The Endless Circle of Lost Hate & Friendship ~

Aug 12, 2007 09:56

1. Name/Nickname: Rachel/ Strider
2. Age: 18
3. Gender: Female
4. Birthdate: 04/03/89

5. Likes: Movies, anime/ manga, video games, summer weather, chilling, playing pool, swimming, hanging with friends, camping, art, reading, writing, slash/yaoi, getting away from everything once in a while.
6. Dislikes: Clowns, seagulls, being held back, needles, hunting/ animal cruelty, not being able to do what I want.
7. Strong Points: I can get away with most things, I don’t have to work very hard for things that I want so naturally talented (example being, I got an A in my English lit without even reading the books), I can fend for myself and I’m a bit of a jokester.
8. Weak Points: A little too sarcastic, too stubborn, high expectation, sly and cunning to a fault and I’m charming…which gets me into trouble a lot ;-;

9. Talents: Art is just about my only talent…unless were counting the fact that a talent of mine is getting into trouble even when I don’t mean to. That’s an annoying one.
10. Hobbies: Whatever is in my ‘likes’ section.
11. What's your personality in three to six words: Creative, cunning, stubborn, sarcastic, jokester, protective.

12. Favorite Color: Orange
13. Image Color: Brown
14. Favorite Animal: Wolf
15. Favorite Food: Pasta
16. Favorite Quote: I have none
17. Personal Motto: Enjoy life to the full.
18. Night or Day? Night

19. Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: That would have to be Abel Nightroad, he half makes me laugh at his cute character and half makes me admire him because of his strong character.
20. Least Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: I don’t think I have one thus far.

21. Are you Mature or Immature: Bit of both, bit more immature lately than I am mature because I like to have fun way too much.
22. Are you a Leader or Follower: Leader
23. Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
24. Are you Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing mostly, but I can be shy around people I don’t know.

25. Include a picture or describe yourself:¤t=Me-1.jpg

26. Anything else: Nope!
27. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: (IF there was only two down to no people that you were able to vote for leave a note saying so here.)
There were only two ;-;

stamped, seth

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