Dogger, Fisher, German Bight

Jan 22, 2010 16:46

Author: mideltone_one
Title: Dogger, Fisher, German Bight
Words: 100
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer:The Robin Hood characters written about here belong to Tiger Aspect and the British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor is any money being made. I don't own them - if I did I'd be too busy drooling to write! All mistakes are mine.
Summary: The gang are waiting to sail.
Warnings: Set after the credits roll for 2x12.
Characters/Pairings: Allan, Will
Author's Note: In case you're wondering, "Dogger, Fisher, German Bight" are three maritime areas, often heard on the BBC's shipping forecast
Will rushes back to the others gathered at the quay side. "It looks like the worst is over" he announces, "The captain says we can sail at noon."

"Not bein' funny," says Allan, glancing at the boat, "but we 'ardly know 'im. Can we trust 'im?"
"We knew you," replies Will coolly, "and that didn't make you a safe bet, did it?"
Allan has no answer, staring at the ground.

The rough sea takes its toll on Will, but Allan stays with him, nursing his friend and their friendship. If sailing fixes them, perhaps it’s worth the risk after all.

cat: drabble (100 words), intercomm, rating: pg, fic, 2x12, char: will, cat: slash, author: mideltoneone

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