Title: Muddy Slopes
Pairing: Ohkura x Yoko
Rating: PG
Word Count: 700+
Notes: For
girlearthless. Prompt: my name written next to yours in your pretty handwriting. Written mostly in class, un-betaed.
Summary: Ohkura and Yoko walk in the rain.
Muddy Slopes
Outside, rain pellets the ground with thunderous ferocity, the dull roar of water hitting earth tingling in their ears. The downpour renders the scenery grey and Yoko presses a hand against the cool window, fingers trailing against chilled glass and tracing shapes that Ohkura can’t see from his vantage point.
“It’s raining,” Ohkura observes.
Yoko hums softly in agreement.
Rain continues to fall.
“I’m going for a walk,” Yoko says. He stands up and brushes fingers against dark jeans. He glances at Ohkura, smiles lopsidedly, “Coming?”
Ohkura stares, stretches lazy limbs that feel unable to move, “Are you insane?”
Yoko shrugs, “I want to go for a walk.”
“I like you,” Ohkura states simply, “but not that much.”
“If you say so,” Yoko says, and he heads toward the door.
Yoko walks outside with sleek black galoshes and his jeans carefully tucked in. He opens his arms wide, greeting each raindrop that bounces off his skin and soaks deep into his clothes. His grin is open, his eyes sparking with something genuine that makes Ohkura stop. Yelping at the water that chills his body, Yoko barely notices Ohkura’s shuddering frame shift beside him. Ohkura glances forlornly at his clothes that hang soaked and heavy on his body, at his now ruined converses, and he wonders if he can convince Yoko to buy him another pair. Probably not. What a cheapskate.
“How did you know to wear rain boots today?” Ohkura asks as they walk down a paved pathway. Puddles pool around them and Ohkura sighs at the empty, dreary park. He tugs Yoko’s sleeve before hanging on; this is the closest they will ever come to holding hands.
Yoko whistles an out-of-tune ditty under his breath, “I looked at the weather report.”
“Oh,” Ohkura says.
They are two men drenched, two young men who stand a little too close to each other and bump into each other’s shoulders as they walk down an empty path. No one is there to see them in their togetherness, in their moment in the pouring rain.
Ohkura wonders whether this is worth it after all.
Yoko stops at a muddy runny hill, which means Ohkura stops by default. His hand falls from Yoko’s dripping sleeve.
They both glance up. Ohkura eyes the steep hill blackened by the dirt-turned-mud.
“No,” Ohkura says loudly, at the same time Yoko grins that gleeful fourteen-year-old grin that makes even Hina pause before going through with hitting him. It certainly has the same effect on Ohkura; even before Yoko says anything, Ohkura knows he has no chance.
“Let’s climb it!” Yoko says.
So they do. They walk slowly up the sloping hill, huffing and puffing, pulling each other along. Each step they take sinks deep into the mud, and it doesn’t take long for them to lose breath. Ohkura laughs as he clings onto the back of Yoko’s rain-soaked jacket, and they squeal as they struggle up the slope. They slip six times and Yoko twists his fingers through mud to pull them both up.
When they finally reach the top, Yoko wipes his muddy palm on Ohkura’s cheek and Ohkura smiles.
“I’m king of the world,” Yoko says loudly.
Ohkura laughs. “You’re such a sap,” he muses.
Yoko looks down at the tips of his boots, flushes a little. “You knew that when you said yes,” he says simply.
“True,” Ohkura says.
There’s a calm pause with the steady pouring of rain. After a while, Yoko holds on to Ohkura’s shoulder and drags his boot through the mud. Up, down, in solid strokes.
Kimitaka, reads the kanji drawn in mud. And then, as if he knew all along what Yoko had intended, Ohkura grips Yoko’s elbow as he slowly drags the tip of his sneaker next to Yoko’s name.
Kimitaka Tadayoshi
They step back to look at their masterpiece and Ohkura scoffs lightly. “Sap,” he repeats fondly.
Yoko giggles in high pitch, and the sound rings like music in Ohkura’s ear.
They continue to sink into the mud at the top of the hill, as they watch the pouring rain wash away their writing. Finally, when there is no trace left of their characters, Yoko sighs and makes a move to go back down. But Ohkura trips and latches onto Yoko’s arm; Yoko yelps as they roll down the hill. Mud saturates Yoko’s jeans and seeps into Ohkura’s jacket. They groan, breathless and tired, happy.
Time passes as they lay in the mud. Mud clings to Ohkura’s hair and Ohkura smears brown on Yoko’s chin, brow, collarbone. Yoko breathes shallow breaths, his chest rises and falls, and Ohkura pats Yoko’s tummy. They don’t say anything as they lay down next to each other, as they stay in the mud, in the pouring rain and their content silence.
Together, they sink even deeper.
AN: This reminded me why I shouldn’t step out of my comfort zone hahaha. Anyway, I hope this is enough to get me out of the K8 exchange XP.
edit: unlocked for ky_rin/girlearthless.