Title: Holding On
Characters/Pairings: Philippine twins (Juan and Maria), UK, US, OC!Mexico; UKxPH, one-sided MexPH, US/PH
Rating: G
Genre: umm... Romantic Crack?
Summary: A.N.JELL AU. A set of drabbles set in an AU where Arthur, Alfred, and Alfonso make up A.N.Jell, with Maria/"Juan" as their newest member.
Warnings: Crossdressing, not-so-confusing personal pronouns. Spoilers for the K-drama "You're Beautiful".
Arthur sighed.
So she likes him that much that she wants to show him how good she is at that, huh...
"Juan-chan, get down from there, please? See, Tony said he wants to go home now!"
The Filipino - no, Filipina, they always had to remind themselves that she was a girl - shook her head, her shorn hair curling around her dark eyes in a rather attractive manner.
"No! I'm not coming down from here! I'll show you- I'll prove to you that I'n good at something!"
The Englishman at her far left spoke, his words dripping with sarcasm. "Yes, you're amazing, you're so bloody awesome, Juan de la Cruz -get down from there. Now."
Maria - "Juan" for all other official purposes - pursed her lips and frowned. "No, Kuya."
Alfred scratched the back of his head. "Wow, Iggy's sarcasm didn't even work..."
The American looked at the smaller girl directly in her big doe-eyes and smiled. "But I'm the hero~"
The two guitarists behind him sweatdropped as Alfred began belting out the first verses of "Hamburger Street".
The keyboardist almost lost her grip, but regained it while smiling back at the American. "Sorry, Alfred. But I'm holding on 'till the end."
Alfonso smiled. "So Hermano Arthur's order and Alfred's comedy didn't work, huh~"
Maria grinned wider. "But of course, there's nothing even you, Kuya Alfonso can do to-"
The Mexican leaned forward, and Arthur's heart skipped a beat. (He would never admit to himself that he was jealous.)
Maria lost her grip on the horizontal metal bar and fell to the ground, her eyes glazed over and her mind dazed.
After all, the Mexican bassist had just kissed her on the forehead.