This nifty and terribly useful site lets you enter a few choices ("my objective is world domination", "my base of operations is a corporate tower", "I like to dress in classic black", etc) and it will automatically generate a three stage plan for you. Such a time saver!
In other news I went to a fun plotting workshop today, created a world map with citiesriverslakescoastlinetraderoutesindustries, haha, and cheerfully plotted myself half way through the classic hero's journey. Then I watched Star Trek again. And loved it. Again.
Tomorrow I head straight back into a scheduling whirlwind that won't end until Thursday, but I have resolved not to let it all get to me so much. I can, in fact, Do It All. I can. On Friday I stared down a multinational corporation over their Terms and Conditions, which made me feel all feisty and powerful, and I'm going to go back to that treasured memory whenever I feel a bit weary and frustrated.