A question that needs to be answered

Apr 30, 2010 15:57

moonlightalice: I love that Kenneth Branagh as a director basically creates Kenneth Branagh Mary Sues. Thor looks just like him. Also, hi.
trinityvixen: hi! he does! totally! For those times when he can't play the hero, he substitutes his doppleganger.
moonlightalice: What a self-absorbed weirdo. I'm surprised he didn't insist on casting himself to begin with
trinityvixen: I'm surprised he cast anyone BUT him as Odin. It would have been better than casting Anthony Hopkins, though. As blowhard-y as Branaugh is, he does still try. Anthony Hopkins got an Oscar and gave up on acting.
moonlightalice: He doesn't NEED to try anymore. You're lucky he even shows up to film things. He put in his time as a real actor. I mean, it's not like he's doing commercials coughShatnercough He has some dignity left.
trinityvixen: NO ONE would hire Anthony Hopkins for commericals. People would cross the street rather than buy their products.
moonlightalice: If Hopkins were to do ads, what do you think he'd hawk?

Inquiring minds want to know!

moonlightalice: You could have him put on Axe and suddenly the ladies love him, proving that axe has magical powers beyond human comprehension
trinityvixen: Oh my god. Anthony Hopkins being jumped by commercial-slut actresses would just about auto-sterilize anyone who watched it.
moonlightalice: And then you could sell fertility pills! See, there's always an angle.
trinityvixen: You, my friend, are amazing.
moonlightalice: Oooh but you know what he'd be great at? Toy commercials. See, they could team up with the pharmaceutical industry, and immediately run ads for night terror meds after the toy ads!
trinityvixen: It scares me how much potential this has. Promise me you'll never use these powers for evil?
moonlightalice: Now, if he were to team up with Christopher Walken, they would be unstoppable. But Christopher Walken can still act sometimes, so he'd probably not do it

i shit thee not, gchat

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