On Knots and Unravelling - Interlude (Emily)

Apr 15, 2011 15:16

For author's notes and thank yous, see chapter one. This is entirely unbetaed, any spelling blunders or grammatical hi-jinks belong to me. For anyone who has been wondering what Emily's been thinking.

Interlude (Emily) )

on knots and unravelling

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Comments 15

sesqui_pedality April 15 2011, 19:12:47 UTC
awww! I'm in a hurry right now, but this is awesome!


triptohere April 16 2011, 21:51:58 UTC
lol, thank you!


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triptohere April 16 2011, 21:56:23 UTC
Thanks! I always felt as I was writing the main chapters, that whatever Emily make have felt towards Naomi, it would have been completely submerged by her irritation at the joint package of Katie and Naomi being BFFs.

Whether Emily knows how she feels remains to be seen, but it is pretty clear that some of Naomi's motives will have fallen into place, at least :)


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triptohere April 16 2011, 21:57:58 UTC
A comment is never rubbish dude, thank you for reading! I'm chuffed it is still flowing for you, as it were. ♥


flister April 16 2011, 12:44:52 UTC
Perfect time for an Emily interlude. It's like... if Emily sat down and told Naomi this then it might make her see things differently, but the Naomi you've written (and I think it's sort of the way I write her too sometimes) is so self-involved that you could probably say all of this and she'd still look confused.

I love their little philosophy tie (and, really, what a perfect subject for them) and the image of Naomi speaking French. (I almost think it's a bit like Mean Girls where Emily totally knows the answer but pretends so that Naomi can help her anyway ;))

You Effy is a star as well! Like, Em explains something and Effy's all '*nods/claps hands together* Pandora! Make it so...' You know?

I keep doing big satisfied sighs when I read this. Thanks for writing it :)


triptohere April 16 2011, 22:05:43 UTC
Loll, I think Naomi's pretty much perpeptually consfused throughout this fic. You're right, of course, Naomi is the most self-involved of all the G2 characters. I think sometimes she acts in a stupid way, as a consequence, but never a deliberately mean manner.

Oh, the philosophy tie is pure self-indulgence on my part! But, yes, it'd suit them, the ethical debate side of it. And as for Emily playing dumb, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sub-conscious motivations working along those lines, though she'd have denied it completely, naturally.

I like this Effy too! She has an increasing role, as this goes on.

Oh, that's such a cool reaction to get - thank you! And you're welcome, I guess?


prunesquallormd April 16 2011, 21:30:51 UTC
Oooh, you kept this quiet. Sneaky :D
Shall look forward to reading it when I'm a little more awake :)


triptohere April 16 2011, 22:07:15 UTC
Sneaky I am! IDK, I got inspired, I guess. And was itching to write something from someone else's pov, rather than Naomi's.

Cool, I hope you enjoy it!


prunesquallormd April 17 2011, 17:16:30 UTC
It's a little while since I've read all the other chapters that this relates to so it took me some time to figure out that this is Emily's POV from the beginning (LOL I'm slow :D). It's so nice to see what Ems is thinking for once. She spends so much time apparently utterly exasperated by Naomi (not surprisingly, because she is utterly expasperating a lot of the time), and yet she still keeps coming back to her. There's a mutual fascination there, maybe. that takes so long to be recognisable as emotional or physical attraction (or more likely it develops into it), and I love that they're both hit by the 'Oh, so thats it!" pretty much at the same moment.
Obviously Effy's fabulous here, too! And Sophia, bless her <3 I still don't see why anyone could find her creepy ( ... )


triptohere April 17 2011, 21:32:57 UTC
Loll, this was like typo bingo! I've found and corrected four others, beyond the one you've point out. Very restrained, Si. Very.

Oh, and I'm thrilled you liked it! Mutual fascination is a good phrase here, though I think Emily's been fascinated for long, just completely unaware that she was. Which probably explains why Emily can be a bit more aloof than Naomi, in the following chapter. Years of subliminal practise ;)


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