German Meet-Up for KAT-TUN or Je-fans in general

Feb 23, 2011 13:02

Hi ho, everyone
Since last time the attempt to organize a german meet up failed, which was sad, I thought why not give it another try. But this time with different conditions. Last time the place was Düsseldorf, but there were too many people who wanted to join, so I choose my hometown, Hamburg claiming this a Northern-meet-up. ^^ There are several ( Read more... )

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Comments 35

mitani February 23 2011, 12:59:31 UTC
if this turns out to be something I might end up coming!
since Hamburg is close and everything to me :D
(living just on the other side of the boarder in Denmark!!!)

I'm mostly an Eito fan, but I generally love all groups :)
& if I come can I bring some friends even tho they don't speak german?

I also have a karaoke program (soramimi) on my computer which I could bring along with and external screen :)


tsubayosho February 23 2011, 13:29:58 UTC
COOL that would be great! The karaoke program I mean.
Sure you can bring friends with you since we all should be able to speak english.
I really hope we can make it work out, even if we are a small group.


mitani February 24 2011, 08:22:57 UTC
until now I have around 370+ songs on my karaoke, but if I know I'll be going to a meet-up soon I'll be able to work on some more KT songs if possible :D
and as long as I have power from somewhere I would be able to set up my screen+computer nearly everywhere :)

oh and I'm 24, so I don't behave all childish "all the time" but if my friends decide to tag along they are all younger than me 20 and below, but really nice and not really the shouting/annoying kind of people :)

and please please please make it work out! it would be so awesome to finally get to meet some more JE fans living near me (on the german side of the boarder) :D


d0ci February 23 2011, 15:21:32 UTC
I would only come for you Mitteleinchama <3 not for KAT-TUN :P


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tsubayosho February 23 2011, 17:12:24 UTC
That's why I meant suggestions please. This should be a scaffold for what we could do. Plus before we can go into all details what everyone wants to do and plan I want to see, if there is enough interest and willing to come to a meet-up ( ... )


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tsubayosho February 23 2011, 20:16:24 UTC
hmm Pfingsten ist gar keine so schlechte Idee, mal checken wann das is. Und evtl den poll erneuern mit mehr daten zur auswahl


cutedorkylove February 23 2011, 18:09:11 UTC
i'm sorry meet up sounds nice but Hamburg is too far away (i live near Düsseldorf XD) and with such a short notice not possible... i can't get off of work that fast.

but just some sugestions:
A lot of people are not into cosplay and well not taking Photos thing. It's going to be a JE meet up.. and in my opinion there should be done something JE related... like watching DVD's, listening to Music, singing Karaoke... idk things like that XD (maybe people could bring their Magazines, Photobooks, CD's, or even Concerts - Shows... on ipot.

Then the conhons.... i'm quite over the age of 20 and uhm not really into those things (not a huge animanga fan either)...

-> no loud squeaking like a toddler until we're at the beach and noone except us is around. ehm... squeaking like a toddler? idk it sounds like you don't really want to be seen with fangirls? XD ( ... )


tsubayosho February 23 2011, 19:05:19 UTC
I am a former JRock/Visual kei fan and usuad to live near Düsseldorf. And on one meeting for example everyone sat at Takagi screaming and fighting like he's mine, he's mine just because one girl grabbed the magazine a second before the other one could. The whole situation ended up with police. I'm not sure if they could come back later or never again. The point is I wrote this to prevent bitching like that.
I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I want to make clear we shouldn't behave like a drunken group of football rowdies, who invade Hamburg hbf almost every Saturday when HSV has a match.


tsubayosho February 23 2011, 19:07:25 UTC
PS: Yes planning it alone, first of collecting ideas, do you wanna help me? I think May is def more realistic for the meet-up, btw


cutedorkylove February 23 2011, 20:22:52 UTC
I am a former JRock/Visual kei fan too XD and it's not that i don't get what you mean and of course there are a lot of annoying people like that. You just can't prevent situations like that. (Through tis police thing sounds really bad XD)
And you said those are rules! It sounds kinda harsh.
for example:
-> we shouldn't behave like a drunken group of football rowdies, who invade Hamburg hbf almost every Saturday when HSV has a match. <-
sounds much nicer XD it's a "we shouldn't" that makes it nice =3

and sorry but i think i won't be of much help XD i was only in Hamburg once.
maybe you should make a list in the post with the ideas mentioned so far ~


heroinlamb February 23 2011, 19:24:32 UTC
eew I'd love to come but.. the dates are nearly impossible D:
since 19th is the week before the abitur exams in niedersachsen and well the 26th is actually the first exam and I have to write my german exam xD
it actually depends when you're planning on starting or smth maybe I could come after that xD
for the may date.. well I'm visiting my friend near duesseldorf then xD
solche doofen zufaelle ey 8D
Aber meet-ups sind super D: dieses mal sollte es klappen, das waer klasse <3
uhm.. sonst noch was?
Ich glaub beim Hanami treffen waer auch nich so schlau, oder? Wird so voll und so ne :/ aber. ich haette ja auch sowieso keine Zeit da xD
Mai an sich hoert sich toll an~ Abiturienten haben dann naemlich frei :D


tsubayosho February 23 2011, 20:03:34 UTC
Ahh stimmt ja Abitur, daran hab ich gar nicht gedacht, ist schon so lange her bei mir T_T
Ich hoffe auch es klappt, das wär so cool, selbst wenn wir erstmal nur 10 leute sind oder so.
Evtl muss man das datum doch noch etwas auf sommer verschieben, auch zwecks wetter beständigkeit.


heroinlamb February 23 2011, 20:36:09 UTC
ja wegen datum muss man schauen ne ~
also juni waer sicherlich cool


cutedorkylove February 23 2011, 20:24:12 UTC
stupid right? And i hope you know i was planning to crash your place Lambi XD


kyra_skye February 23 2011, 19:49:48 UTC
Alright! first of all I'm happy about how you wrote that whole post. 'cause my first thought was a "uargh, another attention whore trying her hands on a wannabe meetup", but you sound pretty clear and organized, so here we go~

I like your ideas and your 'rules' and tbh I can't understand why some people feel offended by that *scratches her head* I mean, we're all on LJ, all in various JE-communities, right? So are you really that surprised that he doesn't want some crazy dumb fangirls around? I'm certainly not ( ... )


tsubayosho February 23 2011, 20:35:05 UTC
first of thank you for your comment. I was surprised about how they criticise me just because I set up a real plan already.

as for the age problem, yeah that wont be so easy to solve. As far as I know from visual kei meetups in düsseldorf they only meet till evening, like 8pm I think.


cutedorkylove February 23 2011, 20:39:32 UTC
*scratches your head too* Liz really i can see that! I don't want them around either (at least not the police ones) but i just think you can't prevent it with a "rule". Btw Crazy fans can be nice too ~

-> use common courtesy. <-
nice said btw. X3

So if you come... i might really consider comming too... just to kick you really hard ♥


kyra_skye February 24 2011, 16:26:03 UTC
*purrs* a little bit more left please :3

We can't prevent it no, but we can at least signalise that they're not welcome or at least they know they should behave. I know that crazy fans can be nice because IMO you hardly can be a fan without being crazy xD but crazy and dumb is a combination I can't really stand lol

and eeeerrrrrrr yes! go ahead and kick me but clean your shoes first please ♥


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