Round Three: The Sentinel Gets a Clue - Prompt Assignments

Mar 24, 2007 08:41

sara_merry99 and I would like to thank you all for signing up to participate in this round of The Sentinel Slash Ficathons! We had a lot of fun coming up with lists of people, places and things for The Sentinel Gets a Clue, and we hope that you have just as much fun writing your prompts. *eg*

Each of the person, place and thing prompts we’ve assigned come directly (or indirectly *g*) from the episodes. You must use all three of the prompts in your fic. However, though they’ve been assigned in “Clue” format, how you use the prompt is entirely up to you, and you may twist it however you like. With that little disclaimer out of the way, let’s get to the big reveal!

Prompt Assignments:

admiralandrea Brother Marcus, Theme park/Carnival, Laptop

andeincascade Earl Gaines, Beach/Waterfront/Bay, Jags Cap

captainlogic Daryl Banks, Cascade Towers, Training Manual

catclaw Alec Summers, Loft, Flowered Apron

dreaming_k Sarah Finkleman, Las Vegas, Red Heron Bait poster

earth2skye Stacey Neumann, Elevator, Keys

elmyraemilie Eli Stoddard, William Ellison’s Home, Music CD (tribal drums or Santana)

epistrophia Dawson Quinn, Alfred’s Pond, Football

janedavitt Gustavo Alcante, Wilderness/Camp Ground/Mountains, a Wonderburger

maaaaa Rucker Ellison, Peru, Surfboard

mab_browne Suzanne Tomaki, Simon’s Office, Crossbow

mistressrenet Steven Ellison, Monastery, Herbal Medicines

morgan32 Wendy Hawthorn, Blair’s Office, Motorcycle

sara_merry99 Sneaks, Maritime Museum, Simon’s Angel Figurines

snycock Sally Wong, Lasting’s Park (Horse Racetrack), Backpack

spikedluv Marcus Watson, Fountain, Fishing Spear

starshine24mc Robert, Park, Tupperware

syrenslure Kimberly Ashe, Police Department Garage, Bead Necklace

tommyboybbi Jack Kelso, Jag’s Stadium, Back-up .38 Revolver

You have eight weeks to write. Fic will be due on Sunday, May 20, when we’ll post a Master List right here at ts_ficathons. Please friend us if you’d like to receive announcements and reminders on your f-list.

In case you can’t remember which ep(s) your guest character appeared in, here’s a list:

Alec Summers (2.18 Smart Alec)
Brother Marcus (1.10 Vow of Silence)
Daryl Banks (1.02 Siege; 2.01 Flight; 4.03 Four Point Shot)
Dawson Quinn (2.22 Survival)
Earl Gaines (1.04 The Debt)
Eli Stoddard (mentioned in 2.01 Flight)
Gustavo Alcante (2.10 Second Chance; 3.07 Fool Me Twice)
Jack Kelso (1.07 Rogue; 2.15 Secret)
Kimberly Ashe (2.01 Flight)
Marcus Watson (2.21 Pennies From Heaven)
Robert, Blair’s cousin the bookie (mentioned in 3.02 Three Point Shot)
Rucker Ellison (3.08 Storm Warning)
Sally Wong (3.17 Remembrance)
Sarah Finkleman, Captain (3.15 Finkleman’s Folly)
Sneaks (2.12 Blind Man’s Bluff)
Stacey Neumann (2.24 Sleeping Beauty)
Steven Ellison (2.23 His Brother’s Keeper)
Suzanne Tomaki (2.1 Smart Alec)
Wendy Hawthorne (2.06 True Crime)

f03: the sentinel gets a clue

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