Round Three: The Sentinel Gets a Clue - Prompt Assignments

Mar 24, 2007 08:41

sara_merry99 and I would like to thank you all for signing up to participate in this round of The Sentinel Slash Ficathons! We had a lot of fun coming up with lists of people, places and things for The Sentinel Gets a Clue, and we hope that you have just as much fun writing your prompts. *eg ( Read more... )

f03: the sentinel gets a clue

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Comments 22

dreaming_k March 24 2007, 19:16:34 UTC
Uhm, can I ask a question about my prompt?
I have no clue who or what Red Heron Bait is. I googled it but all I come up with are infos about actual baiting and stuff. Does it literally mean heron bait, or do you mean something else?

Ignore this, if asking for help isn't allowed. :) Just thought I'd ask.


betagoddess March 24 2007, 20:33:30 UTC
I THINK it's the poster on the back of the Loft's front door. Good luck! =>}

(I hope I'm allowed to tell you that!)

I can't get this link to work right now, but it is a photo tour of the Loft sets and I THINK you can see the poster in one of the pics.

The Loft


dreaming_k March 24 2007, 22:13:34 UTC
Thanks!! At first the link wouldn't work for me either, but now I can open it. And yes there is a great picture of the poster. You can even read what's printed on it.
This is a great help!


betagoddess March 24 2007, 22:15:11 UTC
Yay! I'm glad to be of service! *g*


captainlogic March 28 2007, 20:07:17 UTC
Quick question for help, well clarity more than help. Cascade Towers- thats the hotel right? Just wanna check before I write something around it and then find out I'm totally wrong.......



spikedluv March 28 2007, 20:42:25 UTC
Yep. Cascade Towers Hotel from Attraction. *g*


captainlogic March 28 2007, 20:46:46 UTC
Thanking you muchly....I was jsut watching that one the other day. Mainly cos Jim and handcuffs guh. When are the other seasons gonna be on DVD?????? I wants them, wants them so much!!!!


Question... epistrophia March 29 2007, 09:55:37 UTC
What and/or where is Alfred's Pond? (it's been ages since I saw episodes, if it's ep related) Sorry to ask a daft question!


Re: Question... sara_merry99 March 29 2007, 20:50:43 UTC
Alfred's Pond is the pond Lash drowned his victims in.


admiralandrea April 15 2007, 19:05:14 UTC
Sorry to have to say, that after much soul searching, I'm withdrawing from this year's ficathon. I just won't have time to fit anything in with my other fannish and RL commitments, particularly as I seem to have lost my TS muse. Sorry :-(


spikedluv April 16 2007, 16:21:40 UTC
This makes me very sad, but I understand muses going AWOL, those fickle creatures. :(


admiralandrea April 16 2007, 17:36:34 UTC
Yeah, me too as I really wanted to participate still. Blame my Don muse, it seems to have eaten my brain!


mistressrenet May 6 2007, 14:43:12 UTC
I am so sorry, but I too am going to have to withdraw this year-- real life is just demanding too much of me right now.


spikedluv May 13 2007, 01:14:19 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear that! Thanks for letting us know. :(


mistressrenet May 13 2007, 01:20:59 UTC
Hopefully I'll be able to do it next time-- it was a ton of fun last year.


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