a little b&e

Apr 30, 2009 20:52

picture prompt fic for gs_wiley, from this pic. for context, ru is in art school, still working part-time, and occasionally invited to his parents' house so his mom can feed him. trent is one of his boyfriends and actually belongs to ephemera.

There were a number of things Ru could easily expect from his parents when he went over to their house for dinner. Comments about his love life, comments about his work life, comments about his school life, comments about his life in general. Questions on any of the above. Unsolicited advice. Leftovers. Sometimes - like now - he could even expect to be early.

He knocked on the front door a couple of times and rang the bell, but no one came to let him in. He checked his watch. Huh. They must be out. He really was early.

He rummaged around in his bag until he found his keys, and... his parents' house key wasn't on it. Had he taken it off the ring? Put it in his wallet with his change? He rummaged through his bag again looking for his wallet, and no, the key wasn't in there either. Had he given it to Trent? (Why would he have given it to Trent?) He was sure it was hiding in his apartment somewhere - he'd misplaced keys before and he had more than one keyring so he wasn't worried he'd lost it - but that didn't help him now. He was still locked out of his parents' house.

Then he remembered the emergency key, which his mom had hidden under one of the ornamental shrubs by the front door. She'd bought one of those little fake rocks with the hidden compartment, put the key inside, and half-buried it under the shrub. Ru slung off his shoulder bag and knelt on the walkway so he could dig around, but the fake rock wasn't there. In fact there were no rocks there, or anything else his mom could've hidden a key in. Nor was there a random key buried in the dirt. She must have gotten paranoid someone would find it and break in the house, so she'd taken it away.

Ru banged on the door and rang the bell, just in case his brother was home. No answer. He dug around in his bag for his cell phone so he could call the house. (His brother had been known to ignore knocks and doorbells, but never the phone.) He dimly heard the phone ringing inside, but no one answered it. They really weren't home. And he really couldn't get in. Crap.

Well, maybe he just couldn't get in the front. He went around to the back - glancing around as he unlatched the gate and really hoping no one happened to be peering out their window as he was sneaking into his parents' back yard - and tried the back door. Which, of course, was locked. If his mom was so paranoid she was going to remove the spare key from underneath the ornamental shrub, she certainly wasn't going to leave the back door to the house unlocked.

Ru chewed on a fingernail while he tried to think what to do. At least it wasn't raining or freezing cold, and even though he was a little thirsty he wasn't dying from it, but he did have to pee. And now that he'd acknowledged that, he really had to pee.

Well, shit. He'd have to either pee in the back yard or break into the house. That was a no-brainer. But how did one break into a house?

He guessed he could call Bald Patrick - b&e seemed like something he'd be familiar with - but you could force the lock with a credit card, couldn't you? Or your driver's license? Ru got out his wallet, extracted his license, and tried to jimmy the door lock with it. No luck. He tried his Visa card, but had to stop out of fear it would break. He needed something longer and stronger. Wait. He had some brushes and a putty knife in his bag, didn't he. He'd use the knife.

Ru glanced up at the sky, which was growing dark, as he pulled out the putty knife and slid the blade between the door and the frame. He jiggled it a little, bent it a little, and pushed on it a little. He felt some resistance, which he figured was the lock, and jiggled it harder. He used his free hand for leverage. He really, really hoped he wasn't about to break the knife blade.

Then he felt the lock budge, and with some careful pressure he managed to pop it and open the door. His parents hadn't set the alarm - oh thank god - so he had nothing to distract him as he ran for the bathroom.

This was never, ever going to happen again. He was going to find the key to his parents' house which was no doubt loose in his apartment, and he was going to make a bunch of copies so he'd never be without one again, and in the future he'd be able to get into the house without looking suspicious.

Because if he ever had to break in again, he was pretty sure someone was going to notice and call the cops on him. And that would suck.


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