YOINK - 10 Character Meme

Feb 16, 2011 13:42

feiran started this ridiculously fun and challenging meme, and despite the fact that, at first glance, I appeared to be hopeless at it, I've come to love it. So I wanna play from the other side and I'ma stealing her meme!

The way it works is that I pick ten fictional characters, you invent ridiculous scenarios for the characters (e.g. 1 and 3 are trapped ( Read more... )

the matrix, memes, x-men, fandom

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Ooh, fun! trinityvixen February 16 2011, 20:30:38 UTC
Well, 4 is obviously C3PO. He's entirely fussy in all the ways C3PO is, and he's constantly outraged at the injustices in this world while constantly feeling sorry for himself. Yep, C3PO.

9 would like to think he's Han or Luke, but chances are he'd be one of those pilots who gets blown up spectacularly while trying to take out the Death Star. If he's very, very lucky, he might be Wedge Antilles--around the whole time, not really ever the star.

3 is Han Solo. He's dramatic, fun, a definite ladies man, and he has been known to come to the rescue before.

8 would be Luke because he always considers himself the hero, constantly under assault by the evil forces of the oppressive nanny state. He's also a total nerd and fond of shooting videos of himself wielding what can be CGI-d into being a lightsabre.

7 is the only one capable of physically resembling Chewbacca, but then he would be able to look like any of the characters with a little effort, so that doesn't really recommend him for the role. Seeing as he tends not to choose sides, he'd probably be more the type to sit the rebellion out and offer his services to the winners.


Re: Ooh, fun! edgehopper February 16 2011, 20:43:58 UTC
Then 8 is obviously Steven Colbert.


Re: Ooh, fun! trinityvixen February 16 2011, 22:28:57 UTC
You got it! I thought he counted since his character is just that: a character. Was it the lightsabre comment that gave it away?


Re: Ooh, fun! edgehopper February 16 2011, 22:32:17 UTC
That and the right wing part. Though this section: "He's perfect. Ladies, you know you want this man. Alas, he's married, and he's all about the faithfulness in marriage. Especially when pointing that out makes people laugh." was making me think of more fictional happily married husbands--Marshall Erickson on How I Met Your Mother, for example.


Re: Ooh, fun! trinityvixen February 16 2011, 22:37:26 UTC
I have yet to get into How I Met Your Mother, though every episode I've seen here or there has been cute. I might have to check it out.

It's easy writing for Stephen Colbert's "character". All you have to do is add EXTREME EGO to nerdery!


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