Fic: Hope for Healing - Chapter 12

Apr 22, 2010 13:47

Title: Hope for Healing - Chapter 12
Author: wastingyourgum 
Characters/Pairings: Matilda, Guy, Marian, Sarah
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama
Words: 1093
Disclaimer: BBC & TA own anything you find familiar.
Notes: Slightly shorter chapter this time - sorry. Thanks as usual to jagnikjen and robinfanatic for all their help.

Summary: Matilda discovers why Marian's fever has not yet broken...

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fic: hope for healing, char: marian, fic, char: guy, rating: pg, char: matilda, author: wastingyourgum

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Comments 16

kegel84 April 22 2010, 13:33:09 UTC
Aaah, what are they going to do?

Short, but interesting chapter! :D


wastingyourgum April 22 2010, 16:51:44 UTC
Aaah, what are they going to do?

One word:

Hang-glider XD

I kid, of course!)


railise April 22 2010, 14:00:06 UTC
HEE!! Oh, Marian, well-played! I adore the idea of these two clever women working together on an escape plan; this might be my favorite chapter yet. Plus, YES, let's get John out of the dungeon and back to the forest...


wastingyourgum April 22 2010, 16:53:18 UTC
Yep, John's pretty much at the end of his tether (as evidenced by the previous chapter). The dynamic duo need to get down there pronto...

Thanks for the comment!


ceanncait April 22 2010, 18:10:43 UTC
Oh! I hope Allan comes through for LJ. I just watched 2x11 and 2x12 last night so I know he's capable of heroics. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a total Allan fangirl, either. hee


wastingyourgum April 23 2010, 08:11:02 UTC
Umm, Marian just specifically said that she's not certain they can trust Allan so they're not going to get him involved.

That's not to say he won't still have a part to play in later chapters...


ceanncait April 23 2010, 17:15:47 UTC
Well, I know. I heard that. But, but...a girl can hope, can't she?


hippie_girl_31 April 22 2010, 23:35:58 UTC
Clever Marian! I've really missed her in this story. But now that she's back and clearly as plotting and artful as ever, things are sure to get even more interesting for everyone involved.

Interesting insight into Allan from Marian here. I wonder if she's right and that Allan wouldn't risk himself for John. I mean, I can certainly see why she'd be unsure, but I do wonder if she's not giving him enough credit. On the other hand, it took the entire gang facing certain death in 2x12 for Allan to throw aside all of his new-found security and rush off to help them. So I really don't know what Allan would or wouldn't do to save John. I guess I can see why Marian's unwilling to risk involving him.

But I am really worried about whatever it is that she's planning. Maybe Matilda's right and the fever has scrambled her wits, lol. But Marian and Matilda are each pretty awesome in their own right, so I can only imagine what they can accomplish when they work together. I'm excited to see what they get up to. I only hope they're not too late to ( ... )


wastingyourgum April 23 2010, 09:42:10 UTC
I think Marian would like to give Allan the benefit of the doubt but just can't quite bring herself to trust him completely. If it were just her own life she was risking she might take a chance on him but John (last seen thumping Allan in the jaw - with bells on) and Matilda as well?

Allan has just risked his life for her by pretending to be the Nightwatchman but that was on Guy's orders and after he chose not to help her in the barn in Locksley when the Nightwatchman was first caught (though he did stop Guy continuing the beating). I think Marian is still very undecided about Allan's true loyalties - as is Allan. He doesn't instantly rush off to help Robin and the gang when he hears of the trap in 2x12 - he has a good long think first.

Marian has a plan - possibly even more than half a plan ;) - but time is running out...

Thanks! (and hope you're feeling better!)


(The comment has been removed)

wastingyourgum April 23 2010, 10:06:14 UTC
Wow! I am just loving this feedback you're giving me! It's really helpful and a real eye-opener getting such response from someone coming at the story from a much different viewpoint than your own - thank you!

In my defense, I think you're possibly being a little over-defensive of your ship/favourite characters here (pot meet kettle - I do this for LJ about 90% of the time myself XD).

I certainly didn't intend Marian to come across as being either mocking or even remotely delighted in breaking Guy's heart.

She is aware of his concern, thanks mostly to Sarah telling her what's been going on, but remember she's not seen him and for now she is slightly more focussed on what she can do for John. She's more delighted in her cleverness at getting Matilda back to see her again rather than taking any delight in prolonging Guy's concern. It's just an unfortunate necessity.

She's not forgotten Guy entirely though...

"Please tell me this means that what I thought you told me is also true - Little John is not dead? Guy did not kill him?"She' ( ... )


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