Forever Hearts
Title: Double Trouble
Insert Song: Chinen Yuri Version
Disclaimer: FINALLY, i can say this: ahem...the following work belongs to me, tsubasa_quill...YAY!!
Note: As requested by yuki_san2519, here is the insert song for Forever Hearts: Double Trouble. In the fic it is composed by the protagonist but yeah...i made it up.
So, i couldn't really come up with a good title...and it turned out to be quite sappy..oh well.
Destiny's Beat
Can you feel something blossoming, as we grow lighter and lighter,
Can u feel something growing as we jump higher and higher
Listen quietly it’s only the beginning,
The thread pulled to the edge, its visibly thinning,
Tell me are you ready, can you move with this tone,
Don't you worry I'll never leave you alone,
The sound of our feet, it is harmony,
The way we’re in sync, is the symphony,
The joining of our hearts, it is the unchained melody,
Let me hear your rhythm, cause it’s the beat of our destiny
The sky grows darker,
Lighted by nothing but stars,
And the world is spread ahead, a massive stage,
My turns are swift, growing tighter, sharper,
Time flies as I move, the growing hours,
Come with me, release yourself from that cage.
Hush my friend and let the pretty music speak,
Drowning in its rhythm, falling down, flowing deep,
There was never a need, for u to walk out that door,
Please don’t leave me alone….alone on this empty floor…
We are joined by a strong connection; a tiny ray of hope starts to shine,
Answer of a simple question, please tell me this time you’ll be mine.
Note: Thank u for supporting my fic.