Fic: Deleted Scene: We are Robin Hood

Jul 21, 2010 16:00

Here we go. More fun and angst.

Title: Deleted Scene: We are Robin Hood
Author: Python
Characters: Much/Little John, Robin, Djaq
Rating: PG13
Summary: Robin's orders.
Warnings: slash, angst
Disclaimer: I don't own them. I'm only using them for a bit of fun.

Four days of sticking to Robin’s side. Four hot days of sitting quietly next to Robin by Marian’s grave or listening to him talk about her. Four days of leaving him alone when that look came on his face but never going far enough away to be completely out of sight because Robin was truly afraid of being alone with his grief.

Four nights of drinking. Four cold nights of holding Robin close while he sobbed or staying out of the way when Robin raged against the Sheriff and Gisborne. Four nights of being terrified that Robin would destroy himself and thereby everyone left who cared about him.

On the fifth morning, Much woke with a start. Robin wasn’t curled against him, fists bunched in his shirt. He was alone.

Much propped himself up on his elbows. He tried to swallow but his mouth was dry. “Master,” he croaked.

Much sat up and looked around the small room at Bassam’s house. The only furniture was a bed barely big enough for two, a table next to it, and a chest near the door. His eyes roamed over the white walls up to the tiny window high up in front of him. His internal clock told him it was still early but the sunlight was already bright outside.

Much saw Robin’s bow and sword propped up next to the chest. He rubbed the back of his neck. He chewed on his bottom lip. “Oh, please tell me you haven’t gone and done something stupid.”

Much was about to get up to search for Robin when he heard muffled voices from just outside the door.

“Djaq, maybe we should leave them be.”

Much froze at the sound of John’s voice.

“Go on, John,” Djaq answered. “Try. He’ll listen to you.”

“I don’t think he wants to listen to anyone right now. Besides, what can I say to him? Nothing’s going to make it better,” John said grimly.

Much shut his eyes. He knew that all too well. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t take Robin’s grief away.

“Please,” Djaq pleaded softly.

Much opened his eyes as the door opened. John took a hesitant step inside and stopped when he saw Much. Their eyes locked for a long moment and neither said a word.

Suddenly Djaq pushed John clear and pulled the door shut. There was the distinctive sound of a lock clicking into place. “Sorry, boys. Robin’s orders. He’ll be back to let you out later.” Her amusement was subdued but still clear.

John turned and tried the door anyway. “What does she mean? Robin’s orders?”

Much jumped to his feet. “Robin knows,” he blurted out anxiously.

John turned to face Much. He arched an eyebrow. “About us?”

“Yes,” Much squeaked.

“You told him?” John asked in disbelief.

Much’s shoulders stiffened. “Not exactly,” he answered defensively. “I was going to but he figured it out on his own.”

John thought on that for a moment. “I see,” he said slowly.

Much stared moodily at the floor, hands on his hips. “Said he knows me. He could tell by the way I look at you.”

John’s eyes grew wide in shock. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He shut his eyes and nodded.

“I should’ve known I wouldn’t be able to hide it from him. He can read me so easily when he cares to.” Much dared a quick peek at John. He sniffed. “I’ve missed you.”

“Much,” John sighed, still not looking at him.

“I know that I should’ve told Robin sooner. I should’ve found time,” Much rambled. “I thought…I didn’t expect you to push me away because of it.”

“It’s not that,” John interrupted.

“Then what is it?”

John turned away from Much. He pressed his forehead against the door. “I’ve been thinking about Alice and Little Little John a lot lately,” he whispered. “About how I’ve failed them. I wasn’t there when they needed me.”

“But,” Much tried to protest.

John didn’t raised his voice but the command was unmistakable. “Let me get it out.”

Much bit his tongue. He hugged his arms across his chest. He focused on John’s back.

“I know they had to go away for their own good. I know it’s too late for me and Alice. What I said to you before was true. I will always love her. That doesn’t mean I can’t love anyone else. But that doesn’t make it any easier. That doesn’t absolve me of guilt.”

Much couldn’t stand it anymore. He rushed over and hugged John from behind. He rested his cheek against John’s shoulder and found himself absurdly happy that John didn’t push him away. “You’re making it up to them by what we’re doing now,” he said with quiet intensity. “You’re helping to make their world better.” He paused and listened to John’s heavy breathing. “They’ve forgiven you. It’s time to start working on forgiving yourself.”

“What if…”

John’s voice was so low, Much had to strain to hear it. “What if what?” Much prodded gently.

“What if I let you down like I let them down?”

“I know you won’t,” Much answered simply and earnestly.

Suddenly, John turned and wrapped Much in a bear hug. “I’ve missed you too.”

Much pulled back enough to see John’s face. He held John’s gaze. “I will always love Robin. That doesn’t mean I can’t love anyone else.”

John smiled. He ran his hands up and down Much’s back.

Much grinned. “And I managed to say the words without stumbling over them.” He leaned in and started nipping at John’s lower lip.

John growled low in his throat. “Is this a good idea? Robin may be back soon.”

Much shoved John back against the door and pressed their bodies together. “No. Robin knows me too well.”

“But is this the right time, so soon after…”

Much started nuzzling that spot just below John’s ear. “Please, John. Help me forget about the horror of this week for a little while.”


Djaq found Robin with the pigeons. She went to stand next to him. “I’ve done as you asked.”

Robin gently cradled one of the birds. He stroked its feathers. “Good.”

“How long will you leave them there?”

Robin gave a small smile. “A while. They have some catching up to do.” He carefully placed the pigeon back in its niche in the wall. He didn’t look at her and his voice broke. “Will you come with me today to visit Marian?”

Djaq took his arm. “It would be an honor.”

fic, 2x13, much/little john

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