Title: That Daring Young Man
Genre/Pairing: J2 RPS AU
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 29,700
Warnings: Potentially anachronistic dialogue. Non-CW actors. Bad hedgehog jokes.
Disclaimer: Lies, all lies. The people are real. The plot, not so much.
Summary: In 1937, Jared loses his job and runs away from home to join the circus. He's not a performer so he finds work as a roustabout, putting up and pulling down the big top as the circus rolls through town after town. It's hard work but he likes the people, and the traveling circus itself has fired his imagination since he was ten, with its sideshow acts and animal acts and big top performers, and especially now its aerialists, in particular a talented, good-looking trapeze artist named Jensen.
locknkey for helpful story critiques, good story suggestions, an excellent (if long) phone call, and reassurance that the fic was actually ok to post
uh_tiramisu for her
fabulous art and for being patient with me every time I had to change the text of Jensen's letter
wrenlet for early encouragement and (indirectly) Jamie the aerialist and Paul the fire eater
beadslut for later encouragement and (indirectly) Eric the sword swallower
kita0610 and
amnisias for setting me straight about concussions and what happens when you’re hit in the head
dear_tiger for Misha's hedgehog jokes
deirdre_c and
halfshellvenus for letting me whine at them about the title
everyone on
omgspnbigbang, especially mods
paleogymnast and
slightlysatanic, for general support and encouragement and mini Nano-style challenges, which are pretty much the only reason my first draft was finished at all, never mind on time
wendy and
thehighwaywoman for taking care of us through another year of this amazing, ridiculous challenge, and for letting me have a late posting date
and Howard Tibbals, who I don't know and will never meet, for building the largest miniature circus in the world and providing me with a huge tent under which to set my little story
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part Four |
Part Five |
EpiloguePDF | AO3 (coming soon!)
Author's Note |
Fabulous Art