Torchwood ficlet - Frosty the Snowman (teen)

Jul 20, 2008 10:18

Title: Frosty the Snowman
Author: Très Méchante
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing: Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Gwen
Summary: Once a conman, always a conman, right? It wasn’t always easy to know if Jack was serious or just trying to pull a fast one. Ficlet; set before the end of season 1.
Rating: Teen
Spoilers: Season 1 - anything is fair game.
Word Count: approx. 530
Warning: A naughty word or two.
Disclaimer: Well, the story is mine, but the characters, most assuredly, are not.

Archive: Only with permission.

Author’s Note: Part of a multi-fandom collection of drabbles, vignettes and moments inspired by the titles of Christmas songs, which are also used as the titles of the aforementioned drabbles and ficlets. These writings may or may not actually have something to do with Christmas; they were merely inspired by the song titles. I was sick over the holidays, and thus bored. This seemed like a good idea at the time.

Inspired by title: “Frosty the Snowman” by Jimmy Durante

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Jack pouted. “You don’t believe me.”

Gwen patted his arm. “It’s not that we don’t believe you, Jack, it’s just that…” Her voice trailed off. She looked around the table at her team mates, hoping someone would jump in. No one spoke. Cowards.

Gwen gathered her thoughts. “I admit Torchwood has opened my eyes - not always in a good way - but this is just too much,” she said defiantly.

Jack looked at her a moment, then let his gaze sweep the rest of the team. Everyone was relaxed for a change, sitting around the conference table with takeaway cartons scattered in front of them. Ianto and Tosh looked undecided on the matter. Owen merely smirked at the whole thing.

Leaning forward, Jack continued to build his case. “Okay, look. We’ve all seen some pretty weird stuff.” He paused as everyone nodded in agreement. “And, I think there’s enough evidence in archives to support the idea that many myths and legends were probably inspired by an alien encounter.”

Ianto looked thoughtful for a moment. “Not much concrete - some fairies, ghosts and such - but, yes, there is a fair amount of anecdotal evidence on several well-known myths.”

Jack’s triumphant smile was dimmed by Tosh. “But this isn’t a long-standing legend. It’s a made up story - actually, wasn’t it a song, first?”

Owen jumped in. “She has a point, Jack. The whole Frosty the Snowman thing has only been around, what? Maybe 30 years?”

“Since 1949, I believe.” Ianto glanced at the astonished faces around the table. “What? It’s my job to know things.”

Jack flashed him a quick grin before continuing his argument. “That doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Or that there isn’t some basis in reality. I mean, come on, look at the gl-”

The silence became almost oppressive before Owen cleared his throat. “The glove. Yeah, we know.” Unspoken, yet clearly understood, were the words ‘you bastard’.

Jack grimaced slightly. “The point is, it’s not that much of a stretch to believe something can animate an inanimate object.”

“Like a snowman,” said Tosh.

“Like a snowman,” agreed Jack.

Gwen looked thoughtful. “A top hat can do this?”

“Well, obviously not a real top hat; that’s just what is looks like.” Jack grinned suddenly. “You should see the time ship that looks like an old-style police call box.”

Owen laughed and got up from the table, declaring the discussion was over.

Ianto hesitated a moment, and then said, “To use one of your American expressions - bullshit. Sir.”

Tosh grinned in agreement with Ianto’s comment.

Jack just heaved a heavy sigh. “Fine. Don’t believe me,” he said, pouting for effect. “But if you have a better explanation for the artifact in Subsection C1-4242, I’d like to hear it.”

With that, Jack snagged his coffee cup and left the room, leaving silence in his wake.

“He’s joking, right?”

“I’ve never heard of a subsection with that designation.”

“I didn’t know we had subsections in the archives. Ianto?”

“I, well, I’m not sure. I’ve barely made a dent in the old cataloguing system, so I suppose…”

Jack nodded in satisfaction as he slipped away from his hiding place. Always leave them guessing, that was his motto.


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fandom: torchwood, character: owen harper, character: toshiko sato, character: jack harkness, fanfic, character: gwen cooper, holiday fic, character: ianto jones

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