If you have questions, a problem with any of the following, want something added, changed, or just have suggestions, please let me know and we'll work something out.
- Legible for the TSN Rare Pair Fest are all works that do not primarily feature Mark/Eduardo or Andrew/Jesse, though both pairings are allowed as secondary pairings or as part of primary three- or moresomes. AUs, crossovers and fusions are valid too, as long as there's a TSN character in the primary pairing.
- Word minimum for fic is set at 3,000 words.
- All art is allowed. Art isn't as easily quantified as fic and up to the artist's discretion, except for mixes, which should be at least 5 songs.
- Works are to be posted with a header with warnings.
- Don't hate on pairings.
January 28 - February 5
Initial sign-ups. Addendum, since I've been asked about this: If you want to give this fest a try but don't know yet if you'll actually be able to come through, fret not.
As an author: You can sign up now and spend the next month trying to whip up a draft - if you manage, success! You have the bulk of your story and then have another three weeks to finish and polish it. If you try and, come draft submission, find you can't participate after all, for whichever reason, then that is perfectly okay too. Until artist claiming you can always drop out. (Technically you can also drop out after someone has claimed your story as I'm unlikely to show up on your doorstep and force you to finish, but I'd make a very, very sad face at my screen and then worry about how to break the news to your artist. Please don't make me do that.)
As an artist: You too can sign up now, and, unlike the writers, you don't even have to do anything yet, just sit, wait, and let the anticipation build up! It's not until artist claiming in March that you have to get to work, and if at that point you find you don't have the time for the fest then you can just not claim anything. (I won't show up on your doorstep either.)
February 25 - March 1
First check-in for authors, draft submission, and drop-out-now-or-forever-hold-your-peace. You'll need to have your pairing, summary, rating, and enough of a draft that I can compile the claims post and your artist can work with your fic. I'll put up the check-in post with information on how to submit your draft on the 25th, and then you have time until Friday, midnight Central European Time (i.e. including the whole of Friday) to send your draft in.
March 2 - 3
Artist claiming. The claims post will go up for preview once I've compiled all the fic summaries and be visible all Saturday, and will open for claiming at 0:00 a.m. Central European Time on Sunday. Possible secondary claiming and when I'll get around to sending out the match-ups are to be determined.
March 11 - 15 18 - 22
Second check-in, both authors and artists, dates on which you can't post.
March 16 - 17 23 - 24
Posting dates (otherwise, this will be the weekend during which I frantically try to contact people).
March 25 April 1
Posting starts.
There seems to be enough interest to run this fest with author-artist match-ups, so this schedule is altered from my initial suggestion to give people more time. Now, the authors have about four weeks before they need to have a claimable draft and three more before posting starts, and the artists themselves have three weeks to work too.