
Apr 30, 2008 11:44


Yes, we have some rules here. Mostly, though, it's just plain common sense.

No God-Moding, no playing characters that aren't yours without permission, no auto-ing, etc... C'mon... RPGs have been around a long time. Unless you're brand new to the roleplaying community in general, you should know this by now.

If you have any problems with (an)other character(s) or player(s), please talk to one of the mods in private instead of posting it to the entire community. These things are best handled quietly, leaving everyone not involved blissfully unaware and happy. The mods don't bite (though two of us might omnom... XD).

Once you have been accepted, please make a journal for your character and then join the community tropical_doom. Once you're accepted to the community (LJ usually sends an e-mail if you have the option enabled), make a post stating who you are, who your character is, where/when your character is from, and what the character's journal name is. Then, go join the log community td_logs.

You cannot use an existing journal for a new character unless that journal is no longer being used in any other RPGs. There will be no journal sharing. If you want to use an old journal, make sure the friends list is clear and that it is strictly for this RPG. You do not have to delete old posts if you do not wish to lose them, but the journal must be for TD ONLY!

After your first post, you will have 1 month's time to post your following post or participate in a log, and another month after that, etc. If you do not post in either your character's journal or a log within the time limit, you will be put on 2 week probation. After that, you will be removed and have to reapply from scratch. No exceptions. Warnings will be posted to the community by mods when characters go on probation around the end of each month.

If your character appears on the audit list three times, then they will be dropped for inactivity.

If you're going to leave for a short while, or if you will be on hiatus, please notify all the members by posting in the community. Or, use the contact list and have someone post for you... or something... Please... just let us know if you can! That way, we don't think you just gave up on us or disappeared from the internet realm forever! (Oh noes!)

You can have as many characters as you want. Just please don't take over the whole RPG and make sure you can maintain each character and keep up with posting time limits.

'Indefinite' or 'Semi-permanent' hiatus for characters does not exist. Characters cannot be 'held' or 'parked'. If you cannot keep up with the once a month posting demands for that character, we ask that you free up the character for someone else who might be interested in playing and can keep up.

As much as possible, please keep your character(s) IC. This is not an OOC crack RPG (as much fun as those can be sometimes), just a crossover one.

You can apply for a character from almost anything (books, movies, anime, tv shows, comics, manga, etc), but, if the mods aren't familiar with it, please let us know why you think the universe the character is from is popular enough to warrant that character being applied for. Also, the characters MUST BE CANON.

Original characters are not allowed. Original characters include miscellaneous characters from a large canon group. No, you cannot apply as one of the nameless 37 Maguanacs from Gundam Wing... you have to pick one of the four that were featured. No, you cannot apply as one of the nameless ninja competitors from Naruto. No, you cannot apply as 'that green dragonrider that appeared on page 217 in Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern'. Those are considered original characters.

Alternate universe characters are not allowed. 'Nuff said.

All characters are assigned to a hut and reside in that hut with three other characters. It is not required that the character remain in that hut (they can live wherever they wish if they don't mind using the futon/air mattress/couch/sleeping bag/floor and their preferred roommate's hutmates don't mind them being there and making things crowded!), but the island will not take roommate requests. *evil grin*

All third-person RP logs and threads get posted to td_logs. As said before, your character's journal has to join that community, too. Go there for more information.

As not all characters speak English as their main language, it may be IC for some to speak in a different language. If this is the case and your characters uses another language in the dialog of your post, please post translations. Not every player is fluent in every language all the different characters might speak. Be courteous to other players and let us know what they're saying so we can understand, thanks!

This RPG is voluntarily rated R. All situations are allowed. That means people may have homosexual or heterosexual romance going on. That means that characters from different universes may get together. That means there may be graphic violence. This is all allowed. However, back to common sense, remember that this is on the internet and that young people may be reading this site. Anything over a PG-13/TV-14/T for Teen rating MUST be placed under a cut with a warning for sexually explicit and mature content, graphic violence, and/or strong language.


Important Information

Rules | Taken | Wishlist | Application

Community | Logs | Mods | NPCs | Ratings

Members | Friends | Huts | Maps | Jobs | School

Table Layout by sailorgundam06

*important information, *reminders, *rules

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