SGA Fic: In the Beginning

Oct 03, 2010 02:05

Here's the second little tale in three days that has been dredged from the abyss of my unfinished story files, and posted. I think the first draft of this tale started as a Season One themed entry for the sga_lfws Last Fic Writer Standing #3 Round 5. However, real life commitments required that I take a skip on that round. Besides that, this idea was running a bit long for the word limit.

Title: In the Beginning
Author: tridget
Genre: Gen, Friendship
Rating: T (for mild language)
Word Count: ~1,100
Spoilers: Spoilers for "Rising, Part 2"
Summary: A slice of life in the Pegasus Galaxy set in the early days between "Rising, Part 2" and "Hide and Seek."

In the Beginning

“McKay, what the hell…?” A couple of long, quick strides brought John to the edge of the path. He leaned over and peered into the boggy ditch.

“Oh, God!” McKay gasped, lifting his head. “I think I broke all my ribs.”

“Looks to me like there was more than enough mud to cushion your impact.” John stuck out a hand to the scientist. “Here.”

McKay groaned as he reached up and latched on to the proffered assistance, allowing John to help pull him to his feet. “I know this training exercise is supposed to prepare us for the situations we might face in the Pegasus Galaxy, but was this last little drill really necessary?” He paused, fumbling to unclip his firearm from his tac vest. “And this thing’s not going to be any good now if we do encounter an enemy because it’s filled with swamp slime.” Green glop splattered John’s clothes as McKay gave the P-90 a vigorous shake.

“Shit!” John yelped, grabbing McKay’s arm. “Don’t ever do that again.”

“It’ll wash.” McKay was unrepentant as he eyed the stained fabric.

“I wasn’t talking about my uniform,” John ground out. “I meant the weapon.”

“Oh,” McKay responded in a small voice.

Ford snickered and rolled his eyes. “You know, we might all actually be safer with your firearm out of commission, Doctor McKay.”

“Oh, really? Well, I think we’d all be better off if-”

Teyla stepped forth, heading off the exchange. “I am glad you are uninjured, Doctor McKay.” She produced a cloth from her backpack and proceeded to assist McKay in cleaning the ooze from his face.

McKay took a closer look at Teyla as she ministered to him. Then he turned to take in Ford’s appearance. “Why am I the only one who dived for cover?” he demanded.

“I was gonna ask the same thing. Why did you take a nosedive?” John asked.

“You did the hand thing.” McKay thrust a fist into the air. “Isn’t that the signal for…?” He shook his head and sighed. “That’s not the signal for ‘Wraith,’ is it?”

“That was the signal for halt.”

“Damned signs,” McKay muttered. “They all look the same to me.”

“McKay, we don’t even have a sign for Wraith,” John drawled with faint exasperation.

Ford’s hand shot into the air. “Oh, sir!”

“Yes, Ford?” John felt like a teacher calling upon an eager student.

“I’ve thought of a few new hand signals that might be useful for situations in the Pegasus Galaxy. Here’s my suggestion for ‘Wraith.’” Ford clawed his fingers and thrust his arm out in a gesture akin to that of a Wraith feeding on a victim. “Pretty good, huh?” he asked, looking pleased with himself.

John scowled. “That’s it, Ford. You are not allowed to invent any hand signals.”

“You never let me do any of the fun stuff,” Ford groused.

“I’ve taken you to an alien planet for the day in a galaxy far, far away. What more do you want?”

“Lunch would be nice,” McKay huffed as he readjusted his backpack and swiped more pond scum from his clothing.

Teyla pointed ahead. “I know of a suitable spot.”


John tipped his head back and took another long swallow from his canteen, feeling refreshed by the water and the brief rest by the riverbank “Okay, time to gear up and head home.”

“Yes, sir!” Ford gave a crisp salute and set about gathering up their supplies. The young lieutenant’s enthusiasm for the training exercises didn’t appear to have been diminished by the morning’s grueling course.

McKay rummaged in his backpack and pulled out a tin of something that looked like lard but smelled much worse. “I’m testing out this sunscreen,” he explained. “I made it myself. With a little more work, I’ll have it up to an S.P.F. 100 and it’ll…uh…smell a bit better.

John squinted as his eyes flickered towards the blazing sun, now directly overhead. “Might come in handy some day. Let me know how the test goes.”

“Maybe the odor will act as a Wraith repellant,” Ford muttered.

“Major Sheppard, there is another way to reach the gate from here.” Teyla pointed to a smaller, partially concealed path. “There are bushes along this route which produce many edible berries.”

“We need food sources,” John noted as he donned his sunglasses. “We’ll head back that way and check them out. And Ford?”

“Yes, sir!” Ford snapped to attention.

“For the next exercise, we’re going to practice methods of moving injured team members, so you’re going to transport McKay back to the gate.” John grinned inwardly when Ford faltered and the first shadow of uncertainty crossed his face.

To his credit, Ford pulled himself together in a flash. “I know how to build a travois,” he offered.

“Get to it then,” John said. “This is an essential skill. No one on my team will ever leave a man behind.”

Ford began issuing instructions to Teyla for the materials that needed to be gathered. Then he paused and turned back to John. “Your team, sir?”

“Yes, my team.” John looked at the trio in front of him. “I’d like the three of you on my team.”

“Woo-hoo!” Ford pumped his fists in the air before composing himself. “I mean thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.”

“I’m counting on that.”

“Y-your team,” McKay stammered. “I’m on a team? I’ve never been picked for a team before in my life. Well, there was gym class and everyone had to be on a team for that, so I did get picked, but I always got picked last. B-but just because no one picked me for a team doesn’t mean my scientific skills are not invaluable. You’re going to see scientific genius like you’ve never even imagined.”

“Humility,” said John. “I like that in a teammate.”

“It will be an honor to join your team and to aid my people in this manner,” Teyla said.

John inclined his head in acknowledgement. “And I am honored to have you accept.”

They all looked at one another for a long moment, then hustled back to the task at hand.

John’s conversation with Elizabeth echoed in his mind.

One more thing, Major -- something I'd like you to sleep on. I have a few thoughts on it myself but ...

Thoughts about what?

Who the members of your team might be.

My team?

Well, you are the ranking military officer now, or do you need to be reminded of that? We need to get back out there; do what we came to do.

John smiled. He had chosen his team and he was ready to get back out there; do what they came to do.

The End

character: john sheppard, genre: gen, sga, character: aiden ford, character: teyla emmagen, author: tridget, stargate atlantis, character: rodney mckay, fanfiction, genre: team

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