German Meet-Up for KAT-TUN or Je-fans in general

Feb 23, 2011 13:02

Hi ho, everyone
Since last time the attempt to organize a german meet up failed, which was sad, I thought why not give it another try. But this time with different conditions. Last time the place was Düsseldorf, but there were too many people who wanted to join, so I choose my hometown, Hamburg claiming this a Northern-meet-up. ^^ There are several ( Read more... )

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heroinlamb February 23 2011, 19:24:32 UTC
eew I'd love to come but.. the dates are nearly impossible D:
since 19th is the week before the abitur exams in niedersachsen and well the 26th is actually the first exam and I have to write my german exam xD
it actually depends when you're planning on starting or smth maybe I could come after that xD
for the may date.. well I'm visiting my friend near duesseldorf then xD
solche doofen zufaelle ey 8D
Aber meet-ups sind super D: dieses mal sollte es klappen, das waer klasse <3
uhm.. sonst noch was?
Ich glaub beim Hanami treffen waer auch nich so schlau, oder? Wird so voll und so ne :/ aber. ich haette ja auch sowieso keine Zeit da xD
Mai an sich hoert sich toll an~ Abiturienten haben dann naemlich frei :D


tsubayosho February 23 2011, 20:03:34 UTC
Ahh stimmt ja Abitur, daran hab ich gar nicht gedacht, ist schon so lange her bei mir T_T
Ich hoffe auch es klappt, das wär so cool, selbst wenn wir erstmal nur 10 leute sind oder so.
Evtl muss man das datum doch noch etwas auf sommer verschieben, auch zwecks wetter beständigkeit.


heroinlamb February 23 2011, 20:36:09 UTC
ja wegen datum muss man schauen ne ~
also juni waer sicherlich cool


cutedorkylove February 23 2011, 20:24:12 UTC
stupid right? And i hope you know i was planning to crash your place Lambi XD


heroinlamb February 23 2011, 20:35:35 UTC
of course <3
I'd love to have you over anytime x3


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