colors tcg main post

Jun 02, 2011 20:52


◄ player

Player; AKITO ✩ FEB 24
Join Date; 02 ✩ JUNE ✩ 2011
Card Count; 0327 ✩ 0073 TO NEXT LEVEL
Current Level; LEVEL 04 ✩ GREEN
Decks Mastered; 03 ✩ MASTERED DECKS

◄ trading buddies

◄ level badges

◄ master badges

◄ collecting


ARROGANT ► 10/20

HITSUZEN ► 05/20
DECK ► 00/20


◄ future collections

◄ cards to keep

◄ up for trade

◄ sketchpads

◄ others

hold ► 11
crayons ► 07

x 01
x 02
x 01
x 03

x 00
x 00
x 00
x 00

◄ trading terms

★ current & future decks not for trade!
★ keeping decks make me a good offer and we'll see! don't trade me anything from these, though.
★ trading decks exactly what it says on the tin!
★ crayons lol idk
★ held cards they're held for a reason!

◄ monthly log

★ july 5
activity: pick a color 25; received hungry14, uu11, otaku02, fog01
activity: guess the color 50; received amita17, thornqueen18, india04
activity: ryoga's directions 25; received petshop02, dullahan13, cola06
activity: spare parts 42; received newyears12, allsunday14
activity: seiyuu guess 46; received amulet01, sunshine03, hungrywolf18
activity: reading between the lines 28; received violence01, identity12, bsaa05
activity: host club giveaway 26; received loveme16, cry12
activity: neku's music station 52; motorcycle20, order07, exchanger05
traded: hungry14 to stopping for information15
★ july 7
activity: graffiti 26; received bored08, bravior14, disarm03, whiteclown15, blackbird03
activity: shadow watching 45; received capture14, reserved14
traded: madamered08 to kirkland for chief13
traded: allsunday14 and brain19 to orechibisama for question03 and question13
donation: received king10, madcancer16, bakeneko12, one gray crayon for donating images for break
activity: spare parts 43; received lionheart15, submissive20
activity: guess the color 51; received leader15, motorcycle09
★ july 8
gift: received wine16, suit15, answer07 from bosom
traded: whiteclown15 to spiffytuna for chief01
traded: frog10 to alvanista for violence10
traded: caduceus02 to taminas for information03
★ july 9
traded: umibozu01 to wolfie_ for violence17
july releases: received break01, body03, peterpan04, umbrella04, aquarium19, aniki09, background20, bow12, arcana03, r-traps17
traded: bow12 to yuidirnt for break10
traded: aniki09 to futachimaru for break07
traded: background20 to unasuvas for break09
traded: peterpan04 to hushlust for break03
traded: aquarium19 to yamanaika for break05
traded: arcana03 to chuukoku for break06
activity: pokeradar 48; received monta05, windmill19
activity: seiyuu guess 47; received thornqueen19, sia07, otoko20
activity: miria and isaac's costume party 48; received cigarettes11, chartreux13, beserker05
recycled art: received chief06, chief07, chief12, chief14, chief20
★ july 10
level up: leveled up to yellow; received hotheaded05, tsundere02, break11, green crayon
activity: crosswords 26; received cheerio14, thunder20, lucky03, question19, badluck07
activity: anniversary day 18; received sleeping04, blessed03, northitaly07, math04, fujoshi02, anniversary18
traded: england16 to spiffytuna for hitsuzen07
traded: tomboy02 to futachimaru for arrogant20
activity: art lesson with ruika 57; received prodigy14, oracle05
traded: leader15 to futachimaru for tattoo04
traded: umbrella04 to victorisham for break04
★ july 12
traded: math04 to mongoosehwrs for waitress02
traded: nonchalant07 to ooamenohime for break12
traded: anniversary18 to sparkism for break13
★ july 13
activity: crazy colors 40; gave kita04, received necessarius11, steak05
activity: reading between the lines 29; received russia01, moonlight14, rise03
★ july 14
activity: host club giveaway 27; received desserts16, darkangel11
★ july 15
traded: uu11 to victorisham for fujoshi14
traded: violent18 to porvoras for waitress04
traded: king10 to kikinioth for waitress18
activity: guess the color 52; received biancaneve19 and vampire10
asobot initiative: donated cigarettes11
traded: r-traps17 to bringthefate for fujoshi12
crayon trade: one red crayon for one gray crayon
★ july 16
traded: russia01 to unasuvas for chief03 {{finished sketchpad03}}
recycled art: received arrogant02, fujoshi10, fujoshi20, heiress03, violence08
★ july 17
traded: tonfar02 to tales_fan for break19
activity: conan's clues 51; received nameless10, lure07
traded: signatures with unasuvas
★ july 18
art studio: traded acepilot06, amita17, amulet01, badluck07, psychotic11, pudding05, realian18, reserved14, rookie11, royalguard05, thornqueen18, thornqueen19 for break14, break15, break16, break17 for break14, break15, break16, break17
activity: pick a color 26; received blindfold20, whirlwind04, hyper07, lunar04
traded: choker06 to tales_fan for vector11
activity: quilting 01; received renegade13, choker13, wish03
★ july 19
activity: crazy colors; played korobokkuru08, received stars01, knife20
activity: scrapbook 19; received guilt05, lionheart05, hyakkiyakou12
traded: manager05 to angel_of_faith for information13
★ july 21
activity: pokeradar 49; received devour13, valentines08
★ july 22
activity: spare parts 45; received fangs05, flare01
traded: steak05 to ulquiorrasch for break20
★ july 23
traded: body03 to multitasks for break02
gift: received information19 from gumi
★ july 24
activity: pokeradar 50; received accurate14, spot16
traded: spot16, cats&dogs17 to arushiraoi for chief19, dragon07
★ july 25
activity: isaac and miria's costume party; received ruinmode08
traded: beserker05 to unasuvas for chat15
★ july 26
art shop: redeemed 3 sketchpads; received charm15, spandex16, mature06, impulsive08, firetruck11, samurai02, firefist06, enigmatic01, falchion05, womanizer11, padlock07, crybaby01, one yellow crayon, one green crayon, one blue crayon
crayon trade: traded one yellow crayon to nugeyo for one blue crayon
★ july 28
art shop: redeemed three gray crayons and two blue crayons; received information02, information04, information16, break08, break18
activity: host club giveaway 28; received vampire10, katana12
traded: choker13 to ouji_tan for waitress14
crayon trade: traded one gray crayon to multitasks for one green crayon
mastery: mastered break; received forbidden20, kiyohime20, chief04, one purple crayon
★ july 29
activity: guess the color 53; received mid-childa17, april17
activity: spare parts 46; received shuuja05, record06
traded: kaleidostar03, loveme16 to kearin for chief17, cute08
★ july 30
traded: sunshine03 to vriska for dragon13
★ july 31
traded: signatures with umi_mizuno
traded: prodigy14 to bahamas for cute13
traded: courage13, sleeping04, vampire10 to wolfie_ for doctor18, novel13, novel14
traded: exchanger05 to swoobat for parasite03
traded: april17, curse13 to nugeyo for violence15, answer01
traded: mature06, motorcycle20 to lucathia_rykatu for waitress15 {{finished sketchpad04}}, chat13
traded: hyakkiyakou12 to tategamiwolf for parasite01
traded: bsaa05 to disutansu for novel01
activity: guess the color; received zwei13, loveme04
★ august 01
traded: devour13, gakuran08 to bringthefate for fujoshi13, van11
★ august 02
activity: pokeradar 51; received gunsmoker06, hre02
★ august 03
sketchpad: turned in one sketchpad; received xrosheart15, wisewolf16, howl16, osuwari19, one orange crayon
traded: mute07 to spiffytuna for fujoshi05
★ august 04
activity: neku's music station 55; received aniki07, arrogant15, deadpan15
deck donation: donated images for ouroboros; received abyss09, dance01, prussia19, one red crayon
activity: shadow watching 49; received deer06, androgynous18
★ august 05
august release: received ouroboros01, gewher02, mortician18, paradox03, blizzard11, bon05, meteor02, burst03, faintattack05, bikini18 (donation)
level up: received madness20, cutegirls17, information17, one orange crayon
activity: guess the color 55; received wind07, naive15
traded: bon05 to oriharas for ouroboros06
traded: burst03 to 00zags for ouroboros08
traded: paradox03 to tategamiwolf for ouroboros04
traded: meteor02 to nerrin for ouroboros07
traded: dance01 to shinshi for ouroboros20
★ august 06
activity: beauty pageant 31; received puppet09, marriage09, dreams04, whirlwind20
activity: izaya's information exchange; gave up servant15, received colonel17, jian17
traded: impulsive08 to moon_wolfwriter for cute12
traded: chui10 to wolfie_ for vector09
traded: reliability15 to futachimaru for vino05
★ august 07
activity: pokeradar 52; received kunlun18, amahara06
crayon trade : traded one purple crayon to for one yellow crayon

◄ credit

coding → replica

( colors tcg )

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