takes up most of his brain but he loves it - the employees, the customers, the shelves and shelves of books. Jensen is co-owner of Two Brothers Bar, Red Hook's finest purveyor of bourbon, beer, and country bands. It takes up increasing amounts of his time but he loves it - the bartenders, the customers, even line-dance nights. Jared's weird year begins on No-Pants Day with the unusual presence of people riding the subway in their underwear in January. Jensen's weird year begins with an impulse to cross the river into Manhattan at three in the morning to see if the tall Texan guy he met a week ago is as cute as he remembers. But neither of them is expecting the challenging year that follows, and they'll need the things about New York that keep them sane to help them survive it.
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part Four |
Part Five |
Part SixPDF |
AO3 Author's Note |
Extras |
Amazing Art thank-yous!
dear-tiger for encouragement, interest, ego stroking, excitement, random ideas, constantly asking me to tell her about the fic, the thing about nurses not saying their floors are "quiet", and the story about the pillow talk scotch distillery, which is apparently a real place. I cannot thank her enough, even tho she recognized approximately one of the non-SPN cameos and related Easter eggs, which took some of the fun out of my "I have a ridiculous idea!" emails. Also I need to thank her for being my beta beta and at least trying to get rid of all my parentheses and awkward sentences.
petite-madame for unknowingly picking my summary for the second year in a row and absolutely nailing the tone of the scenes she chose to illustrate. She is completely adorable and a pure pleasure to work with, in addition to being insanely talented. Go see
the art - it's excellent.
locknkey for being my alpha beta for the fourth (!!!) year, despite real life throwing way too much shit at her.
no-detective for suggesting Red Hook as a place to locate the bar, and for helpful info about the neighborhood in specific and Brooklyn in general.
paleogymnast (the mod) and my fellow bigbangers of
omgspnbigbang for camaraderie, flail, and the occasional writing challenge.
my flist for suggesting what kinds of books might be shelved under "Weird", and for admitting what books scared the crap out of them.
wendy for excellent modding and overall fabulousness.
and tumblr, for the idea. fucking tumblr.