more than five things make a post, too

Aug 10, 2009 13:27

there's still chocolate in my office. it's sitting there tempting me with its orangey and caramely and chocolatey ways. dear self: no, you cannot have chocolate for lunch, i don't care if it has orange peel in it.

i saw up on friday with tamalinn, her boyfriend, lbmango, and his friend who may or may not be on lj. (tamalinn called at 7:05 and said "it's playing at the somerville theater at 7:30, do you want to meet us", and no lie my first thought was "but i haven't had dinner yet...." what i actually said was "sure!" and i had popcorn for dinner. *ahem* perks of being an adult. :D ) it's very sweet, very funny, kinda surreal, with a surprising thread of melancholy running thru it, and i liked it a lot. also it has dogs who are easily distracted by SQUIRREL! and i really love that the main characters are an old fart and an asian-american kid (who is, let me say, completely adorable). if you haven't seen it already, go. it's very good. (and the animated short that comes before it is really cute, not that this should be any surprise.)

and because i didn't get to do it friday night, i made blueberry muffins saturday night. yum.

funky dog sighting of last week: a standard poodle with one ear dyed purple. i saw him in whole foods - he was a helper dog. his person was in a wheelchair and it looked like she'd dyed her hair purple too. one of the things i love about where i live - not just my little neighborhood but greater boston as a whole - is the large number of people walking their dogs.

speaking of my little neighborhood, someone's tearing down (i think) a house down my street. all that's left of it is the frame, the roof, and the inside stairs. weird and kind of creepy, but also really cool.

i like this meme:

Ask me my Top Five [Whatevers]. Any top fives. Fannish, not fannish, whatever! And I will answer them all in a new post (or possibly the comments).

and look, i didn't even mention my bigbang. :D i told you i'd shut up about it eventually.

movie review, doggie love, memes, i love where i live

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