Title: butterflies Pairing: Sungmin x Yesung bff-ery Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 2200+ Notes: Yesung POV. A series of moments. For ununoriginal. Summary:Yesung and Sungmin prepare for Hong Gil Dong.
Wow, that was really good. I imagined there would be some competitiveness between the two of them, but with them being members of Super Junior they're used to it, but since it's not between the full group and just the two of them, it would seem more personal, more intimate. And you got pretty much how I pictured their relationship, both personal and professional. I really loved how they encouraged each other, but were snarky at the same time.
:D I see them as all engaged in some good ole healthy competition, so of course I had to include that in here :D. Anyway, I'm glad my representations of them and their relationship worked for you. Thanks for the comment and for reading~
I absolutely love it! <3 You've really handled their relationship in a believable way, how there's that sense of competition but camaraderie as well YeMin <3
this was just an awesome yemin friendship piece. I love the way you've written their friendship, with yesung as a hyung the dongsaengs can level with easily coz he acts like a dongsaeng more often than not and sungmin who I think is one of the tougher and independent dongsaengs but can also be reliant to his hyungs.
Thank you so much for this comment. I'm really happy you liked the way I wrote it, and just, your comment makes me giggly happy. Thank you for reading!
Comments 45
YeMin <3
eunteuk says two thumbs up for this piece
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