Title: White Christmas
Author: Très Méchante
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters/Pairing: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard
Summary: “Yes, yes, because nothing exemplifies the Christmas spirit quite like music to slit your wrist by.” A story of friendship in 5 drabbles.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nope
Word Count: 500 (5 x 100 connected drabbles)
Warning: None.
Disclaimer: Well, the story is mine, but the characters, most assuredly, are not.
Archive: Only with permission.
Author’s Note: Part of a multi-fandom collection of drabbles, vignettes and moments inspired by the titles of Christmas songs, which are also used as the titles of the aforementioned drabbles and ficlets. These writings may or may not actually have something to do with Christmas; they were merely inspired by the song titles. I was sick over the holidays, and thus bored. This seemed like a good idea at the time.
Inspired by title: “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby
~~~~ ~ ~~~~
Rodney McKay
Rodney cleared the event horizon, eyes on his scanner, hoping for, but not expecting, energy readings. He was down the stairs before he actually looked up. He stopped in shock.
Pine trees with bright red berries on the branches were frosted with snow, the sky was blue and the air crisp but not unpleasant. Rodney had the oddest feeling he’d been here before. He knew this place, if only he could remember...
He was startled from his musings by the hearty slap on his back. “Let’s move out, people,” John said as he passed.
Lost in thought, Rodney followed quietly.
~~~~ ~ ~~~~
John Sheppard
Few things really frighten him anymore - once you’ve faced space vampires and being turned into a bug, everything else pales in comparison. But this situation was even worse.
McKay was quiet.
Rodney McKay was a force of nature - a very loud, very animated force of nature. But something changed; he was a shadow of himself. Even his rants about broadcasting Christmas songs in the mess were subdued.
And that scared John like nothing else could.
John used his command codes to violate his friend’s privacy. He sifted through reports and email - personal and professional - looking for clues to McKay’s behavior.
~~~~ ~ ~~~~
“C’mon, McKay, you have to admit the music really inspires the Christmas spirit.”
Rodney couldn’t help giving John the ‘are you for real?’ look. “Yes, yes, because nothing exemplifies the Christmas spirit quite like music to slit your wrist by.”
John muttered a single word, causing Rodney turn and walk away. He stopped after a few steps, but did not turn around. “And for the record, Colonel, I am not Scrooge. I’m working doubles so anyone in my department who chooses to take part in the festivities can do so. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do.”
~~~~ ~ ~~~~
“And we’re going unarmed to this meeting, why? And more to the point, where were these people last time we came here - there was just snow and more snow and no evidence of civilization, never mind anything even resembling technology.”
He grinned when McKay’s ranting turned into a startled yelp.
“This - what - they - ” his friend sputtered, gesturing to the group assembled before him.
John tried his best to look innocent. “It’s a snow planet, McKay. Who else would live here, except snowmen?”
The look on McKay’s face was priceless.
John laughed so hard, he never saw the snowball.
~~~~ ~ ~~~~
John and Rodney
Two days after their visit to the snow planet, John found Rodney sipping coffee on a quiet balcony overlooking the ocean.
Rodney sighed. “You know, if you’re going to make a habit of violating people’s privacy, you should at least try to cover your tracks.”
John hung his head.
Rodney took another sip. “I was nine in those photos.” His attitude dared John to plead ignorance of Jeannie’s email. “It was quite possibly the second best Christmas ever.”
John frowned. Second…? Oh.
Even in profile, Rodney’s grin was a beautiful thing
John nudged Rodney’s shoulder, smiling when Rodney nudged back.
~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~
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