YOINK - 10 Character Meme

Feb 16, 2011 13:42

feiran started this ridiculously fun and challenging meme, and despite the fact that, at first glance, I appeared to be hopeless at it, I've come to love it. So I wanna play from the other side and I'ma stealing her meme!

The way it works is that I pick ten fictional characters, you invent ridiculous scenarios for the characters (e.g. 1 and 3 are trapped ( Read more... )

the matrix, memes, x-men, fandom

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Comments 39

fairest February 16 2011, 18:52:29 UTC
Ha, I definitely did not start the meme; it's been around for ages and probably has official rules somewhere. But I'm glad you enjoy! :D

I'm'a steal some prompts I found amusing elsewhere, too:

3 finds a baby on his/her doorstep. What happens, and which of the other characters does s/he turn to for help?

1 and 6 are kidnapped by aliens and forced to fight to the death or both die. What happens?

Aliens make 4 and 5 do it (aliens apparently have a lot of agency in LJ memes). How does that turn out?

2 and 7 switch bodies for a week. Does hilarity ensue?

8, 9, and 10 watch Twilight. Why, and what happens?


trinityvixen February 16 2011, 19:03:20 UTC
3 would have a very hard time raising a baby on his own. Luckily, he does not have to. He has many friends, and not a few lady friends, who he could probably charm into doing most of the work for him. Alas for him, on this list, there are very, very few ladies who'd take that shit from him. His best bet would be to raise it himself, though 4 would be inordinately charmed by it and want to raise it, too. (It would probably be better 4 did not, however.)

If 1 and 6 fought to the death, 1 would absolutely win. 6 is tricky but typically unlucky and not all the competent, really. 1 is a seasoned killer, and however unstable, she would still manage to kill 6 without much effort. Stopping her from killing all the aliens afterwards would be the real challenge.

5 has absolutely no time for 4. 4, to her eyes, has a condition that is easily explained by circumstances only 5 is aware even exist, while 4 is tortured by his condition and cannot conceive of a world where it doesn't exist as a curse. 5 believes the aliens are part and parcel of the ( ... )


edgehopper February 16 2011, 19:43:28 UTC
I'll reuse a few questions from feiran:

1, 4, 5, and 6 are being sorted into Hogwarts Houses, one in each house. Which one goes where?

7, 8, 9, and 10 are on the TV show Baggage (a dating game type show hosted by Jerry Springer where the person choosing decides mainly based on the relationship baggage the 3 contestants have--note that the baggage is past incidents/personality traits that could harm relationships; they don't necessarily have to be relationships), with 10 choosing between 7, 8, and 9. What are 7, 8, and 9's biggest pieces of baggage, who would 10 choose, and what would 10 reveal as her baggage?


trinityvixen February 16 2011, 19:56:29 UTC
1 is hard to place. I'd have to saw Ravenclaw, though there are enough shady sides to her soul that she could be a Slytherin and enough fits of bravery to fit her with Gryffindor. 4 is mostly definitely a Hufflepuff, seeing as he toils away at thankless tasks while trying to keep himself sane and his friends more or less out of trouble. 5 is a Gryffindor, and a model one--trouble-maker-but-good, utterly unafraid, out to do what's right all the time, and damn the fallout. 6 is a Slytherin, but she's not evil. She's sly, willing to make a buck on the cheap, and lazy as anything.

10 makes for a piss-poor dating game contestant, as all that she has learned about love is that it is manipulative and useful for manipulating others. Her baggage is that one bad romance basically lead to her destroying billions as she realized evil is more satisfying than good ( ... )


edgehopper February 16 2011, 20:18:06 UTC
You're recasting Return of the Jedi with 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9. Who plays Chewbacca, Han, Luke, Darth Vader, and C3PO?


Ooh, fun! trinityvixen February 16 2011, 20:30:38 UTC
Well, 4 is obviously C3PO. He's entirely fussy in all the ways C3PO is, and he's constantly outraged at the injustices in this world while constantly feeling sorry for himself. Yep, C3PO.

9 would like to think he's Han or Luke, but chances are he'd be one of those pilots who gets blown up spectacularly while trying to take out the Death Star. If he's very, very lucky, he might be Wedge Antilles--around the whole time, not really ever the star ( ... )


Re: Ooh, fun! edgehopper February 16 2011, 20:43:58 UTC
Then 8 is obviously Steven Colbert.


Re: Ooh, fun! trinityvixen February 16 2011, 22:28:57 UTC
You got it! I thought he counted since his character is just that: a character. Was it the lightsabre comment that gave it away?


jethrien February 16 2011, 21:01:00 UTC
It's Valentine's Day--where are 9 and 10 taking their sweeties?

What hobbies do 7 and 8 secretly spend their time on?

Which clique were 1 and 2 part of in high school?


trinityvixen February 16 2011, 22:36:09 UTC
9 is taking his sweetie to an awesome restaurant in L.A. that he doesn't actually have reservations to. He's hoping that his star power will get him a table. (It won't.)

10 has been known to destroy the ones she loves. She's either going to rip his mind and body apart or ignore him while he cries over how much she's changed.

7, I think, would like things like topiaries, bonzai trees. They're simple to keep alive, not too obtrusive, and no one would actually accuse him of liking the activity very much (let alone the trees--this is why he doesn't have a pet). I could also see him sculpting ( ... )


edgehopper February 16 2011, 22:49:29 UTC
Is 10 the Borg, or more accurately the personage of the Borg shown in Star Trek VIII? I'm having trouble thinking of female sci-fi villains who have destroyed billions...


trinityvixen February 16 2011, 22:55:22 UTC
No, 10 is not the Borg, but that's a good enough guess that I'm happy to give the clue that 10 has a similar relationship to humanity that many Borg do. That is to say, 10 is sort of human in the way that humans who become Borg are.


neo_leviathan February 16 2011, 23:13:10 UTC
Is #3 Tony Stark/Iron Man?
And #10 is one of the female Cylons. The Caprica model?


trinityvixen February 17 2011, 05:40:26 UTC
I'm quite tickled by the guess for #3. I'd say you've got the right idea, but you're barking up the wrong fandom.

And #10 is guessed, but she is not a Cylon.


neo_leviathan February 17 2011, 05:44:12 UTC
Ah poo, double fail :)

I wouldn't have guessed Dark Phoenix until we got into her powers, when I saw "Female villain who has killed billions" Cylons was my only guess :)


trinityvixen February 17 2011, 05:52:21 UTC
It's definitely close. I inadvertently tipped the hints that way responding above by suggesting the Phoenix had a similar relationship to humanity as did the Borg. I just meant that though she is of humanity in the same way, she's infinitely different.


neo_leviathan February 16 2011, 23:17:43 UTC
4, 6 & 9 all have a premonition that a building downtown is going to catch fire. However, they are trapped in their home/lab/HQ with no outside communication until the fire starts. What do they do?

1, 2 & 5 all get transported into the middle of the Marvel Civil War. Who sides with whom, and who gets blown up before they even get a chance to choose?


trinityvixen February 17 2011, 05:50:02 UTC
4 would probably send his roommate to go investigate. She's handy for getting in and out of places no living human has any chance of getting in or out of. For backup, he'd send his other roommate. He'd also probably have puppies worrying about them both ( ... )


jethrien February 18 2011, 17:46:47 UTC
Is 2 Luke Skywalker?


trinityvixen February 18 2011, 20:19:52 UTC
No, but I can see where you get that vibe. Right general idea, though. Space hero, and all.


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