The Endless Circle of Lost Hate & Friendship

Aug 08, 2007 20:13

1. Name/Nickname:Esther (Yes, thats actuall my real name)
2. Age:13 years Young
3. Gender: Female
4. Birthdate:April 12

5. Likes:Manga, Anime, Food, Japanese Crap XP, Cussing in other languages besides English, it confuses people the most when I cuss and smile at the same time XD
6. Dislikes:Bugs, hot humid weather, the Sun (What? Its BLINDING XP), and people who pronounce Manga wrong T___T
7. Strong Points:Can stand up for myself and others when needed
8. Weak Points:Over Confident

9. Talents:Drawing
10. Hobbies:Drawing, reading (especially manga XD)
11. What's your personality in three to six words:Quick tempered, Engergetic, Impatient, confident, adventurous,and enthusiastic

12. Favorite Color:Blue & Red
13. Image Color: IDK, Red or biege, I guess...
14. Favorite Animal:Wolf
15. Favorite Food:Japanese Food
16. Favorite Quote:'Ikuze 3-2-1 MAKE SOME NOISE!!!'
17. Personal Motto:I'm sorry, I don't have one in mind right now *lie*
18. Night or Day?: Night, the day can be...too blinding for me...

19. Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why:Tres Iqus (HC-IIIX, Gunslinger). Because how he acts(or more like prog.)I just like his expressing statements XP
20. Least Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why:Alessandro XVIII. I like him... But I hate it how he acts like a puss... And I dislike Abel... He's soo.... *Yuck*

21. Are you Mature or Immature:Mature.. Err.. Most of the time that is..
22. Are you a Leader or Follower:Leader all the way!
23. Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic:Optimistic
24. Are you Outgoing or Shy:Outgoing, but I could act like I was shy.. But I only do that with people I don't like.

25. Include a picture or describe yourself:Sorry, no pics.. I'm only 13, but all my relatives say I look like I'm in High school or I got held back T__T I'm asian... My haircut is sorta like Esther Blanchett's... Except its not so short in the back. My hair is brown, and I hate it when people suggest I cosplay as Esther Blanchett T__T I like to change me hair alot, because I enjoy see the confused looks on my friends face ^^ But most of them got used to it... For my hair I tend to cut it, dye it, or use extentions (however you wanna spell that)and actually, my hair never looks horrible, except after I get out of bed XP

26. Anything else:If this was too confusing for you guys, you guys should just eat shit -_____-
27. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof:

leon, stamped

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