Cautiously optimistic?

Apr 30, 2010 13:32

First picture of the title character from Marvel's Thor, aka next year's possible May Movie.

I find it hilarious that they've made Thor look as much like Kenneth Branaugh (who is directing it, which never fails to amuse me) as possible. The armor could be better, but the attitude is decent. I've heard rumors about the plot that would explain this sad/mad/bad-ass attitude, and I approve thus far. I also approve of relative-unknown hottie Chris Hemsworth (he played George Kirk in the Star Trek reboot) because you know what the eventual Avengers movies need? More hotties. Between him, Chris Evans as the Cap, and Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, they could cast cave trolls in the other roles, and I'd still be happy. Still not sure which other characters they can put into the Avengers, though. They're sorta poo-poo-ing the Hulk (and Ed Norton is definitely out by all accounts), Spider-Man is property of Sony in perpetuity (they're rebooting the franchise already to hold onto the rights!), and since Fox is still making movies about Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, don't expect to see him any time soon. Those are, like, the central Avengers, and even the next most familiar that I can think of--Spider-Woman, Beast, She-Hulk--are all no-gos because, duh, they're derivatives of those same problematic Avengers.

But, still, it doesn't matter if the Avengers is three dudes. Those three dudes? Hot.

(I'd like to rebutt the one poster to that link who's like "Marvel's first caped hero onscreen!?!oneoneone!!" We all may wish to forget how X-Men fell into the toilet, but Storm had a cape. Yes, it was a cape, even if it was attached to her wrists, it was a cape.)

may movie, star trek, surprise i am a slut, comics, movies

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