6/17/01 Day Sixteen -- Despina's IGJ Unbelievably Clumsy? (3/22/10; WC 124)

Jun 17, 2001 21:21

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Unbelievably Clumsy?

I actually used Sunday as a day of rest. No hitting people over the head, foiling arrest attempts, fighting for truth, justice, and the American way... which sure turns out to have a different meaning locally!

The ladies at Sunday School kept eying my bruises, dying to ask about them, but I didn't acknowledge that I had them. How do you tell them you took out a biker armed with a gun by bapping him over the head with a water pitcher? Or that you finked on Federal agents armed with machine guns? They see their town and part of the country as God fearing and safe. For them, it probably mostly is.

I wonder if they'd believe I'm unbelievably clumsy?


Last updated 3/22/10 Chained into story. Titled, added to TOC. 3/7/10 Added armed, bolded Sunday. 1/10/10.

Word Count: 124


sotfw -- sc: despina's journal

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