You're Beautiful (Hetalia ver.) part 1/?: holding on

Mar 08, 2010 20:30

Title: Holding On
Characters/Pairings: Philippine twins (Juan and Maria), UK, US, OC!Mexico; UKxPH, one-sided MexPH, US/PH
Rating: G
Genre: umm... Romantic Crack?
Summary: A.N.JELL AU. A set of drabbles set in an AU where Arthur, Alfred, and Alfonso make up A.N.Jell, with Maria/"Juan" as their newest member.
Warnings: Crossdressing, not-so-confusing ( Read more... )

~ star-spangled heroes, // when hetalia and kpop unite, ~ pearl of the orient, ~ not just a drug cartel, @ written versions of thine imagination, ~ god save his eyebrows

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Comments 1

ladyburara March 8 2010, 13:01:04 UTC
ah another hetalai + kpop fan!
I havent really watched this show yet but i'm lauging about arthur being the lead guy since the lead in the korean show is soo...tsundere


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